Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 診,遂,募,雁,貰,喋,隈,斑,菱,越

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
nb of strokes: 12
translation: examine, look, control, divine, diagnose
診る: miru: examine (v.), look at, control, probe
診う: uranau: predict, divine, diagnose <<<
Kanji words: 聴診 , 打診 , 回診 , 内診 , 往診 , 診断 , 診療 , 診察
Expressions: 脈を診る

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 12
translation: accomplish, complete, fulfill, attain, achieve, realize, carry out
sui, zui
遂げる: togeru: accomplish (one's purpose), complete, fulfill, attain (one's aim), achieve, realize, carry out
遂に: tsuini: at last, finally, in the end, , at length, after all, in the long run <<< 結局
Kanji words: 遂行
Expressions: 志を遂げる , 思いを遂げる , 為し遂げる , 望みを遂げる , 遣り遂げる , 本望を遂げる

category: common usage
keyword: job
nb of strokes: 12
translation: invite, recruit
募る: tsunoru: invite, recruit, advertise for, become intense (jp.), grow more intense, increase in violence
Kanji words: 募金 , 募集 , 公募 , 応募
Expressions: 兵を募る , 寄付を募る , 入札を募る

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
nb of strokes: 12
translation: goose, wild goose
雁: kari: wild goose
Kanji words: 雁擬き
check also: 鵞鳥

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 12
translation: buy with a credit, forgive, pardon
sei, sha
貰す: yurusu: forgive, pardon <<< ,
貰う: morau: get (jp.), receive, obtain, be given, get [have] (a matter) done ( by a person), get [have] (a person) to do
Expressions: 只で貰える , 嫁に貰う , 嫁を貰う , 賃金を貰う , 保管して貰う , 褒美を貰う , 報酬を貰う , 辞令を貰う , 給料を貰う , 下取して貰う , 賞品を貰う , 賄賂を貰う , クリーニングして貰う , マニキュアをして貰う

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 12
translation: chatter, gabble, prate
chou, tou
喋る: shaberu: chatter, have a chat, gabble, prate, tell tales (about a person), let slip (a secret), slip [blurt] out (a secret)
喋り散らす: shaberichirasu: gossip (about) <<<
喋り捲る: shaberimakuru <<<
喋む: tsuibamu: pick, peck <<<
Kanji words: 御喋り
Expressions: 早口で喋る , 片言を喋る
check also:

category: JIS1
keyword: position
nb of strokes: 12
translation: curved corner of mountains or rivers (orig.), corner, nook, shade (ext.), gradation, makeup
隈: sumi: corner, nook <<<
隈: kuma: corner, nook, shade, gradation, makeup
隈無く: kumanaku: in every nook and corner, all over, throughout <<<
隈を取る: kumaotoru: make up the face, shade off, gradate colors <<<
check also:

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
nb of strokes: 12
translation: spots, speckles, dapples
斑: madara: spots, speckles, dapples
斑の: madarano: spotted, dappled, mottled, motley, speckled, brindled, piebald
斑の有る: madaranoaru <<<
斑の猫: madaranoneko: tobby (cat) <<<
Kanji words: 斑点
Expressions: 蒙古斑

category: JIS1
keyword: plant
nb of strokes: 12
translation: water chestnut
菱: hishi
菱の実: hishinomi: water chestnut <<<
Kanji words: 菱形 , 三菱

category: common usage
keyword: china
nb of strokes: 12
translation: go over, cross over, Yue (a kingdom in south-east China, 600 BC-334 BC), Vietnam (pref.)
etsu, ochi, katsu
越える: koeru: cross (over), go over [across], pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel
越す: kosu: cross (over), go over (across), pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel, move, remove
越に: kokoni: here is
越: koshi: region of Hokuriku (jp.)
Kanji words: 超越 , 引越 , 上越 , 追越 , 僭越 , 年越
Expressions: 山を越える , 申し越す , 度を越す , 持ち越す , 峠を越す , 乗り越える , 負け越す , 飛び越える , 通り越す , 勝ち越す , 踏み越える , 眼鏡越しに , 権限を越える , 死線を越える , 程度を越える , 定数を越す , ハードルを越える , バーを越える
check also: ベトナム

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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17