Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 欄,譲,鐘,響,鸛,籍,鐙,朧,騰,鰊

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: common usage
keyword: media
nb of strokes: 20
translation: handrail, railing, balustrade, cage, pen, corral
欄: ran: column, section
欄: tesuri: handrail, railing, balustrade <<< 手摺
欄: ori: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison <<<
Kanji words: 欄干 , 欄間
Expressions: 備考欄 , 読者欄 , 娯楽欄 , 人事欄 , 家庭欄 , 経済欄 , 広告欄 , 求職広告欄 , 政治欄 , 社説欄 , 死亡欄 , 相談欄 , 投稿欄 , 投書欄 , 通信欄 , ゴシップ欄 , スポーツ欄

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 20
translation: criticize, censure, reproach, accuse, yield (bor.), transfer, turn [hand] over, concede
譲る: yuzuru: transfer, turn [hand] over, assign, give, offer, abdicate, sell, dispose of, concede, make a concession, yield
譲める: semeru: criticize, censure, reproach, accuse <<<
Kanji words: 分譲 , 譲歩 , 譲渡 , 割譲 , 謙譲
Expressions: 席を譲る , 道を譲る , 一歩譲る , 一歩も譲らない , 権利を譲る , 政権を譲る , 座席を譲る

category: common usage
keyword: musical instrument
nb of strokes: 20
translation: bell, gong
鐘: kane
鐘の音: kanenone: sound of a bell <<<
鐘が鳴る: kaneganaru: There goes the bell <<<
鐘を鳴らす: kaneonarasu: ring a bell <<<
鐘を突く: kaneotsuku: strike [toll] a bell <<<
Expressions: 除夜の鐘
synonyms: ベル

category: common usage
keyword: audio
nb of strokes: 20
translation: sound, reverberate, echo
響く: hibiku: sound (v.), reverberate, echo
響き: hibiki: sound (n.), crash, report, peal, echo, reverberation, effect, impact
Kanji words: 影響 , 反響 , 交響 , 音響
Expressions: 山彦が響く , ラッパの響き
check also:

category: JIS2
keyword: bird
nb of strokes: 20
translation: ibis, stork
鸛: kouZuru
鸛: kounotori
check also:

category: common usage
keyword: administration
nb of strokes: 20
translation: document, book, letter, mail
seki, sha, jaku
籍: seki: register
籍を入れる: sekioireru: have one's [a person's] name entered in the family register <<<
籍を抜く: sekionuku: have one's [a person's] name struck out from the family register <<<
籍を置く: sekiooku: be enrolled at <<<
籍: humi: document, letter, text <<<
Kanji words: 学籍 , 本籍 , 移籍 , 国籍 , 戸籍 , 入籍 , 書籍
Expressions: 米国籍 , 中国籍 , 英国籍

category: JIS1
keyword: tool
nb of strokes: 20
translation: fire dish, high-leg dish, stirrup (bor.)
鐙: abumi: stirrups
鐙に足を掛ける: abuminiashiokakeru: place one's foot in the stirrup
鐙: hitomoshi: fire dish
鐙: takatsuki: high-leg dish

category: JIS2
keyword: weather
nb of strokes: 20
translation: moonset, moonrize
朧: oboro: moonset, moonrize, vagueness (jp.), dimness, meat wool, meat floss, rousong
Kanji words: 朦朧 , 朧気

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 20
translation: go up, rise, hike, soar
騰がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar <<< , ,
騰る: noboru: go up, come up, soar, mount <<< , ,
Kanji words: 暴騰 , 沸騰 , 急騰

category: JIS1
keyword: fish
nb of strokes: 20
translation: a fish name
鰊: nishin: herring (jp.)
Expressions: 鰊のマリネ

The displayed words on this page are 2788 - 2797 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17