Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 禾,弗,礼,以,卯,去,玉,冬,仙,且

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: JIS1
keyword: plant
nb of strokes: 5
translation: rice, corn, cereal
禾: ine: rice <<<
禾: nogi: awn (jp.), beard

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 5
translation: not
弗: zu
弗: arazu
弗: doru: dollar (jp.) <<< ドル
Kanji words: 弗素
check also:

category: to learn in school
keyword: greeting
nb of strokes: 5
translation: politeness, greeting, salute, bow, etiquette, civility, thanks, gratitude, reward
rei, rai
礼: iya: protocol (anc.)
礼をする: reiosuru: salute, make a bow, reward, remunerate, pay a fee
礼を欠く: reiokaku: be impolite (to) <<<
礼を失する: reioshissuru <<<
礼を尽くす: reiotsukusu: show every courtesy <<<
礼を述べる: reionoberu: thank (v.), express [offer] one's thanks <<<
礼を言う: reioiu <<<
Kanji words: 儀礼 , 巡礼 , 割礼 , 敬礼 , 御礼 , 礼儀 , 礼拝 , 礼状 , 礼金 , 礼節 , 祭礼 , 洗礼 , 謝礼 , 失礼
Expressions: 栄誉礼

category: to learn in school
nb of strokes: 5
translation: consequently, considering
以て: motte: with, by means of, through, for, on account of, by reason of
以に: yueni: consequently, therefore, hence, accordingly, so that <<<
以う: omou: considering <<<
以: shige, nori: pers.
Kanji words: 以外 , 以後 , 以上 , 以下 , 以降 , 以内 , 以来 , 以前
Expressions: 此れを以て , 使いを以て , 文書を以って , 理由を以って , 誠意を以て , 友情を以って

category: JIS1
keyword: time , calendar
nb of strokes: 5
translation: rabbit, six o'clock AM
卯: u: six o'clock AM (anc.)
卯: usagi: rabbit (in Chinese or Japanese zodiac) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
nb of strokes: 5
translation: quit, leave, depart
kyo, ko
去る: saru: go away (from), leave, depart (from), quit, remove, eliminate, take off [away], be away [distant] from, last
去る者は追わず: sarumonohaowazu: 'Those who go away are not regretted'
去る者は日々に疎し: sarumonohahibiniutoshi: 'Out of sight, out of mind'
去なす: inasu: parry, dodge <<<
Kanji words: 除去 , 過去 , 去年 , 去勢 , 置去 , 消去 , 退去
Expressions: 世を去る , 立ち去る , 走り去る , 取り去る , 持ち去る , 武器よ去らば , 舞台を去る , 脳裏を去らない , 雷雨が去る , 視界を去る

category: to learn in school
keyword: accessory
nb of strokes: 5
translation: gem, jewel, ball, bullet, sphere
玉: tama: gem, jewel, ball, bullet, sphere
玉にする: tamanisuru: make a ball
玉の汗: tamanoase: beads of sweat <<<
玉う: tamau: give (jp., imp.)
玉: shiromono: thing (jp., pop.), proposition, fellow <<< 代物
Kanji words: 毛玉 , 目玉 , 水玉 , 御玉 , 御年玉 , 親玉 , 埼玉 , 玉子 , 玉虫 , 玉葱 , 玉突
Expressions: 眼鏡の玉 , 風船玉 , 癇癪玉 , 蒟蒻玉 , 南京玉 , 算盤玉 , 鉄砲玉 , シャボン玉 , ビリヤードの玉
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: calendar
nb of strokes: 5
translation: winter
冬: huyu: winter (n.)
冬に: huyuni: in winter
冬の: huyuno: winter (a.), wintry
冬らしい: huyurashii: wintry
冬めく: huyumeku: become wintry
冬を過す: huyuosugosu: winter (v.), pass the winter <<<
Kanji words: 厳冬 , 冬枯れ , 冬服 , 冬休 , 立冬 , 初冬 , 冬至 , 冬期 , 冬季 , 冬眠
Expressions: 冬景色 , 冬の再来 , 冬のソナタ
synonyms: ウインター
check also: ,

category: common usage
keyword: fantasy
nb of strokes: 5
translation: hermit, superhuman
仙: sennnin
仙: sento: cent (American money) <<< セント
Kanji words: 仙人掌 , 仙台 , 仙骨 , 仙人 , 水仙

category: common usage
keyword: time
nb of strokes: 5
translation: for the time being, moreover
sha, so
且つ: katsu: moreover
且に: masani: about to (do), on the point of
且く: shibaraku: for the time being <<<

The displayed words on this page are 132 - 141 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17