Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 炮,怨,侠,茜,姦,昼,風,帝,追,盾

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category: JIS2
keyword: food
nb of strokes: 9
translation: roast, broil
炮る: aburu: roast (v.), broil <<< ,

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 9
translation: curse, score, blame
en, on
怨む: uramu
Kanji words: 怨恨

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 9
translation: chivalry, gallantry
侠: otokodate: manly [chivalrous] spirit
侠: otokogi
Kanji words: 任侠

category: JIS1
keyword: plant , color
nb of strokes: 9
translation: (Bengal) madder, dark red
茜: akane

category: JIS1
keyword: sex
nb of strokes: 9
translation: lie, falsehood, indecent, obscene, lewd
kan, ken
姦り: itsuwari: lie, falsehood <<< ,
姦: midara: indecent, obscene, lewd <<< ,
姦しい: kashimashii: noisy (jp.), clamorous <<<
Kanji words: 強姦 , 獣姦 , 姦通

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
nb of strokes: 9
translation: day, noon
昼: hiru
昼の: hiruno: diurnal
昼も夜も: hirumoyorumo: day and night <<<
昼の内に: hirunouchini: during the day <<<
昼の部: hirunobu: matinée <<<
Kanji words: 昼食 , 昼間 , 昼飯 , 昼寝 , 真昼
Expressions: 昼御飯 , 昼興行 , 昼のニュース

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
nb of strokes: 9
translation: wind, breeze, draft, gale, current
huu, hu
風: kaze, kaza
風が出る: kazegaderu: The wind rises <<<
風が凪ぐ: kazeganagu: The wind goes down [falls] <<<
風が弱る: kazegayowaru: The wind wanes <<<
風が吹く: kazegahuku: The wind blows, It is windy <<<
風が酷い: kazegahidoi: It blows hard <<<
風の強い: kazenotsuyoi: windy <<<
風の有る: kazenoaru <<<
風の無い: kazenonai: windless <<<
風に逆らって: kazenisakaratte: against [in the teeth of] the wind <<<
風を通す: kazeotoosu: let fresh air (into), ventilate, air (v.) <<<
風を入れる: kazeoireru <<<
風を切って飛ぶ: kazeokittetobu: go flying through the air
風立ちぬ: kazetachinu: Kaze Tachinu (manga and anime film of Hayao Miyazaki, 2013) <<<
風と共に去りぬ: kazetotomonisarinu: Gone with the wind (American novel and movie, 1936 and 1939)
Kanji words: 暴風 , 屏風 , 逆風 , 疾風 , 東風 , 風呂 , 風防 , 風貌 , 風潮 , 風神 , 風人 , 風格 , 風景 , 風紀 , 風味 , 風力 , 風流 , 風船 , 風車 , 風刺 , 風疹 , 風習 , 風速 , 風水 , 風雨 , 風俗 , 風情 , 神風 , 風上 , 風向 , 風下 , 風邪 , 北風 , 南風 , 追風 , 旋風 , 扇風機 , 潮風 , 微風 , 涼風 , 台風 , 突風 , 痛風 , 通風 , 和風 , 洋風
Expressions: 強い風 , 哀歌風 , 貿易風 , 伝記風 , 現代風 , 異国風の , 田舎風 , 官庁風 , 季節風 , 物語風の , 日本風 , 西洋風 , 隙間風 , 東北風 , 東南風 , 東洋風 , 役所風 , エピゾード風の , ゴシック風 , スケッチ風の , スケッチ風に , バロック風の

category: common usage
keyword: nobility
nb of strokes: 9
translation: emperor
tei, tai
帝: mikado
帝: kimi: lord <<< ,
Kanji words: 女帝 , 皇帝 , 帝国

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport , sport
nb of strokes: 9
translation: chase, pursue, follow, seek, expel
tsui, tai
追う: ou: chase, pursue, follow, seek, run after, drive away, expel
追い上げる: oiageru: gain upon <<<
追い返す: oikaesu: send [turn] away, drive back, repulse <<<
追い掛ける: oikakeru: run after (a person), pursue, chase <<<
追い縋る: oisugaru: run after (a person) closely <<<
追い出す: oidasu: drive [send, kick, turn] out, expel, evict, divorce, dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire, extrude (from) <<<
追い立てる: oitateru: drive on [away], urge on, hasten (a person), eject [evict] (a person) <<<
追い散らす: oichirasu: drive [send] away, scatter [disperse] (the crowd), put (the enemy) to rout, ding <<<
追い払う: oiharau <<<
追い付く: oitsuku: overtake, catch [come] up with, gain upon <<<
追い詰める: oitsumeru: corner, drive (a person) into a corner, bring (an animal) to bay, run down (a person) <<<
追い回す: oimawasu: chase about, follow [hang] about, dangle after, order (a person) about <<<
追い遣る: oiyaru: drive [send] (a person) away, relegate (a person) to a lower position, demote <<<
Kanji words: 追風 , 追い込 , 追越 , 追証 , 追討ち , 追撃 , 追放 , 追加 , 追求 , 追憶 , 追伸 , 追突
Expressions: 幻を追う , 尻を追う , 条を追って , 後を追う , 順を追って , 跡を追う , 段階を追って , 獲物を追う , 幻影を追う , 快楽を追う , 流行を追う , 仕事に追われる , 行方を追う , ツイッターで追う

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
nb of strokes: 9
translation: shield, buckler
jun, ton
盾: tate: shield (n.), buckler
盾にする: tatenisuru: shield (v.)
盾突く, 楯突く: tatetsuku: oppose, resist, rebel [set oneself] against
Kanji words: 矛盾

The displayed words on this page are 1039 - 1048 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17