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絞category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: wring, strangle kou, kyou 絞る: kubiru: wring (vt.), strangle (vt.) 絞める: shimeru 絞まる: shimaru: be wrung, be strangled 絞り: shibori: diaphragm (jp.) 絞り機: shiboriki: clothes wringer <<< 機 絞り粕: shiborikasu: marc, sediment 絞る: shiboru: press out (jp.), down the lens Kanji words: 御絞り Expressions: 引き絞る , 帆を絞る , 液を絞る , 喉を絞める , 頭を絞る , 鶏を絞める , 知恵を絞る , 手拭を絞る , タオルを絞る , レモン絞り , レンズを絞る synonyms: 締 項category: common usageradical: keyword: book , body nb of strokes: 12 translation: nape, main point kou 項: kou: clause (jp.), paragraph, item, term, article 項: unaji: nape Kanji words: 事項 , 項目 , 要項 Expressions: 同類項 裂category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: split, tear, rend retsu 裂く: saku: split (vt.), tear, rend 裂ける: sakeru: split (vi.), be torn 裂: kire: piece of cloth Kanji words: 分裂 , 破裂 , 亀裂 , 支離滅裂 Expressions: 引き裂く , 仲を裂く , 張り裂ける 勤category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: job nb of strokes: 12 translation: duty, service, work kin, gon 勤める: tsutomeru: hold a post [an office] (in), be employed (in), serve (in), be in the service of, take the part [character] of, play (the part of), impersonate (a character) 勤まる: tsutomaru: be fit for [equal to] (a post, an office) 勤め: tsutome: one's duty, work, duties, service, office, business 勤め上げる: tsutomeageru: serve out one's time, complete one's service <<< 上 勤しむ: isoshimu: endeavor (to do, after an aim), strive [exert oneself] (to do, for), be diligent (in, at) Kanji words: 欠勤 , 勤勉 , 勤務 , 勤労 , 出勤 , 転勤 , 通勤 , 夜勤 Expressions: 殿を勤める , 業務に勤しむ , 日々の勤め , 会社に勤める , 刑期を勤める , 脇役を勤める synonyms: 務
焦category: common usageradical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 12 translation: burn, scorch shou 焦げる: kogeru: burn (vi.), scorch 焦がす: kogasu: burn (vt.), scorch 焦げ付く: kogetsuku: get burned [scorched], be unrecoverable <<< 付 焦がれる: kogareru: pine from, pine for (jp.) 焦る: aseru: be impatient (jp.) 焦す: jirasu: irritate, fret, make (a person) feel impatient, keep (a person) in suspense, tantalize, tease 焦れる: jireru: fret (about), be irritated (at), become impatient Kanji words: 焦燥 , 焦点 Expressions: 待ち焦がれる , 思い焦がれる , 焦げ茶色 , 焦げ茶色の 揮category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 12 translation: direct, shake, brandish ki 揮う: huruu: shake, brandish, exercise, wield, use, be spirited <<< 振 Kanji words: 発揮 , 揮発 , 指揮 Expressions: 腕を揮う , 威力を揮う , 権力を揮う , 勢力を揮う , 手腕を揮う 喧category: JIS1radical: keyword: audio nb of strokes: 12 translation: noisy, boisterous, loud ken 喧しい: kamabisushii: noisy, boisterous, loud 喧しい: yakamashii: noisy, boisterous, loud, strict, exacting, faultfinding, particular, fastidious, choosy, much-talked-of, troublesome, annoying 喧しく: yakamashiku: noisily, clamorously, severely, strictly 喧しくする: yakamashikusuru: make a racket, rumble 喧しく言う: yakamashikuiu: be strict (with a person), be particular (about) <<< 言 Kanji words: 喧嘩 , 喧騒 Expressions: 口喧しい , 好みが喧しい 飲category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: drink nb of strokes: 12 translation: drink, take a drink, swallow, gulp in, on 飲む: nomu: drink, take, have, use, swallow, gulp down, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette), make nothing of, despise, accept, bear 飲まず食わずで: nomazukuwazude: without food or drink <<< 食 飲み明かす: nomiakasu: drink the night away, drink all night long <<< 明 飲み歩く: nomiaruku: drink at one place after another, paint the town red <<< 歩 飲み込む: nomikomu: swallow, gulp down, understand, grasp (the meaning), learn (how to do) <<< 込 飲み過ぎる: nomisugiru: drink too much, overdrink (oneself) <<< 過 飲み潰れる: nomitsubureru: get [be] dead drunk, pass out <<< 潰 飲み難い: nominikui: hard to drink, distasteful, nasty (medicine) <<< 難 飲み干す: nomihosu: drink up [off], drain (a cup), toss [quaff] off <<< 干 飲み易い: nomiyasui: pleasant to drink, easy to take <<< 易 飲める: nomeru: be good [fit] to drink, be drinkable Kanji words: 飲料 , 飲食 , 飲酒 , 水飲 , 飲物 , 飲み屋 Expressions: 水を飲む , 乳を飲む , 毒を飲む , 茶を飲む , 酒を飲む , 酒に飲まれる , 薬を飲む , 薬を飲ませる , 毒薬を飲む , 毒薬を飲ませる , 一気に飲む , 一杯飲ませる , 一杯飲む , 飲み仲間 , 煙草を飲む , ストローで飲む , スープを飲む , ラッパ飲みをする synonyms: 呑 喫category: common usageradical: keyword: drink nb of strokes: 12 translation: eat, drink, swallow (v.), take kitsu 喫する: kissuru: suffer (a defeat) 喫う: kuu: eat, taste, take (a food) <<< 食 喫む: nomu: drink, take a drink, swallow, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette) <<< 飲 Kanji words: 喫茶 , 喫水 , 喫煙 , 満喫 Expressions: 敗北を喫する , 惨敗を喫する 圏category: common usageradical: keyword: geography nb of strokes: 12 translation: enclosure, zone (ext.), area, sphere, domain ken 圏: kakoi: enclosure, fence (n.) <<< 囲 圏: ori: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison <<< 檻 Kanji words: 語圏 Expressions: 暴風圏 , 岩石圏 , 北極圏 , 引力圏 , 南極圏 , 首都圏 , 台風圏 , 大気圏 , 対流圏 , イオン圏 , ユーロ圏
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