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萎category: JIS1radical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 12 translation: wither, droop, weaken, wilt i 萎える: naeru: wither, droop, lose strength, weaken, be paralyzed <<< 麻痺 萎れる: shioreru: wither, droop, be dejected, be dispirited, be cast down, wilt 萎む: shibomu: fade (v.), wither, droop Kanji words: 萎縮 湊category: JIS1radical: keyword: ship nb of strokes: 12 translation: harbor, port, haven, gather (ships gather in harbor), crowd, swarm sou 湊: minato: harbor, port, haven <<< 港 湊まる: atsumaru: gather, crowd, swarm <<< 集 跌category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: stumble, mistake tetsu 跌く: tsumazuku: stumble (over, against), take a false step <<< 蹉 跌つ: ayamatsu: mistake, err, make a mistake [an error]) <<< 過 , 誤 揉category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: crumple, rumple juu 揉む: momu: crumple, rumple, massage <<< マッサージ 揉める: momeru: have [be in] trouble (with), be in discord (with)
偉category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: great, extraordinary, famous i 偉い: erai: great, extraordinary, famous, serious (jp.), awful, violent 偉い人: eraihito: great man <<< 人 偉い目に遭う: eraimeniau: have a hard time of it 偉そうな: erasouna: haughty, arrogant, important-looking 偉そうな顔をする: erasounakaoosuru: look big <<< 顔 偉そうな事を言う: erasounakotooiu: talk big Kanji words: 偉大 , 偉人 揺category: common usageradical: keyword: mechanics nb of strokes: 12 translation: shake, rock, swing, sway, waver, flicker, jolt, wiggle you 揺する: yusuru: shake (vt.), rock, swing 揺すぶる: yusuburu 揺らす: yurasu 揺さぶる: yusaburu 揺さぶり: yusaburi: shake (n.), rock, swing 揺れる: yureru: shake (vi.), sway, rock, swing. flicker, jolt, wiggle, fizzle 揺る: yuru 揺れ: yure: shaking, shake (n.), swaying motion, tremor, shock, jolting, rolling, pitching 揺らぐ: yuragu: swing, sway, shake, waver, flicker 揺るぐ: yurugu: waver, shake 揺るぎない: yuruginai: firm, solid, secure, steady 揺るがす: yurugasu: shake, swing, sway, shock, undermine, jog 揺り動かす: yuriugokasu <<< 動 揺り起こす: yuriokosu: shake (a person) out of sleep, wake (a person) by shaking <<< 起 揺り落とす: yuriotosu: shake down <<< 落 揺く: ugoku: move (vi.), stir, shake, swing, sway, <<< 動 Kanji words: 動揺 , 揺籠 Expressions: 貧乏揺り , 揺れる火影 , 揺り椅子 敢category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: dare, venture kan 敢て: aete: boldly, daringly 敢えてする: aetesuru: dare [venture, make bold] to do Kanji words: 敢闘 , 勇敢 Expressions: 取り敢えず 貶category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: drop, fall, collapse, retreat, recede, withdraw, retire, leave, quit hen 貶とす: otosu: drop (vt.), let fall, collapse <<< 堕 貶める: otoshimeru: show contempt for; look down upon; have a low opinion of 貶ける: shirizokeru: retreat, recede, withdraw, retire, leave, quit <<< 退 貶なす: kenasu: speak ill [slightingly] of, abuse, despise, slander, cry [run] down, belittle, criticize, denigrate, vilify, slur, disparage Expressions: 名誉を貶める 博category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy haku, baku 博い: hiroi: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy <<< 広 博める: hiromeru: spill, spread <<< 広 博: sugoroku: Japanese backgammon <<< 双六 博: hiroshi: pers. Kanji words: 博打 , 博愛 , 博物 , 博覧 , 博士 , 賭博 Expressions: 好評を博する , 恐竜博 , 名声を博する , 称賛を博する 間category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: time , house nb of strokes: 12 translation: space, room, between, during kan, ken 間: aida: space, distance, intervals, relations, between 間か: shizuka: calm, quiet <<< 静 間かに: hisokani: secretly <<< 密 間てる: hedateru: separate <<< 隔 間: ma: spare time, leisure, interval, timing, room (jp.), chamber 間を空ける: maoakeru: leave a space (between) <<< 空 間を置く: maooku <<< 置 間を置いて: maooite: at intervals <<< 置 間が有る: magaaru: have time, There is some time before <<< 有 間も無く: mamonaku: soon, presently, shortly, before long, in a short time <<< 無 間が悪い: magawarui: be unlucky, feel awkward [embarrassed] <<< 悪 間が悪く: magawaruku: unluckily, unfortunately <<< 悪 間に合う: maniau: be in time (for), catch, answer [serve] the purpose, be of use, be enough <<< 合 間に合わせ: maniawase: makeshift (n.), stopgap, apology <<< 合 間に合わせの: maniawaseno: makeshift (a.), temporary <<< 合 間に合わせる: maniawaseru: make shift (with), manage (with), make (a thing) to, have [get] (a thing) ready <<< 合 Kanji words: 合間 , 中間 , 月間 , 昼間 , 居間 , 時間 , 間隙 , 間隔 , 間接 , 間食 , 期間 , 小間 , 区間 , 空間 , 客間 , 間違 , 間取 , 間借 , 幕間 , 間抜け , 民間 , 仲間 , 年間 , 人間 , 欄間 , 世間 , 瞬間 , 週間 , 隙間 , 谷間 , 手間 , 床の間 , 夜間 Expressions: 久しい間 , 次の間 , 束の間に , 束の間の , 長い間 , 長い間には , 奥の間 , 瞬く間に , 鏡の間 , 一寸の間に , 半年間の , 二人の間で , 一時間 , 一生の間に , 一瞬間 , 一瞬の間に , 一週間 , 何時の間にか , 何時の間に , 五日間 , 九日間 , 六日間 , 御茶の間 , 応接間 , 四日間 synonyms: スペース
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