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category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: energy nb of strokes: 16 translation: firewood, kindling wood shin 薪: takigi 薪: maki 薪を集める: makioatsumeru: gather wood for fuel <<< 集 薪を割る: makiowaru: split [chop] the wood <<< 割 踵
category: JIS2radical: ![]() keyword: body nb of strokes: 16 translation: follow, succeed, heel shuu 踵ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed, 継 踵: kubisu: heel 踵: kibisu 踵: kakato 踵の高い: kakatonotakai: high heeled <<< 高 踵の高い靴: kakatonotakaikutsu: high heeled shoes 踵の低い: kakatonohikui: low heeled <<< 低 踵を返す: kibisuokaesu: turn back, turn on one's heels <<< 返 踵を接する: kibisuosessuru: be close on one's heels, follow one after another <<< 接 Expressions: 靴の踵 check also: 踝 諺
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: grammar nb of strokes: 16 translation: proverb, saying, maxim gen 諺: kotowaza 諺の: kotowazano: proverbial 諺にも有る様に: kotowazanimoaruyouni: as the proverb says [goes, puts it] synonyms: 格言 龍
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: fantasy nb of strokes: 16 translation: dragon, hero, imperial ryuu, ryou, rou 龍: tatsu: dragon 龍が如く: ryuugagotoku: Yakuza (Like a Dragon, a Japanese video game, 2005-2008) <<< 如 ![]() Kanji words: 飛龍 , 龍宮 synonyms: 竜 , ドラゴン
category: JIS2, only in Japaneseradical: ![]() keyword: education nb of strokes: 16 translation: breeding, training, discipline, education 躾: shitsuke 躾の良い: shitsukenoii, shitsukenoyoi: well-bred, well-mannered <<< 良 躾の悪い: shitsukenowarui: ill-bred, ill-mannered <<< 悪 Kanji words: 不躾 check also: 調教 謂
category: JIS1radical: ![]() nb of strokes: 16 translation: transfer (orig.), say, tell, reason, cause, origin, think, believe i 謂う: iu: say, tell <<< 言 謂れ: iware: reason, cause, history, origin <<< 根拠 , 理由 謂れ無い: iwarenai: unreasonable, unjustifiable, unfounded <<< 無 謂れ無く: iwarenaku: without any (good) reason <<< 無 謂う: omou: think, believe <<< 思 Kanji words: 所謂 繁
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: plant nb of strokes: 16 translation: luxuriant, thick, exuberant han 繁る: shigeru: grow thick, be luxuriant Kanji words: 繁盛 , 繁栄 , 繁殖 , 頻繁 synonyms: 茂 鴫
category: JIS2, only in Japaneseradical: ![]() keyword: bird nb of strokes: 16 translation: sandpiper (jp.), curlew, snipe 鴫: shigi 骸
category: JIS1radical: ![]() keyword: body nb of strokes: 16 translation: body, corpse gai, kai 骸: mukuro: body, corpse 骸: hone: bone (of corpse) <<< 骨 Kanji words: 骸骨 , 遺骸 , 死骸 , 残骸 check also: 遺体 縫
category: common usageradical: ![]() keyword: clothes nb of strokes: 16 translation: sew, stitch hou 縫う: nuu: sew, stitch 縫い合わせる: nuiawaseru: sew [stitch] together, sew [stitch] up <<< 合 , 縫合 縫い付ける: nuitsukeru: sew on <<< 付 縫い取り: nuitori: embroidery <<< 取 縫い取りをする: nuitoriosuru: embroider <<< 取 縫い取る: nuitoru <<< 取 縫: nuime: seam, suture <<< 縫目 Kanji words: 縫合 , 縫包み , 縫目 , 縫物 , 裁縫 Expressions: 機械縫い , 傷口を縫う , ミシンで縫う , ミシン縫いの
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