Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 軍,査,負,怒,逆,歪,狩,茹,哀,飛

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category: to learn in school
keyword: war
nb of strokes: 9
translation: army, war, battle, soldier
軍: gun: army
軍を率いる: gunnohikiiru: lead [command] an army <<<
軍の: gunnno: military
軍: ikusa: war, battle <<< ,
軍: tsuwamono: soldier, warrior, brave <<<
Kanji words: 軍馬 , 軍団 , 軍事 , 軍人 , 軍艦 , 軍旗 , 軍国 , 軍医 , 軍服 , 軍神 , 軍曹 , 軍隊 , 軍刀 , 海軍 , 空軍 , 陸軍 , 軍鶏 , 将軍 , 友軍
Expressions: 防衛軍 , 同盟軍 , 遠征軍 , 凱旋軍 , 派遣軍 , 反乱軍 , 包囲軍 , 上陸軍 , 十字軍 , 解放軍 , 軍階級 , 革命軍 , 軍の機密 , 国防軍 , 国連軍 , 攻撃軍 , 強行軍 , 救援軍 , 救世軍 , 連合軍 , 籠城軍 , 正規軍 , 占領軍 , 支援軍 , 侵略軍 , 退却軍 , 予備軍 , ロシア軍

category: to learn in school
keyword: science
nb of strokes: 9
translation: examine, control, probe, investigate
査べる: shiraberu: examine (v.), control, probe, investigate <<< 調
Kanji words: 調査 , 巡査 , 監査 , 検査 , 査証 , 査定 , 審査 , 捜査

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport
nb of strokes: 9
translation: lose, be defeated, betray (ext.), disobey
hu, bu
負の: huno: negative <<< マイナス
負ける: makeru: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose (a game), get the worst of it, be inferior (to), reduce [lower] (the price), take off, yield [bow] (to), give way (to), be overcome (with)
負かす: makasu: beat, defeat, get the better of, outdo (a person), whack
負けて遣る: maketeyaru: concede <<<
負けるが勝ち: makerugakachi: he that fights and runs away may live to fight another day, sometimes you have to lose to win <<<
負け: make: defeat, loss
負け越す: makekosu: be led by, be behind <<<
負けず劣らず: makezuotorazu: equally, neck and neck <<<
負けず嫌い: makezugirai: unyielding, unbending, obstinate, stubborn <<<
負く: somuku: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<<
負う: ou: bear [carry] on one's back, take upon oneself, undertake [shoulder] (the responsibility), be charged with, owe, be due [indebted, under obligation] to
Kanji words: 抱負 , 負債 , 負傷 , 負担 , 自負 , 負け惜しみ , 御負け , 勝負
Expressions: 背負う , 背負わせる , 罪を負う , 傷を負う , 傷を負った , 傷を負わせる , 請け負う , 賭けに負ける , 博打で負ける , 外傷を負う , 議論に負ける , 反則負け , 反則負けする , 重傷を負う , 重傷を負わせる , 剃刀負けする , 怪我を負わせる , 怪我負け , 気合負けする , 綺麗に負ける , 競技に負ける , 競走に負ける , 競争に負ける , 重荷を負う , 裁判に負ける , 責任を負う , 責任を負わぬ , 選挙に負ける , 戦争に負ける , 試合に負ける , 始末に負えない , 勝負に負ける , 衝動に負ける , 訴訟に負ける , 誘惑に負ける , ストレートで負ける

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 9
translation: angry, anger, furious, provoke, displease, exacerbate, roil
do, nu
怒る: okoru: get angry, become furious
怒る: ikaru
怒らす: okorasu: make (a person) angry [mad, offend], provoke, displease, exacerbate, roil
怒らせる: okoraseru
怒らす: ikarasu
怒らせる: ikaraseru
怒りっぽい: okorippoi: touchy, testy, quick-tempered, irascible, feisty
怒りっぽい: ikarippoi
怒り: ikari: anger, rage, displeasure
怒りに燃える: ikarinimoeru: burn [be furious] with anger <<<
怒りに任せて: ikarinimakasete: in a fit of anger <<<
怒りを抑える: ikarioosaeru: repress one's anger <<<
怒りを買う: ikariokau: incur a person's anger <<<
怒鳴る: donaru: cry (out), roar, shout, yell <<<
怒鳴り付ける: donaritsukeru: roar [thunder, explode] (at a person)
怒鳴り込む: donarikomu: storm into (to make a protest)
Kanji words: 怒号 , 怒声 , 激怒
Expressions: 直ぐ怒る , 肩を怒らして , 怒りの葡萄

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
nb of strokes: 9
translation: go to meet, oppose (ext.), object (v.), reverse, against
gyaku, geki
逆らう: sakarau: oppose, object (v.)
逆さ, 逆さま: sakasa, sakasama: inversion, reverse, opposition
逆さの: sakasano: upside-down (a.), inverted, reversed, opposite, topsy-turvy
逆さに: sakasani: wrong side [way] up, upside-down (adv.), topsy-turvy
逆さにする: sakasanisuru: turn (a thing) upside down, invert, reverse, upend
逆さに落ちる: sakasaniochiru: fall headlong [head over heels] <<<
逆える: mukaeru: go to meet, go against <<<
逆め: arakajime: beforehand, previously, in advance <<<
逆: saka: against (pref.), pers.
Kanji words: 逆張り , 逆風 , 逆上 , 逆行 , 逆流 , 逆説 , 逆走 , 逆転 , 反逆 , 真逆 , 逆立 , 吃逆
Expressions: 世に逆らう , 風に逆らって , 流れに逆らって , 逆方向 , 逆方向に , 風潮に逆らう , 時代に逆らう , 逆さ睫毛 , 逆三尊 , 逆提案 , 逆時計回り , 逆スパイ

category: JIS1
keyword: mechanics
nb of strokes: 9
translation: warp, swerve, distort, contort, bend, crook
歪む: yugamu: warp (v.), swerve, be distorted, be contorted, be bent, be crooked
歪んだ: yuganda: bent, distorted, crooked, awry
歪める: yugameru: bend, distort, crook, wry, skew
歪み: yugami: distortion, twist, crookedness, warp
歪: hizumi, ibitsu: distortion, warp (n.), strain
Kanji words: 歪曲
Expressions: 唇を歪める , 口元を歪める
check also:

category: common usage
keyword: animal
nb of strokes: 9
translation: hunt, chase
狩り: kari: hunt (n.), hunting, shooting, chase, search (jp.), excursion
狩をする: kariosuru: hunt (vt.), chase
狩る: karu: hunt, shoot
狩に行く: kariniiku: go (out) hunting [shooting] <<<
狩り立てる: karitateru: chase, hunt out <<<
Kanji words: 狩人 , 狩猟 , 鷹狩
Expressions: 魔女狩り , 松茸狩り , 松茸狩りをする , 猛獣狩

category: JIS2
keyword: food
nb of strokes: 9
translation: eat, boil
jo, ju
茹う: kuu: eat (vegetables) <<<
茹でる: yuderu: boil
茹だる: udaru: be boiled, swelter

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 9
translation: sad, pathetic, pitiful, piteous, poor, miserable, wretched
哀しい: kanashii: sad, unhappy, sorrowful <<<
哀れ: aware: pity, compassion, sadness, pathos
哀れな: awarena: sad, pathetic, pitiful, piteous, poor, miserable, wretched, plaintive, forlorn
哀れむ: awaremu: feel pity for, take pity on, pity (v.)
哀れに思う: awareniomou <<<
Kanji words: 哀願 , 哀歌 , 悲哀 , 可哀相
Expressions: 哀れな末路

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , airplane
nb of strokes: 9
translation: fly, jump, launch
飛ぶ: tobu: fly, jump
飛ばす: tobasu: let fly, blow off, splash, launch
飛び上がる: tobiagaru: fly up [aloft], soar, spring [jump] up, jump to one's feet <<<
飛び歩く: tobiaruku: run about, romp <<<
飛び起きる: tobiokiru: jump out of bed, start up, spring to one's feet <<<
飛び降りる: tobioriru: jump [leap] down <<<
飛び掛かる: tobikakaru: spring [leap, rush] up, fly at, throw [fling] oneself upon <<<
飛び付く: tobitsuku: fly [jump] at, jump up to <<<
飛び越える: tobikoeru: jump [leap, spring, vault] over, fly across <<<
飛び込む: tobikomu: jump [spring, leap, plunge] in [into], rush [dash, run] in, dive into, fly into <<<
飛び出す: tobidasu: jump [fly] out, run [rush, burst] out, project, protrude <<<
飛び立つ: tobitatsu: fly away [off], take wing, take off <<<
飛び乗る: tobinoru: jump upon (a horse), jump into (a train, a bus), hop (a train) <<<
飛び跳ねる: tobihaneru: hop, jump up and down, romp (about) <<<
飛び回る: tobimawaru: fly [jump] about, romp about, hustle [bustle, rush] about, busy oneself <<<
飛び散る: tobichiru: fly about [off] (in different directions), scatter, splash <<<
飛んで来る: tondekuru: come running <<<
飛ぶ様に: tobuyouni: swiftly, like the wind <<<
飛ぶ様に売れる: tobuyouniureru: sell like hot cakes
飛ぶ鳥も落とす勢い: tobutorimootosuikioi: at the zenith [summit] of one's power [prosperity]
飛んで火に入いる夏の虫: tondehiniirunatsunomushi: like a moth flying into the flame.
Kanji words: 飛蝗 , 飛行 , 飛脚 , 飛龍 , 飛車 , 飛翔 , 飛躍 , 飛沫 , 飛切 , 飛魚
Expressions: 叱り飛ばす , 売り飛ばす , 吹き飛ばす , 空を飛ぶ , 突き飛ばす , 笑い飛ばす , 鳩を飛ばす , 跳ね飛ばす , 鳴かず飛ばず , 撥ね飛ばす , 檄を飛ばす , 蹴飛ばす , 飛び道具 , 冗談を飛ばす , 飛沫を飛ばす , 野次を飛ばす , ギャグを飛ばす , デマを飛ばす , ヒューズが飛ぶ
synonyms: , ジャンプ

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