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羨category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: envy, surplus (pho.) sen, zen, en 羨む: urayamu: envy (a person), be envious of, feel envy (at) 羨ましい: urayamashii: enviable 羨ましそうに: urayamashisouni: enviously, with envy 羨ましがらせる: urayamashigaraseru: make (a person) envious, excite envy (in others) 羨り: amari: rest (n.), remainder, surplus, scraps <<< 余 check also: 妬 蒲category: JIS1radical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 13 translation: cattail, reed mace, bulrush ho, bu, hu 蒲: gama 蒲: kaba Kanji words: 菖蒲 , 蒲鉾 , 蒲公英 滝category: common usageradical: keyword: nature nb of strokes: 13 translation: torrent rou 滝: taki: waterfall (jp.), cascade, cataract Kanji words: 白滝 Expressions: イグアスの滝 , エンジェルの滝 , ナイアガラの滝 , ビクトリアの滝 腺category: JIS1, only in Japaneseradical: keyword: organs nb of strokes: 13 translation: gland, ganglion sen Kanji words: 扁桃腺 , 汗腺 , 甲状腺 , 腺炎 , 前立腺 Expressions: 分泌腺 , 唾液腺 , 銀座腺 , 上越腺 , 生殖腺 , ホルモン腺 , リンパ腺
蛾category: JIS1radical: keyword: insect nb of strokes: 13 translation: moth, silkworm moth, beautiful eyebrow (like moth's antenna) ga: moth 楕category: JIS1radical: keyword: shape nb of strokes: 13 translation: oval da 楕: chouen Kanji words: 楕円 滞category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: arrearages, arrears, hitch, delay tai 滞る: todokooru: be left unpaid, be overdue, fall into arrears, be delayed, stagnant, be behind with 滞り: todokoori: arrearages, arrears, hitch, delay 滞り無く: todokoorinaku: dully, punctually, without a hitch, all right, smoothly <<< 無 Kanji words: 延滞 , 渋滞 , 滞納 , 滞在 , 停滞 Expressions: 家賃が滞る 惹category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: attract jaku 惹: hiku <<< 引 睨category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: glare, stare gei 睨む: niramu: glare [look daggers] (at), spot, keep an eye on, know by intuition, judge, estimate 睨み: nirami: glare (n.), stare, authority, influence 睨みが効く: niramigakiku: have great influence [power] (over) <<< 効 睨み合い: niramiai: feud, enmity, hostility <<< 合 睨み合う: niramiau: glare at each other, watch each other, be at odds [variance, outs] with each other <<< 合 睨み合わせる: niramiawaseru: compare A with B, take into consideration <<< 合 睨み返す: niramikaesu: glare back (at a person), return a sharp look <<< 返 睨み付ける: niramitsukeru: glare (at), look angrily (at) <<< 付 楊category: JIS1radical: keyword: tree nb of strokes: 13 translation: willow tree you 楊: yanagi Kanji words: 楊枝 synonyms: 柳
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