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梁category: JIS1radical: keyword: construction nb of strokes: 11 translation: beam, crossbeam, weir ryou 梁: hashi: crossbeam, bridge <<< 橋 梁: hari: beam 梁: utsubari 梁: yana: weir, fish trap 涼category: common usageradical: keyword: weather nb of strokes: 11 translation: dilute (orig.), cool (bor.), fresh ryou 涼しい: suzushii: cool, refreshing 涼しい顔をする: suzushiikaoosuru: look unconcerned, assume a nonchalant air <<< 顔 涼しさ: suzushisa: coolness 涼しく成る: suzushikunaru: become cool <<< 成 涼み: suzumi: cooling spot 涼む: suzumu: make oneself cool (jp.) 涼い: usui: weak, thin, washy <<< 薄 涼に: makotoni: truly <<< 真 Kanji words: 涼風 check also: 冷 貧category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: life nb of strokes: 11 translation: poor, needy, indigent, destitute hin, bin 貧しい: mazushii: poor, needy, indigent, destitute 貧しさ: mazushisa: poverty 貧しく成る: mazushikunaru: get poorer <<< 成 貧する: hinsuru 貧すれば鈍する: hinsurebadonsuru: Want [Poverty] dulls wit <<< 鈍 Kanji words: 貧乏 , 貧弱 , 貧血 , 貧困 antonyms: 富 菜category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: vegetable nb of strokes: 11 translation: vegetable sai 菜: sai: second dish (jp.) <<< 御数 菜: na: greens, green stuff Kanji words: 油菜 , 白菜 , 菜の花 , 菜種 , 菜食 , 主菜 , 総菜 , 鈴菜 , 野菜 , 前菜 Expressions: 辛子菜 , サラダ菜
掻category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: scratch, scrape, noisy sou 掻く: kaku: scratch (v.), scrape, rake (jp.), paddle, stroke, shove 掻い摘まむ: kaitsumamu: summarize, sum up <<< 摘 掻い摘まんで言えば: kaitsumandeieba: to make a long history short, in short, in a word, to sum up 掻き集める: kakiatsumeru: rake [scrape] up [together], scratch [gather] up <<< 集 掻き出す: kakidasu: scrape [rake] out <<< 出 掻き立てる: kakitateru: stir up, poke (the fire) <<< 立 掻ぐ: sawagu: make a noise, be noisy <<< 騒 Kanji words: 耳掻き , 雪掻き Expressions: 引っ掻く , 汗を掻く , 汗を掻いている , 恥を掻く , 恥を掻かせる , 雪を掻く , 頭を掻く , 鼾を掻く , 鼾掻き , 胡坐を掻く , 冷汗を掻く , 熊手で掻く , ショベルで掻く 強category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: sport , mechanics nb of strokes: 11 translation: strong, robust, solid kyou, gou 強い: tsuyoi: strong, powerful, mighty, robust, vigorous, solid 強い酒: tsuyoisake: strong [hard] drink <<< 酒 強い風: tsuyoikaze: strong [violent] wind <<< 風 強い光: tsuyoihikari: strong light <<< 光 強く: tsuyoku: strongly, powerfully, firmly, hard, severely, violently 強める: tsuyomeru: intensify (vt.) 強まる: tsuyomaru: become strong, intensify (vi.) 強く成る: tsuyokunaru <<< 成 強さ: tsuyosa: strength, power, intensity, vigor 強がり: tsuyogari: bluff (n.), show of courage 強がりを言う: tsuyogarioiu, tsuyogarioyuu: bluff (v.) <<< 言 強める: tsutomeru: strive, endeavor <<< 努 強いる: shiiru: compel, force 強いて: shiite: forcibly 強い: kowai: tough, stiff 強ち: anagachi: (not) necessarily, (not) always 強: kowa, tsutomu: pers. Kanji words: 勉強 , 頑強 , 強情 , 強姦 , 強盗 , 強欲 , 補強 , 強調 , 強大 , 強度 , 強豪 , 強迫 , 強化 , 強健 , 強硬 , 強行 , 強烈 , 強力 , 強制 , 強壮 , 強要 , 最強 , 強気 , 増強 Expressions: 力が強い , 心強い , 気の強い , 我の強い , 風の強い , 酒が強い , 根強い , 船に強い , 粘り強い , 意を強くする , 腰の強い , 強打者 , 電流の強さ , 強塩基 , 我慢強い , 我慢強く , 胃腸が強い , 意志の強い , 自信が強い , 火力の強い , 個性の強い , 好奇心の強い , 無理強い , 忍耐強い , 忍耐強く , 性格が強い , 刺激の強い , 辛抱強い , 辛抱強く , 心臓が強い , 視力が強い , 自惚れの強い antonyms: 弱 蛎category: JIS1radical: keyword: mollusk nb of strokes: 11 translation: oyster rei 蛎: kaki synonyms: 牡蠣 常category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: constant, banal, perpetual, eternity jou, shou 常: tsune: usual state [condition], ordinary course of things, common usage, way of the world 常の: tsuneno: usual, ordinary, customary, habitual 常に: tsuneni: always, at all times, as a rule, customarily, habitually, constantly 常ならぬ: tsunenaranu: unusual, strange, passing, transitory, transient, unstable 常: tokoshie: eternity <<< 永 常: nami: common, banal <<< 並 常: toko: constant (pref., jp.) Kanji words: 非常 , 異常 , 尋常 , 常務 , 常連 , 常識 , 常習 , 常態 , 常套 , 常用 , 無常 , 日常 , 庭常 , 正常 , 通常 Expressions: 世の常 , 常得意 酔category: common usageradical: keyword: drink nb of strokes: 11 translation: get drunk sui 酔う: you: get drunk, become [get] intoxicated [tipsy], get seasick [carsick, airsick] 酔った: yotta: drunk, seasick, carsick, airsick 酔わす: yowasu: inebriate, make (a person) drunk, intoxicate, fascinate, charm 酔わせる: yowaseru Kanji words: 泥酔 , 麻酔 , 陶酔 , 酔払 Expressions: 船に酔う , 二日酔い , 二日酔いをする , 歓喜に酔う , 乗物酔い 偽category: common usageradical: keyword: crime nb of strokes: 11 translation: lie (n.), imitation, false gi, ka 偽り: itsuwari: lie (n.), falsehood, shenanigan 偽りの: itsuwarino: false, untrue, deceitful 偽りを言う: itsuwarioiu: tell a lie <<< 言 偽る: itsuwaru: tell a lie, falsify, deceive, cheat, pretend, feign 偽って: itsuwatte: by deceit [fraud] 偽: nise: imitation, copy <<< 贋 Kanji words: 偽書 , 偽装 , 偽善 , 偽造 , 偽者 , 偽物 , 偽札 Expressions: 住所を偽る , 国籍を偽る , 姓名を偽る , 偽ティファニー
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