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卦category: JIS1radical: keyword: fantasy nb of strokes: 8 translation: fortunetelling, fortuneteller, palmist ka, ke 卦: uranai: fortunetelling <<< 占 卦: urakata: fortuneteller, palmist 毒category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: drug nb of strokes: 8 translation: poison, harm, bad doku, toku 毒: doku: poison (n.), venom, toxin, harm, injury, bad effects 毒する: dokusuru: poison (v.), do (a person) harm, corrupt 毒に成る: dokuninaru: prove [be] poisonous [injurious, harmful] <<< 成 毒を飲む: dokuonomu: poison oneself, take poison <<< 飲 毒を盛る: dokuomoru: put poison in, poison (v.) <<< 盛 毒を入れる: dokuoireru <<< 入 毒の入った: dokunohaitta: poisoned <<< 入 毒の有る: dokunoaru: poisonous, venomous <<< 有 毒にも薬にも成らない: dokunimokusurinimonaranai: do neither good nor harm 毒をもって毒を制す: dokuomottedokuoseisu: counteract poison with poison, like cures like 毒を食わらば皿まで: dokuokuwarabasaramade: 'in for a penny, in for pound' 毒い: warui: bad <<< 悪 毒う: sokonau: harm (v.), hurt, injure, damage <<< 損 Kanji words: 梅毒 , 中毒 , 毒物 , 毒蛇 , 毒性 , 毒薬 , 解毒 , 消毒 Expressions: 毒蜘蛛 , 毒ガス antonyms: 薬 炙category: JIS2radical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 8 translation: roast, broil sha, seki 炙る: aburu Kanji words: 火炙 synonyms: 焙 拗category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: twisted, distorted, crooked, perverse, peevish, sulky, cynic ou, you 拗ける: nejikeru: be twisted, be distorted, grow crooked, become perverse 拗けた: nejiketa: distorted, crooked, cross-grained, perverse 拗ねる: suneru: be peevish, be sulky, sulk, be cynic 拗せる: kojiraseru: aggravate 拗れる: kojireru: be twisted, go wrong, turn sulky, grow worse, get complicated [entangled] Expressions: 病気を拗らす
厚category: to learn in schoolradical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: thick, warm-hearted kou 厚い: atsui: thick 厚さ: atsusa: thickness 厚み: atsumi 厚く: atsuku: thickly, heavily, kindly, warmly 厚くする: atsukusuru: thicken 厚く切る: atsukukiru: cut (a thing) into thick pieces <<< 切 厚かましい: atsukamashii: impudent, brazen, shameless, cheeky 厚かましくも: atsukamashikumo: impudently, brazenly, shamelessly 厚かましさ: atsukamashisa: impudence, shamelessness, cheek Kanji words: 厚生 , 濃厚 , 温厚 Expressions: 手厚い , 肉の厚い , 義に厚い , 厚化粧 , 信仰の厚い , 友情に厚い antonyms: 薄 check also: 篤 参category: to learn in schoolother spells: 參 radical: keyword: society nb of strokes: 8 translation: participate, associate, three (bor.) san 参つ: mitsu: three <<< 三 参わる: majiwaru: participate, associate <<< 交 参る: mairu: meet (pol.), go to worship (jp.) Kanji words: 持参 , 降参 , 人参 , 日参 , 参謀 , 参道 , 参堂 , 参上 , 参加 , 参考 , 参拝 , 参戦 , 参照 Expressions: 伊勢参り , 御礼参り , 只今参ります 狛category: JIS1radical: keyword: religion nb of strokes: 8 translation: a pair of imaginary animals at the temple entry haku 狛: komainu check also: 犬 阜category: JIS1radical: keyword: nature nb of strokes: 8 translation: hill, mound, big, large, prosperous hu, huu 阜: oka: hill, mound <<< 丘 , 岡 Kanji words: 岐阜 昌category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: prosperous, flourishing, thriving, nice, fine, well, beautiful shou 昌ん: sakan: prosperous, flourishing, thriving <<< 盛 昌: masa, yoshi: pers. Kanji words: 平昌 昂category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: rise, lift, elevate kou, kau 昂がる: agaru: rise, lift (up), elevate <<< 上 , 揚 , 騰 昂: taka, akira: pers.
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