Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: 商談,照度,消毒,衝動,硝煙,小宴,生姜,生涯,障害,小学

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Direct access: 商談 , 照度 , 消毒 , 衝動 , 硝煙 , 小宴 , 生姜 , 生涯 , 障害 , 小学


pronunciation: shoudan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: business talk, negotiations
商談する: shoudansuru: talk business (with), have a business talk (with), negotiate (with)
商談を行う: shoudannookonau <<<


pronunciation: shoudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: illuminance, lux
照度計: shoudokei: illuminance meter <<<
check also: 輝度


pronunciation: shoudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: disinfection, sterilization
消毒する: shoudokusuru: disinfect, subject to disinfection, sterilize
消毒した: shoudokushita: disinfected, sterilized
消毒衣: shoudokui: disinfected clothes <<<
消毒液: shoudokueki: disinfectant solution <<<
消毒器: shoudokuki: sterilizer <<<
消毒室: shoudokushitsu: disinfected room [station] <<<
消毒所: shoudokujo <<<
消毒綿: shoudokumen: sterilized cotton <<< 綿
消毒薬: shoudokuyaku: disinfectant <<<
消毒剤: shoudokuzai <<<
消毒包帯: shoudokuhoutai: sterilized bandages <<< 包帯
傷口を消毒する: kizuguchioshoudokusuru: disinfect a wound <<< 傷口
熱湯消毒: nettoushoudoku: disinfection with boiling water <<< 熱湯
熱湯消毒をする: nettoushoudokuosuru: disinfect with boiling water <<< 熱湯
日光消毒: nikkoushoudoku: disinfections by sunlight <<< 日光
熱気消毒: nekkishoudoku: hot-air sterilization <<< 熱気


pronunciation: shoudou
kanji characters: ,
translation: impulse, impetus, urge
衝動的に: shoudoutekini: on the spur of the moment, impulsively, on impulse <<<
衝動に駆られて: shoudounikararete: on impulse, from [by] an impulse <<<
衝動に駆られる: shoudounikarareru: be driven by an impulse (to do)
衝動に負ける: shoudounimakeru <<<
衝動買い: shoudougai: purchase on impulse <<<


pronunciation: shouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: powder smoke


pronunciation: shouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest
translation: small banquet, informal party
小宴を催す: shouennomoyoosu: give a small banquet <<<


pronunciation: shouga
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ショウガ
keyword: condiment
translation: ginger
紅生姜: benishouga: red pickled ginger <<<
check also: 茗荷


pronunciation: shougai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: life, career, lifetime, for life, throughout (all) one's life, so long as one lives, to the end of one's life
生涯の: shougaino: lifelong
生涯を通じて: shougaiotsuujite: throughout his life, for as long as he lived [lives], all one's life <<<
生涯の友: shougainotomo: lifelong [lifetime] friend <<<
生涯の仕事: shougainoshigoto: (one's) lifework <<< 仕事
生涯学習: shougaigakushuu: lifelong learning [study] <<< 学習
生涯教育: shougaikyouiku: lifelong education <<< 教育


pronunciation: shougai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , medicine
translation: obstruction, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, drawback, barrier, disability, defect
障害になる: shougaininaru: hinder, impede, be in the way, be a hindrance to
障害者: shougaisha: disabled person, defective <<<
障害物: shougaibutsu: obstacle, hurdle, barricade, hobble <<<
障害物競走: shougaibutsukyousou: obstacle race, hurdle race, steeplechase <<< 競走
機能障害: kinoushougai: functional disorder <<< 機能
官能障害: kannnoushougai: sensory disorder <<< 官能
記憶障害: kiokushougai: disturbance of memory <<< 記憶
更年期障害: kounenkishougai: climacteric disorders <<< 更年期
胃腸障害: ichoushougai: stomach [digestive] disorder <<< 胃腸
栄養障害: eiyoushougai: nutritional disturbances <<< 栄養
身体障害: shintaishougai: physical handicap <<< 身体
受信障害: jushinshougai: (be troubled by) poor reception <<< 受信
情緒障害: jouchoshougai: emotional disorder <<< 情緒
言語障害: gengoshougai: speech defect <<< 言語
check also: 邪魔 , 妨害


pronunciation: shougaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: elementary study [learning]
小学生: shougakusei: pupil <<<
小学校: shougakkou: elementary school <<<
小学校教員: shougakkoukyouin: elementary school's teacher <<< 教員
小学教育: shougakukyouiku: elementary education <<< 教育
check also: 中学 , 大学

The displayed words on this page are 7118 - 7127 among 8899.
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Last update: 10/01/25 18:10