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欅category: JIS2radical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 21 translation: zelkova tree kyo 欅: keyaki check also: 椋 鰤category: JIS2radical: keyword: fish nb of strokes: 21 translation: old fish shi 鰤: buri: five-ray yellowtail (jp.), Japanese amberjack 殲category: JIS2radical: keyword: war nb of strokes: 21 translation: exhaust, destroy, overthrow sen 殲す: tsukusu: exhaust <<< 尽 殲ぼす: horobosu: destroy, overthrow <<< 滅 Kanji words: 殲滅 齧category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 21 translation: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate, nibble ketsu, getsu 齧む: kamu: bite, gnaw, chew, masticate 齧る: kajiru: gnaw (upon), nibble (at), bite (at), have a smattering of Expressions: 脛を齧る synonyms: 噛
囃category: JIS2radical: keyword: music nb of strokes: 21 translation: music band (anc.), festival music sou 囃: hayashi 囃す: hayasu: play music, accompany with a music, applaud (jp.), cheer, tease [taunt, banter] (a person) 囃し立てる: hayashitateru: applaud, cheer, tease [taunt, banter] (a person) <<< 立 Kanji words: 囃子 Expressions: 持て囃す 纏category: JIS1radical: keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 21 translation: wrap, collect, gather ten, den 纏める: matomeru: tie up, collect, gather, arrange, put in order, finish, complete, settle, bring to a conclusion <<< 決定 纏めて: matomete: together, in total 纏まる: matomaru: be tied up, be collected, be put in order, be finished, be completed, be settled, come to a conclusion 纏まり: matomari: conclusion, settlement, unity, coherence 纏まりの有る: matomarinoaru: united, cohesive, coherent <<< 有 纏まりの無い: matomarinonai: disorganized, messy, confused, incoherent <<< 無 纏う: matou: wrap (a thing) around oneself, wear, put on <<< ラップ , 着 纏わる: matsuwaru: follow about (a person), wind [coil] round 纏: matoi: fireman's standard (jp.) 纏い付く: matoitsuku: be wrapped around (a thing), bother (a person) <<< 付 Expressions: 付き纏う , 縁談を纏める , 取引を纏める 躍category: common usageradical: keyword: sport nb of strokes: 21 translation: jump, fly, dance yaku teki 躍る: odoru: jump, fly, dance Kanji words: 暗躍 , 跳躍 , 飛躍 , 活躍 , 躍進 check also: 踊 , 跳 艦category: common usageradical: keyword: ship nb of strokes: 21 translation: warship, ship, vessel kan 艦: hune: ship, vessel <<< 船 艦: ikusabune: warship Kanji words: 母艦 , 軍艦 , 巡洋艦 , 艦長 , 艦橋 , 艦船 , 艦隊 , 艦艇 , 旗艦 , 戦艦 , 揚陸艦 Expressions: 護衛艦 , 補助艦 , 自衛艦 , 警備艦 , 鋼鉄艦 , 駆逐艦 , 潜水艦 , 姉妹艦 , 主力艦 , イージス艦 顧category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 21 translation: look back, reflect, consider ko 顧みる: kaerimiru: look back, mind, attend (to), reflect (upon), take into consideration, consider Kanji words: 顧客 , 顧問 synonyms: 省 齎category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 21 translation: bring (fortune, treasure), carry, lead sei, sai, shi 齎す: motarasu: bring (about, on), carry, result in, lead to 齎: takara: fortune, treasure <<< 宝 Expressions: 吉報を齎す , 幸運を齎す , 恐慌を齎す
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