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棚category: common usageradical: keyword: furniture nb of strokes: 12 translation: shelf hou 棚: tana: shelf, rack, cupboard, trellis, ledge, hob 棚に上げる: tananiageru: put (a thing) on a shelf <<< 上 棚に載せる: tananinoseru <<< 載 棚上げする: tanaagesuru: shelve [table] (a bill), pigeonhole, suspend <<< 上 棚引く: tanabiku: trail, hang [lie] over <<< 引 Kanji words: 本棚 , 神棚 , 棚卸 , 戸棚 Expressions: 棚から牡丹餅 , 陳列棚 , 移動棚 , 整理棚 , 食器棚 , 大陸棚 棉category: JIS1radical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 12 translation: cotton plant men 棉: wata check also: 綿 絵category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: art nb of strokes: 12 translation: picture, painting, drawing, pattern kai, e 絵: e: picture, painting, drawing, pattern, sketch, illustration, figure <<< スケッチ 絵の: eno: pictorial 絵の様な: enoyouna: picturesque <<< 様 絵を描く: eokaku: draw, paint, sketch <<< 描 絵に描いた餅: enikaitamochi: pie in the sky, castle in the air Kanji words: 絵本 , 絵札 , 絵描 , 絵馬 , 絵具 , 絵画 , 蒔絵 , 墨絵 Expressions: 絵葉書 , 本物の絵 , 絵文字 , 絵文字の , 南蛮絵 , 浮世絵 , 大和絵 , ピカソの絵 synonyms: 画 覚category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: understand, know, awake, wake up kaku, kou 覚える: oboeru: remember, keep [bear] (a matter) in mind, memorize (jp.), learn by heart, commit (a passage) to memory 覚えて居る: oboeteiru: remember, have a recollection of <<< 居 覚えが有る: oboegaaru <<< 有 覚えて居ろ: oboeteiro: You shall pay for this! <<< 居 覚え: oboe: memory (jp.) <<< 記憶 覚えが早い: oboegahayai: have a good memory, be quick to learn <<< 早 覚えが良い: oboegayoi, oboegaii <<< 良 覚えが悪い: oboegawarui: have a poor memory, be slow to learn <<< 悪 覚る: satoru: understand <<< 悟 覚り: satori: understanding, awakening <<< 悟 覚める: sameru: awake, wake up (vi.), become awake <<< 醒 覚ます: samasu: awake, wake up (vt.) <<< 醒 覚めた目で: sametamede: with calm [indifferent] eyes, nonchalantly <<< 目 Kanji words: 知覚 , 幻覚 , 発覚 , 覚悟 , 覚醒 , 感覚 , 目覚 , 味覚 , 覚書 , 錯覚 , 視覚 Expressions: 目が覚める , 味を覚える , 骨を覚える , 寝ても覚めても , 愛着を覚える , 悪夢から覚める , 陣痛を覚える , 快感を覚える , 倦怠を覚える , 共感を覚える
喬category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: high kyou 喬い: takai <<< 高 喬: taka, takashi, moto, suke, tada: pers. Kanji words: 喬木 疎category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: unacquainted, neglect, disgrace so, sho 疎い: utoi: be unacquainted with 疎む: utomu: neglect, keep a person at a distance, disgrace 疎んじる: utonjiru 疎かな: orosokana: negligent, careless 疎かに: orosokani: negligently, carelessly 疎かにする: orosokanisuru: neglect, give no heed (to), slight 疎らな: mabarana: sparse, thin, scattered 疎らに: mabarani: sparsely, thinly, scatteringly 疎い: arai: coarse, rough, raw <<< 粗 疎る: tooru: pass (along, through, by), get through <<< 通 疎れる: wakareru: separate (vi.), divide, part <<< 分 Kanji words: 疎外 , 疎開 禄category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: salary, allowance roku 禄を食む: rokuohamu: receive a stipend <<< 食 禄: huchi: salary 禄い: saiwai: happiness, luck <<< 幸 禄: yoshi: pers. Kanji words: 貫禄 喚category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: shout, scream, yell, call, summon, convoke kan 喚ぶ: yobu: call (v.), summon, convoke <<< 呼 喚く: wameku: shout (v.), scream, yell, shriek, clamor, bawl 喚き: wameki: shout (n.), scream, yell, shriek, clamor 喚き声: wamekigoe <<< 声 Kanji words: 召喚 循category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: obey, follow, revolve jun 循う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany <<< 従 , 随 , 順 循る: meguru: come [go] round, revolve <<< 回 , 廻 , 巡 Kanji words: 循環 愉category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: joyful yu 愉しむ: tanoshimu: enjoy, play <<< 楽 Kanji words: 愉快
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