Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 焼,棍,焜,凱,智,琥,筑,筍,犂,媚

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category: to learn in school
keyword: food
nb of strokes: 12
translation: burn, toast, grill
焼く: yaku: burn (vt.), toast, grill, be jealous (jp.)
焼ける: yakeru: burn (vi.), toast, grill
焼き: yaki: tempering
焼きを入れる: yakioireru: harden, temper, chastise, discipline, torture <<<
焼きが回る: yakigamawaru: lose one's former strength, become dull <<<
焼け石に水: yakeishinimizu: There is nothing but a drop in the bucket
Kanji words: 日焼け , 胸焼 , 蒸焼 , 燃焼 , 霜焼 , 焼酎 , 鋤焼 , 鯛焼 , 照焼 , 焼豚 , 焼栗 , 焼飯 , 焼餅 , 焼物 , 焼肉 , 焼鳥 , 焼魚 , 夕焼 , 全焼
Expressions: 日に焼ける , 卵を焼く , 胸が焼ける , 炭を焼く , 胃が焼ける , 銅鑼焼き , 目玉焼 , 焼け野原 , 焼き海苔 , 御好み焼き , 焼御握り , 御節介を焼く , 煉瓦を焼く , 焼林檎 , 薩摩焼 , 世話を焼く , 世話を焼かせる , 世話焼きな , 世話焼き , 世話の焼ける , 世話の焼けない , 焼蕎麦 , 炭火で焼く , 玉子焼 , 天火で焼く , 鉄板焼き , 焼餅を焼く , 焼餅焼き , オーブンで焼く , パンを焼く , パン焼

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 12
translation: bind, bunch, bundle, pole, rod, bar
棍る: tabaneru: bind, bunch, bundle <<<
Kanji words: 棍棒

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 12
translation: bright, glow, shine
焜く: kagayaku: bright, glow, shine <<<
Kanji words: 焜炉

category: JIS1
keyword: war
nb of strokes: 12
translation: relax, melt, thaw, cheer of triumph
gai, kai
凱らぐ: yawaragu: relax (v.), melt, thaw <<<
凱: kachidoki: cheer of triumph
Kanji words: 凱旋

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 12
translation: knowledge, understanding, wisdom
智る: satoru: understand
智: tomo: pers.
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category: JIS2
keyword: accessory
nb of strokes: 12
translation: striped article, gem of tiger form
Kanji words: 琥珀
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category: JIS1
keyword: musical instrument
nb of strokes: 12
translation: a Chinese zither played with a bamboo stick
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category: JIS2
keyword: vegetable
nb of strokes: 12
translation: bamboo shoot
筍: takenoko
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category: JIS2
keyword: farming
nb of strokes: 12
translation: plow, plough
ri, rei, ryou
犂: suki
犂の刃: sukinoha: plowshare <<<
犂の柄: sukinoe: plowtail <<<
犂で耕す: sukidetagayasu: plow the field <<<
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category: JIS2
keyword: love
nb of strokes: 12
translation: flatter, fawn upon, coquet, flirt
媚びる: kobiru: flatter, fawn upon, curry favor with (a person), coquet, flirt
媚: kobi: flattery, adulation, coquetry, flirtation
媚を売る: kobiouru: sell one's charms <<<
Kanji words: 媚薬

The displayed words on this page are 1626 - 1635 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17