Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 泥,斧,治,侍,呻,卒,阿,免,明,抛

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category: common usage
keyword: garden
nb of strokes: 8
translation: mud, mire, dirt
泥: doro: mud, mire, dirt
泥だらけの: dorodarakeno: covered with mud, muddy
泥塗れの: doromamireno <<<
泥に塗れる: doronimamireru: be covered with mud, get muddy <<<
泥塗れに成る: doromamireninaru
泥を吐く: doroohaku: confess one's crime, own up <<<
Kanji words: 泥酔 , 泥棒 , 泥沼 , 泥濘

category: JIS1
keyword: tool
nb of strokes: 8
translation: ax, hatchet
斧: ono
斧: masakari
斧: yoki

category: to learn in school
keyword: administration
nb of strokes: 8
translation: govern, rule, reign, correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair
ji, chi
治める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising)
治まる: osamaru: be in peace, calm down, be settled, fall, go down, subside, be got under control, be calmed down, be appeased, get better
治る: naoru: be mended [repaired], be put [set] to rights, be restored, be corrected, be reformed, be cured <<<
治す: naosu: correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair, patch up, fix up <<<
治: osamu: pers.
Kanji words: 治安 , 治験 , 治療 , 治癒 , 自治 , 明治 , 政治 , 退治 , 統治
Expressions: 丸く治める , 病気が治る , 病気を治す , 風邪が治らない

category: common usage
keyword: japanese history
nb of strokes: 8
translation: serve, assist, attend
ji, shi
侍する: jisuru: wait on, attend on
侍る: haberu
侍: samurai: samurai (bodyguard who attends nobles, jp.)
Kanji words: 侍従
Expressions: 七人の侍

category: JIS2
keyword: medicine
nb of strokes: 8
translation: groan, moan
呻く: umeku: groan with pain, give [heave] a groan, moan (in distress)
呻き: umeki: groan (n.), moan
呻る: unaru: groan (v.), growl, roar, hum, buzz, howl, whiz <<<

category: to learn in school
nb of strokes: 8
translation: soldier, sudden (conf.), end
sotsu, shutsu
卒: shimobe: servant <<<
卒か: niwaka: sudden
卒わる: owaru: end, finish <<<
卒に: tsuini: at last, finally <<<
Kanji words: 新卒 , 卒中 , 卒業 , 卒論

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 8
translation: corner [curve] of mountains (orig.), hill, corner, nook, flatter (bend the principle), fawn
a, o
o: prefix of affection for women or children (jp.)
阿: kuma: hill, corner, nook <<<
阿る: omoneru: flatter, fawn
Kanji words: 阿婆擦 , 阿片 , 阿房 , 阿漕
Expressions: 阿羅漢 , 阿修羅

category: common usage
keyword: justice
nb of strokes: 8
translation: authorization, avoid, escape, evade, free, release
men, ben
免れる, 免れる: manukareru, manugareru: escape, get rid of, avoid, evade, be exempted [free, immune] (from)
免れ難い: manukaregatai, manugaregatai: unavoidable, inescapable <<<
免す: yurusu: admit, permit, grant, free, release <<<
Kanji words: 御免 , 免除 , 免状 , 免許 , 免疫 , 免責 , 免職 , 免税
Expressions: 罪を免れる , 難を免れる , 被害を免れる , 危害を免れる , 災難を免れる

category: to learn in school
keyword: optics , china
nb of strokes: 8
translation: bright, clear, evident, obvious, light, illumination, Ming dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 1368 AD-1644 AD)
mei, myou, min
明らか: akiraka: evident, obvious, clear (fig.), distinct, plain
明らかに: akirakani: clearly, distinctly, plainly, undoubtedly, certainly
明らかにする: akirakanisuru: make (one's position) clear, clarify, explain, throw light upon, make (a matter) public
明るい: akarui: bright, luminous, shining, clear
明るく: akaruku: brightly, luminously, clearly
明ける: akeru: dawn (vi.)
明かす: akasu: spend a night, sit up all night, reveal, disclose, tell (the truth), divulge (a secret)
明かり: akari: light (n.), illumination, lamp <<< , , ライト
明く: aku: open (jp.), become vacant <<< ,
明き: aki: opening (jp.), gap
明かりを点ける: akariotsukeru: make a light, turn [switch] on the light <<<
明かりを消す: akariokesu: put out the light, turn [switch] off the light <<<
明かりを取る: akariotoru: let light in <<<
明けても暮ても: aketemokuretemo: day and night, day in, day out, all the time <<<
明るみに出す: akaruminidasu: bring (a matter) to light, make (a matter) public <<<
明るみに出る: akaruminideru: become known, come [be brought] to light <<<
Kanji words: 明方 , 明日 , 弁明 , 文明 , 英明 , 判明 , 発明 , 平明 , 不明 , 表明 , 自明 , 賢明 , 公明 , 究明 , 明言 , 明治 , 明確 , 明細 , 未明 , 明星 , 黎明 , 声明 , 鮮明 , 説明 , 釈明 , 失明 , 照明 , 証明 , 聡明 , 松明 , 透明 , 夜明
Expressions: 月の明り , 月の明りで , 打ち明ける , 年が明ける , 自ずから明らか , 名を明かす , 夜が明ける , 喪が明ける , 飲み明かす , 種を明かす , 語り明かす , 鼻を明かす , 地理に明るい , 画面が明るい , 明後日 , 明明後日 , 秘密を明かす , 法律に明るい , 事情を明らかにする , 事務に明るい , 休会明け , 身分を明かす , 論点を明らかにする , 明るい性格 , 真実を明かす , 真相を明らかにする , 立場を明らかにする , 梅雨の明け

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 8
translation: throw away, give up, abandon
抛つ: nageutsu

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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17