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邪悪pronunciation: jaakukanji characters: 邪 , 悪 keyword: crime translation: wickedness, malice 邪悪な: jaakuna: vicious, evil, wicked, malicious 蛇口pronunciation: jaguchikanji characters: 蛇 , 口 keyword: house translation: faucet, tap, spigot 蛇口を捻る: jaguchiohineru: turn on a faucet <<< 捻 蛇口を開ける: jaguchioakeru <<< 開 蛇口を閉じる: jaguchiotojiru: shut off a faucet <<< 閉 蛇口を閉める: jiguchioshimeru 邪気pronunciation: jakikanji characters: 邪 , 気 keyword: fantasy translation: spirit of mischief, evil spirit, spite 邪気を払う: jakioharau: dispel [drive away, chase away] evil spirits <<< 払 邪気の有る: jakinoaru: mischievous, wicked, vicious, malicious <<< 有 邪気の無い: jakinonai: guileless, harmless, innocent <<< 無 無邪気: mujaki: innocence 無邪気な: mujakina: naïve, innocent 無邪気に: mujakini: naïvely, innocently 若干pronunciation: jakkankanji characters: 若 , 干 translation: some, a little, a few 若干の: jakkannno 若干名: jakkanmei: some people <<< 名 若干名の人: jakkanmeinohito <<< 人
弱点pronunciation: jakutenkanji characters: 弱 , 点 translation: weak point, defect, weakness 弱点を突く: jakutennotsuku: take advantage of a person's weak spot, avail oneself of a person's disadvantage <<< 突 弱点に乗じる: jakutennnijoujiru <<< 乗 邪魔pronunciation: jamakanji characters: 邪 , 魔 translation: disturbance, obstacle, hindrance, obstruction 邪魔な: jamana: hindering, obstructive, clogging 邪魔する: jamasuru: disturb, obstruct 邪魔だ: jamada: Get out of my way 邪魔に成る: jamaninaru: be [stand, get] in the way <<< 成 synonyms: 干渉 , 障害 , 妨害 砂利pronunciation: jarikanji characters: 砂 , 利 keyword: construction translation: gravel, pebbles, shingle, kid, brat 砂利を敷く: jarioshiku: gravel (a road) <<< 敷 砂利道: jarimichi: gravel walk (road) <<< 道 慈愛pronunciation: jiaikanji characters: 慈 , 愛 keyword: love translation: affection, love 慈愛に満ちた: jiainimichita: affectionate, loving, benevolent <<< 満 慈愛深い: jiaibukai <<< 深 地合pronunciation: jiaikanji characters: 地 , 合 keyword: market translation: texture, market condition 地合が良い: jiaigaii: It is of fine texture, The market is in a good condition <<< 良 地合が悪い: jiaigawarui: It is of coarse texture, The market is in a bad condition <<< 悪 磁場pronunciation: jibakanji characters: 磁 , 場 keyword: physics translation: magnetic field
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