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雛category: JIS1radical: keyword: bird nb of strokes: 18 translation: young bird, chick, squab, baby (fig.), small suu shu 雛: hina: young bird, chick, squab, small doll (jp.) 雛: hiyoko: chick 雛が孵る: hinagakaeru: The chickens hatch 雛を飾る: hinaokazaru: display dolls <<< 飾 雛遊びをする: hinaasobiosuru: play with dolls <<< 遊 Kanji words: 雛形 , 雛菊 , 雛祭 Expressions: 雛芥子 , 雛饅頭 check also: 人形 臍category: JIS2radical: keyword: body nb of strokes: 18 translation: navel, umbilicus, bellybutton, determination sei, sai 臍: hozo 臍: heso: navel, umbilicus, bellybutton 臍の: hesono: umbilical 臍を噛む: hozookamu: repent [regret] bitterly <<< 噛 臍を固める: hozookatameru: determine firmly <<< 固 臍の緒: hesonoo: navel string [cord] <<< 緒 臍を曲げる: hesoomageru: get cross <<< 曲 Kanji words: 膃肭臍 癒category: common usageradical: keyword: medicine nb of strokes: 18 translation: cure, heal yu 癒える: ieru: be cured, be healed 癒す: iyasu: cure (v.), heal 癒し: iyashi: cure (n.), healing Kanji words: 治癒 , 癒着 Expressions: 疲れを癒す , 渇きを癒す synonyms: 治 , 療 織category: common usageradical: keyword: fabric nb of strokes: 18 translation: weave shoku, shiki, shi 織る: oru: weave 織り込む: orikomu: interweave, incorporate a thing into another thing <<< 込 Kanji words: 羽織 , 機織 , 錦織 , 織物 , 組織 , 手織 Expressions: 錦を織る , 機を織る , 木綿織 , カシミヤ織
繕category: common usageradical: keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 18 translation: repair, mend zen, sen 繕う: tsukurou: repair (v.), mend, patch up 繕い: tsukuroi: repair (n.), mending Kanji words: 修繕 Expressions: 綻びを繕う , 外見を繕う , 体裁を繕う 翻category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 18 translation: wave, change hon, han 翻る: hirugaeru: wave (vi.) [stream, flutter, flap] (in the wind) 翻す: hirugaesu: wave (vt.), change, turn Kanji words: 翻訳 , 翻弄 Expressions: 決心を翻す 闘category: common usageradical: keyword: war , sport nb of strokes: 18 translation: fight, struggle, combat, contend tou, tsu 闘う: tatakau: fight, struggle, combat, contend, play <<< 戦 Kanji words: 格闘 , 敢闘 , 健闘 , 拳闘 , 決闘 , 乱闘 , 戦闘 , 死闘 , 闘技 , 闘牛 , 闘士 , 闘争 騒category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 18 translation: noise, turbulent, unquiet, agitate, uproar sou 騒ぐ: sawagu: make a noise, be noisy, become agitated 騒ぎ: sawagi: noise, uproar, disturbance, commotion, fuss, bustle, revel, spree, racket, affair, case 騒ぎを静める: sawagioshizumeru: appease [calm] the tumult <<< 静 騒ぎを起こす: sawagiookosu: raise an uproar, cause excitement, kick up a row [dust] <<< 起 騒ぎ立てる: sawagitateru: raise [make] an uproar, fuse about, give an alarm (of) <<< 立 騒がしい: sawagashii: noisy, turbulent, unquiet 騒い: urei: trouble, anxiety <<< 愁 , 憂 Kanji words: 喧騒 , 騒動 , 騒音 Expressions: 世間を騒が , 取付け騒ぎ , 陽気に騒ぐ 鎖category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 18 translation: lock, chain (ext.) sa 鎖: jou: lock, padlock <<< 錠 鎖: kusari: chain (n.) <<< チェーン 鎖で繋ぐ: kusaridetsunagu: chain (up), put in chains <<< 繋 鎖を外す: kusariohazusu: unchain <<< 外 Kanji words: 閉鎖 , 封鎖 , 連鎖 Expressions: 犬の鎖 , 時計の鎖 癖category: common usageradical: keyword: life nb of strokes: 18 translation: habit, way, custom, tendency, leaning heki 癖: kuse 癖が付く: kusegatsuku: get into a habit (of doing) <<< 付 癖が有る: kusegaaru: have a habit (of doing) <<< 有 癖に成る: kuseninaru: become a habit, make a precedent <<< 成 癖を付ける: kuseotsukeru: form a habit (of), accustom oneself to (doing) <<< 付 癖を直す: kuseonaosu: cure oneself of a habit, beat a person out of habit <<< 直 Kanji words: 口癖 , 寝癖 Expressions: 其の癖 , 読書癖 , 放浪癖 , 飲酒癖 , 孤独癖 , 虚言癖 , 浪費癖 , 書籍収集癖 , 収集癖
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