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手綱pronunciation: taZunakanji characters: 手 , 綱 translation: reins, bridle 手綱を取る: taZunaotoru: hold (the horse) by the bridle <<< 取 手綱を引き締める: taZunaohikishimeru: tighten [pull up] the reins 手綱を緩める: taZunaoyurumeru: slacken the reins, give the rein (to the horse) <<< 緩 synonyms: 轡 煙草pronunciation: tabakokanji characters: 煙 , 草 other spells: タバコ keyword: plant , amusement translation: tobacco, cigarette, cigar 煙草入れ: tabakoire: tobacco pouch, cigarette case <<< 入 煙草を吸う: tabakoosuu: smoke a cigarette <<< 吸 煙草を飲む: tabakoonomu <<< 飲 煙草を吹かす: tabakoohukasu: puff away at one's pipe [cigar, cigarette] <<< 吹 煙草屋: tabakoya: tobacco shop, cigar store, tobacconist <<< 屋 煙草店: tabakoten: tobacco shop, cigar store <<< 店 煙草盆: tabakobon: tobacco tray <<< 盆 葉煙草: hatabako: leaf tobacco <<< 葉 嗅ぎ煙草: kagitabako: snuff <<< 嗅 刻み煙草: kizamitabako: cut tobacco <<< 刻 噛み煙草: kamitabako: chewing tobacco <<< 噛 パイプ煙草: paiputabako: pipe tobacco <<< パイプ check also: 葉巻 , 喫煙 , パイプ 食物pronunciation: tabemono , shokumotsukanji characters: 食 , 物 other spells: 食べ物 keyword: food translation: food, provisions, victuals 食物が良い: tabemonogaii: be well fed <<< 良 食物が悪い: tabemonogawarui: be ill fed <<< 悪 食物を与える: tabemonooataeru: feed <<< 与 食物屋: tabemonoya: eating house, shop where food is sold <<< 屋 , 食堂 , レストラン 食物の恨み: tabemononourami: jealousy about food <<< 恨 synonyms: フード 足袋pronunciation: tabikanji characters: 足 , 袋 keyword: footwear translation: Japanese socks, tabi 足袋を履く: tabiohaku: put on tabi <<< 履 足袋を脱ぐ: tabionugu: take off tabi <<< 脱 足袋屋: tabiya: tabi maker [shop] <<< 屋 check also: 靴下
旅人pronunciation: tabibitokanji characters: 旅 , 人 keyword: travel translation: traveler, tourist 旅立ちpronunciation: tabidachikanji characters: 旅 , 立 keyword: travel translation: departure on a journey 旅立ちする: tabidachisuru: start [go] on a journey 旅先pronunciation: tabisakikanji characters: 旅 , 先 keyword: travel translation: travel destination 旅先で: tabisakide: during [on] one's journey 旅先から帰る: tabisakikarakaeru: return from one's journey <<< 帰 度々pronunciation: tabitabikanji characters: 度 other spells: 度度 keyword: time translation: many times, often, frequently, repeatedly 度々の: tabitabino: frequent, repeated synonyms: 屡々 多忙pronunciation: taboukanji characters: 多 , 忙 keyword: job translation: pressure of business 多忙な: tabouna: busy 多忙である: taboudearu: be occupied with, have much to do 多忙を極める: tabouokiwameru: be pressed by work, be busy as a bee <<< 極 多忙の為: tabounotame: on account of the pressure of business <<< 為 多分pronunciation: tabunkanji characters: 多 , 分 translation: probably, presumably, perhaps, maybe, (most) likely, I dare say 多分の: tabunnno: considerable, a great deal of 多分に: tabunnni: much, highly, greatly, to a great extent 御多分に漏れず: gotabunnnimorezu: like the rest, as is usual (with)
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