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木category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 4 translation: tree, shrub, wood, timber, lumber moku, boku 木: ki 木の: kino: wooden 木の茂った: kinoshigetta: woody, wooded <<< 茂 木に登る: kininoboru: climb a tree <<< 登 木を植える: kioueru: plant a tree <<< 植 木を切る: kiokiru: cut a tree <<< 切 木に縁って魚を求む: kiniyotteuoomotomu: go to a tree for fish 木で鼻を括った様な返事をする: kidehanaokukuttayounahenjiosuru: give a curt reply 木を見て森を見ず: kiomitemoriomizu: fail to see [cannot see] the wood [forest] for the trees Kanji words: 木剣 , 土木 , 樹木 , 梶木 , 潅木 , 木場 , 木戸 , 木苺 , 金木犀 , 啄木鳥 , 木霊 , 木暗れ , 木陰 , 木葉 , 木の実 , 喬木 , 枕木 , 木菟 , 水木 , 木蓮 , 木星 , 木製 , 木犀 , 木曜 , 木造 , 木綿 , 並木 , 挿木 , 科木 , 鈴木 , 立木 , 栃木 , 止り木 , 接木 , 積木 , 植木 , 宿木 , 材木 Expressions: 李の木 , 杏の木 , 松の木 , 柳の木 , 柿の木 , 栃の木 , 栗の木 , 桃の木 , 桑の木 , 桜の木 , 栓の木 , 梨の木 , 綿の木 , 樅の木 , 杏子の木 , 薔薇の木 , 木版画 , 木苺の木 , 胡桃の木 , 蜜柑の木 , 木螺子 , 肉桂の木 , 林檎の木 , 六本木 , 六本木ヒルズ , 椰子の木 , オリーブの木 , オレンジの木 , バナナの木 , パンの木 , マンゴーの木 , レモンの木 仁category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: moral nb of strokes: 4 translation: charity, humanity, mercy jin, nin, ni 仁け: nasake: charity, humanity, mercy <<< 情 仁: hito: pers. <<< 人 Kanji words: 裕仁 , 仁義 爪category: JIS1radical: keyword: body nb of strokes: 4 translation: nail, claw, talon, grip sou 爪: tsume: nail, claw, talon, grip 爪の有る: tsumenoaru: clawed, nailed <<< 有 爪の垢: tsumenoaka: dirt in [under] the nails <<< 垢 爪を研ぐ: tsumeotogu: whet the claws <<< 研 爪を切る: tsumeokiru: cut [pare, trim] one's nails <<< 切 爪を噛む: tsumeokamu: bite [gnaw] one's nails <<< 噛 爪を立てる: tsumeotateru: dig one's nails into <<< 立 爪を伸ばす: tsumeonobasu: let one's nails grow (long) <<< 伸 爪で引っ掻く: tsumedehikkaku: scratch Kanji words: 鉤爪 , 爪先 , 爪痕 , 爪切り Expressions: 指の爪 , 猫の爪 , 親指の爪 , 爪楊枝 匂category: JIS1, only in Japaneseradical: nb of strokes: 4 translation: smell, odor, scent, fragrant 匂: niou: smell (v.), be fragrant, stink, reek 匂: nioi: smell (n.), odor, scent, fragrance, perfume, aroma 匂いの有る: nioinoaru: scented, perfumed <<< 有 匂いの無い: nioinonai: odorless, scentless <<< 無 匂いの良い: nioinoii: sweet-smelling, fragrant <<< 良 匂いの悪い: nioinowarui: foul-smelling, stinking <<< 悪 , 臭 匂いが消える: nioigakieru: lose the odor, The smell goes off <<< 消 Expressions: 臭い匂い , 臭い匂いがする
牙category: JIS1radical: keyword: animal nb of strokes: 4 translation: tusk, fang, ivory ga, ge 牙: kiba 牙を鳴らす: kibaonarasu: snarl [growl] (at) <<< 鳴 牙を剥く: kibaomuku: show [bare] one's teeth <<< 剥 Kanji words: 象牙 synonyms: 犬歯 仇category: JIS1radical: keyword: war nb of strokes: 4 translation: partner,opponent (ext.), rival, antagonist, foe, enemy, grudge, enmity, harm, injury kyou 仇: tsureai: partner <<< 連合い 仇: kataki: enemy, foe, rival 仇: ada: grudge, enmity, harm, injury 仇を報いる: adaomukuiru: revenge oneself (on a person), satisfy oneself (against a person) <<< 報 仇を討つ: adaoutsu: take vengeance, revenge, avenge <<< 討 仇と成る: adatonaru: damage (v.), harm <<< 成 synonyms: 復讐 check also: 敵 比category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 4 translation: compare hi 比べる: kuraberu <<< 較 比ぶ: narabu: stand in a line <<< 並 比: koro: time (to do or have sth.) <<< 頃 Kanji words: 比重 , 比較 , 比熱 , 比例 , 比喩 , 対比 Expressions: 知恵比べ , 根気比べ 之category: JIS1radical: keyword: position nb of strokes: 4 translation: go, this, of, at, on, in, as for, as to shi 之: yuku: go, leave (for), visit <<< 行 之: kore: this <<< 此 , 是 , 惟 之: no: of 之: nioite: at, on, in, as for, as to <<< 於 之: yuki, yoshi: pers. 曰category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 4 translation: say, tell, reason, history etsu 曰く: iwaku: it is said, they say, reason, history 曰く付きの: iwakutsukino: with a past <<< 付 曰が有って: iwakugaatte: for some reason <<< 有 曰く: notamawaku: say (pol.) 曰に: kokoni: now, well (expression to start a sentence) 曰: nori: pers. Expressions: 曰く因縁 , 格言に曰く check also: 云 丑category: JIS1radical: keyword: time , calendar nb of strokes: 4 translation: year of the ox (Chinese Zodiac), 2h am chou, chu 丑: ushi: ox (zod.) <<< 牛
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