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整category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 16 translation: order, arrange, settle, fix up sei 整える: totonoeru: put in order, arrange, settle, fix up, rig (up, out) 整う: totonou: be in order, be arranged Kanji words: 調整 , 整備 , 整地 , 整形 , 整理 , 整数 , 整体 , 整頓 Expressions: 髪を整える , 服装を整える , 準備が整う , 顔立ちの整った , 献立を整える , 協議が整う , 設備が整った , 支度が整う , 体調を整える , 態勢を整える synonyms: 調 糖category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: confectionery nb of strokes: 16 translation: sugar, sweets tou, dou 糖: satou: sugar <<< 砂糖 糖: ame: candy, sweets <<< 飴 Kanji words: 砂糖 , 糖分 , 糖尿病 Expressions: 葡萄糖 , 澱粉糖 録category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: book nb of strokes: 16 translation: record, note, describe roku, ryoku 録す: shirusu: record, write [note, jot] down, put [set] down, describe, give an account (of) <<< 印 , 記 Kanji words: 記録 , 録画 , 録音 , 登録 Expressions: 議事録 , 人名録 , 住所録 , 会議録 , 回想録 , 感想録 , 講義録 , 黙示録 , 紳士録 , 職員録 麺category: JIS1radical: keyword: cereal nb of strokes: 16 translation: flour, noodles men, ben 麺: men: noodles 麺: mugiko: flour 麺: soba: buckwheat doodles [flour] <<< 蕎麦 麺: udon: wheat noodles <<< 饂飩 Kanji words: 麺棒 , 拉麺 Expressions: 即席麺
膳category: JIS1radical: keyword: furniture nb of strokes: 16 translation: well prepared meat sen, zen 膳: zen: tray, small dinner table, meal <<< テーブル 膳に着く: zennnitsuku: sit at [sit down to] table <<< 着 膳に出す: zennnidasu: serve (up) at a person's table <<< 出 膳を据える: zennosueru: set a dinner table, set a meal (before a person) <<< 据 膳を引く: zennohiku: clear the table <<< 引 膳を下げる: zennosageru <<< 下 膳: kashiwa: chicken, fowl <<< 鶏肉 Kanji words: 配膳 憶category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 16 translation: recollect, remember, recall oku 憶う: omou: recollect, remember, recall 憶える: oboeru: remember, keep [bear] (a matter) in mind <<< 覚 Kanji words: 記憶 , 憶測 , 追憶 Expressions: 台詞を憶える synonyms: 思 , 想 , 念 獲category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 16 translation: get, take, obtain, acquire kaku 獲る: eru <<< 得 Kanji words: 獲物 , 獲得 , 鹵獲 錘category: common usageradical: keyword: tool nb of strokes: 16 translation: weight, plummet, plumb, sinker sui, tsui 錘: omori <<< 重 錘: tsumu: parts of spinning machine Kanji words: 紡錘 錯category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 16 translation: rasp, mix (bor.), confuse, mistake saku, so 錯: yasuri: rasp, file (n.) <<< 鑢 錯じる: majiru: mix, confuse <<< 混 , 雑 錯る: ayamaru: mistake, err <<< 誤 Kanji words: 交錯 , 錯覚 , 錯乱 , 錯綜 隷category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 16 translation: servant, slave, obey, follow, accompany rei, rai 隷: shimobe: servant, slave <<< 僕 隷う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany <<< 従 , 随 , 順 Kanji words: 奴隷 , 隷属
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