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坪category: common usageradical: keyword: unit nb of strokes: 8 translation: flat ground hei, hyou 坪: tsubo: unit of surface (ca. 3.3 m2, jp.) Kanji words: 建坪 茂category: common usageradical: keyword: plant nb of strokes: 8 translation: grow thick, be luxuriant mo, bou 茂る: shigeru: grow thick, be luxuriant Expressions: 木の茂った , 樹木の茂った synonyms: 繁 枢category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: pivot, important, essential, machinery suu 枢: toboso: pivot (anc.) 枢: kaname: pivot, essential point <<< 要 枢: karakuri: machinery <<< 絡繰 Kanji words: 中枢 , 枢軸 昆category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: older [elder] brother, posterity kon 昆: ani: older [elder] brother <<< 兄 昆: nochi: descendant, posterity <<< 後 昆: ato Kanji words: 昆布 , 昆虫
岡category: JIS1radical: keyword: geography nb of strokes: 8 translation: hill, hilltop kou 岡: oka Kanji words: 福岡 , 盛岡 , 岡山 , 静岡 synonyms: 丘 叔category: common usageradical: keyword: family nb of strokes: 8 translation: uncle shuku 叔: oji Kanji words: 叔母 , 叔父 卓category: common usageradical: keyword: furniture nb of strokes: 8 translation: high, excellent, table (ext.) taku 卓れる: sugureru: be superior, surpass, excel <<< 優 卓: tsukue: table, desk <<< 机 Kanji words: 卓袱台 , 電卓 , 円卓 , 食卓 , 卓球 奉category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: offer (pol.), receive hou, bu 奉る: tatematsuru: offer (pol., v.), give 奉ける: ukeru: receive, get <<< 受 Kanji words: 奉行 , 奉公 , 奉仕 Expressions: 祈りを奉げる 迚category: JIS2, only in Japaneseradical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: very, so, quite, pretty, even if [though], however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever 迚も: totemo: very, so, quite, pretty 迚: tote: even if [though], however, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever synonyms: 大変 尚category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 8 translation: add, moreover, high, respect, hope (bor.) shou 尚: nao: moreover, still, yet 尚悪い事に: naowaruikotoni: to make matters worse, (what is) worse still 尚う: negau: hope (v.) <<< 願 尚える: kuwaeru: add <<< 加 尚ぶ: tattobu: respect <<< 尊 尚しい: hisashii: old, long ago <<< 久 Kanji words: 尚更 , 和尚
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