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振category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: shake, brandish, prosper (ext.), flourish shin 振う: huruu: shake, brandish, exercise, wield, use, be spirited, prosper, flourish <<< 揮 振る: huru: shake, distribute (jp.) 振り: huri: manner (jp.), look 振り上げる: huriageru: fling [swing, lift] up, raise overhead <<< 上 振り落とす: huriotosu: shake off, throw off <<< 落 振り返る: hurikaeru: turn around, turn one's head, look back <<< 返 振り翳す: hurikazasu: hold aloft, brandish <<< 翳 振り捨てる: hurisuteru: shake off, abandon, desert, forsake <<< 捨 振り払う: huriharau: shake off, push away, tear oneself away (from) <<< 払 振り撒く: hurimaku: scatter, sprinkle, strew <<< 撒 振り回す: hurimawasu: brandish, wave, wield, flourish, show off, abuse <<< 回 振り乱す: hurimidasu: shake one's hair loose <<< 乱 振り向ける: hurimukeru: turn (vt.), direct (to), apply a thing to, appropriate <<< 向 振り向く: hurimuku: turn one's face [head], turn round [toward], look back <<< 向 Kanji words: 久し振り , 振出 , 振替 , 振掛 , 振子 , 振込 , 振袖 , 振付 , 不振 , 身振り , 振動 , 振興 , 振幅 , 素振り Expressions: 力を振る , 尾を振る , 首を振る , 棒に振る , 勢いを振るう , 頭を振る , 賽を振る , 鞭を振る , 暴力を振るう , 学者振る , 学者振った , 上品振る , 仮名を振る , 振り仮名 , 勿体振る , 猛威を振るう , 大手を振って , 賽子を振る , 成績が振るわない , 信心振る , 尻尾を振る , 体裁振る , 鉄拳を振う , 殿様振る 釘category: JIS1radical: keyword: construction nb of strokes: 10 translation: nail, spike tei, chou 釘: kugi 釘を打つ: kugioutsu: drive a nail <<< 打 釘を抜く: kugionuku: pull out a nail <<< 抜 釘を刺す: kugiosasu: run [drive] a nail, remind [warn] (a person of, a person that) <<< 刺 釘に掛ける: kuginikakeru: hang (a thing) on a peg <<< 掛 釘の頭: kuginoatama: nailhead <<< 頭 Kanji words: 釘付け Expressions: 糠に釘 凌category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: icehouse (orig.), endure, bear, stand, tide [get] over, make shift, keep off, exceed, surpass, outdo, be superior, go ahead, invade, violate ryou 凌ぐ: shinogu: endure, bear, stand, tide [get] over, make shift, keep off, exceed, surpass, outdo, be superior, go ahead 凌す: okasu: invade, violate <<< 犯 凌: himuro: icehouse 凌ぎ良い: shinogiii: mild (winter), genial (climate) <<< 良 凌ぎ難い: shinoginikui: intolerable, unbearable, trying, severe <<< 難 Expressions: 飢えを凌ぐ , 一時凌ぎ , 空腹を凌ぐ , 退屈を凌ぐ , 退屈凌ぎに , 当座凌ぎ , 雨露を凌ぐ 凄category: JIS1radical: keyword: weather nb of strokes: 10 translation: cold, chilly, bleak, frightful, terrific, terrible, tremendous, uncanny, weird, ghastly, dreadful, horrible, wonderful, amazing, great, awful, enormous sei 凄い: samui: cold, chilly, bleak <<< 寒 凄じい: susamajii: frightful, terrific, terrible, tremendous, awesome 凄じく: susamajiku: ghastlily, dreadfully, horribly, frightfully, terribly, awfully 凄じい勢いで: susamajiiikioide: with terrific force <<< 勢 凄い: sugoi: uncanny, weird, ghastly, dreadful, horrible, frightful, wonderful, amazing, great, terrible, awful, enormous 凄く: sugoku: very awfully, terribly 凄い光: sugoihikari: lurid [ghastly] light <<< 光 凄い嵐: sugoiarashi: violent storm, fierce tempest <<< 嵐 凄い腕: sugoiude: singular [wonderful] ability [skill] <<< 腕 Expressions: 物凄い
恥category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation chi 恥: haji: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation 恥を掻く: hajiokaku: be put to shame, disgrace [humiliate] oneself <<< 掻 恥を掻かせる: hajiokakaseru: shame (a person), put (a person) to shame <<< 掻 恥を晒す: hajiosarasu: disgrace oneself, make a fool [an ass] of oneself <<< 晒 恥を忍ぶ: hajioshinobu: bear shame, swallow an insult <<< 忍 恥を忍んで: hajioshinonde: stoop to do <<< 忍 恥を雪ぐ: hajiososogu: clear oneself from a charge, have one's revenge <<< 雪 恥じる: hajiru: be [feel ashamed] 恥ずかしい: hazukashii: be ashamed (of, that), be abashed, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable 恥ずかしそうな: hazukashisouna: shy, bashful 恥ずかしそうに: hazukashisouni: shyly, bashfully 恥ずかしがる: hazukashigaru: be [feel] shy [bashful], be coy, be self-conscious 恥じらう: hajirau: be shy [bashful], blush 脅category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 10 translation: side, intimidate (bor.), terrify, threaten, menace, frighten, scare kyou, kou 脅: waki: side, another place, some other place <<< 脇 脅かす: obiyakasu: threaten, intimidate, menace (n.), be a menace 脅す: odosu: intimidate, terrify, threaten, menace (v.), frighten, scare 脅かす: odokasu 脅し: odoshi: threat, menace, intimidation, bluff Kanji words: 脅威 降category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: transport , weather nb of strokes: 10 translation: go down, fall, descend kou, gou 降りる: oriru: go down, come down, get out, fall, jump off, go downstairs, retire, pull out, withdraw <<< 下 降ろす: orosu: get down, bring down <<< 下 降る: kudaru: go down, come down, descend <<< 下 降る: huru: fall (v.), rain 降っても照っても: huttemotettemo: rain or shine, regardless of the weather <<< 照 降って湧いた様な: huttewaitayouna: quite unforeseen Kanji words: 以降 , 滑降 , 下降 , 降伏 , 降下 , 降格 , 降参 , 降雨 , 投降 Expressions: 下に降りる , 下に降ろす , 帆を降ろす , 車を降りる , 吹き降ろす , 雨が降る , 雨が降りそうだ , 飛び降りる , 馬から降りる , 船を降りる , 雪が降る , 塩を降る , 雹が降る , 旗を降ろす , 駆け降りる , 錨を降ろす , 錨を降ろした , 霙が降る , 霜が降りる , 露が降りる , 露が降りた , 土砂降り , 演壇を降りる , 階段を降る , 貨物を降ろ , 看板を降ろす , 汽車を降りる , 小雨が降る , 胡椒を降りかける , 二階から降りる , 荷物を降ろす , 重荷を降ろす , 大雪が降る , 列車を降りる , シャッターを降ろす , タラップを降りる check also: ダウン 浸category: common usageradical: keyword: nature nb of strokes: 10 translation: soak, dip, permeate, spread shin 浸す: hitasu: steep [dip] (a thing in), moisten (a thing with) 浸る: hitaru: be soaked [immersed, steeped (in), be plunged [submerged] (in), be addicted (to), indulge oneself (in) 浸: yaya: a little, a bit <<< 漸 浸みる: shimiru: soak (into), permeate, spread <<< 染 , 沁 , 滲 Kanji words: 水浸 , 浸食 , 浸水 , 浸透 Expressions: 感慨に浸る , ソースに浸す 涎category: JIS2radical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 10 translation: slaver, drivel, slobber sen, zen, en 涎: yodare 涎を垂らす: yodareotarasu: drivel, slaver, salivate, run at the mouth, be envious (of) <<< 垂 涎が出る: yodaregaderu <<< 出 涎が出そうな: yodaregadesouna: appetizing, tempting <<< 出 check also: 唾 莢category: JIS2radical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 10 translation: pod, shell, husk, shuck, hull kyou 莢: saya: hull (n.), husk, shuck, shell 莢を剥く: sayaomuku: hull (v.), husk, shuck, shell <<< 剥 Kanji words: 薬莢 Expressions: 莢豌豆 , 莢隠元
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