Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 緯,錐,鎚,憬,髷,橇,薙,壌,墾,窺

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: common usage
keyword: geography
nb of strokes: 16
translation: woof, weft, horizontal (ext.)
緯: yokoito: woof, weft
Kanji words: 北緯 , 緯度 , 経緯 , 南緯

category: JIS1
keyword: tool
nb of strokes: 16
translation: gimlet, awl, drill, auger, pointed (like gimlet)
錐: kiri: gimlet, awl, drill, auger
synonyms: ドリル

category: JIS1
keyword: tool
nb of strokes: 16
translation: weight, hammer
tsui, tai
鎚: kanaZuchi: hammer <<< 金鎚
Kanji words: 金鎚
synonyms: ハンマー

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 16
translation: realize, yearn, aspire, admire, adore
憬る: satoru: realize, become aware of <<<
憬れる: akogareru: long for, yearn [pine] for [after], aspire to, admire, adore <<<
Kanji words: 憧憬

category: JIS2
keyword: body
nb of strokes: 16
translation: topknot, chignon
髷: mage
髷を結う: mageoyuu: tie a topknot, do one's hair in a chignon <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: winter sports
nb of strokes: 16
translation: sled (n.), sledge, sleigh, skid
zei, sei
橇: sori
橇に乗る: sorininoru: ride on a sled [in a sledge], sled (v.) <<<
check also: ボブスレー

category: JIS1
keyword: farming
nb of strokes: 16
translation: reap, gather, harvest, trim, clip, prune, mow, cut, dress, bob
tei, chi
薙る: karu: reap, gather, harvest, trim, clip, prune <<<
薙ぐ: nagu: reap, cut off, mow
薙ぎ倒す: nagitaosu: mow [cut] down, defeat one after another <<<
Kanji words: 薙刀

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 16
translation: soil, earth, ground, land
壌: tsuchi: soil, earth, ground <<< ,
壌: kuni: country, land, territory <<< ,

category: common usage
keyword: farming
nb of strokes: 16
translation: clear (land), open up (fig.)
墾く: hiraku
Kanji words: 開墾

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 16
translation: watch, wait, observe
窺う: ukagau: watch [wait] for (a chance), observe, imagine, guess (at)
Expressions: 隙を窺う , 時機を窺う , 様子を窺う

The displayed words on this page are 2532 - 2541 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17