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腸category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: organs nb of strokes: 13 translation: intestines, bowels chou 腸の: chouno: intestinal 腸: harawata: intestines, entrails 腸の腐った男: harawatanokusattaotoko: rotten-hearted man 腸が煮え繰り返る様だ: harawataganiekurikaeruyouda: I am boiling over with anger Kanji words: 直腸 , 腸詰 , 腸炎 , 大腸 , 胃腸 , 十二指腸 , 浣腸 , 盲腸 , 小腸 Expressions: 腸閉塞 鉤category: JIS2radical: keyword: tool nb of strokes: 13 translation: hook kou, ku 鉤: kagi: hook (n.) 鉤に掛ける: kaginikakeru: hang on a hook <<< 掛 鉤に吊るす: kaginitsurusu <<< 吊 鉤ける: kakeru: hook (v.) <<< 掛 Kanji words: 鉤爪 , 鉤針 Expressions: 鉤十字 , 鉤括弧 synonyms: フック 鼎category: JIS1radical: keyword: utensil nb of strokes: 13 translation: tripode tei 鼎: kanae 鼎の軽重を問う: kanaenokeichouotou: have doubts about one's ability [competence] 鼎に: masani: just (adv.), exactly, precisely, surely, certainly, really <<< 正 勧category: common usageradical: keyword: advertisement nb of strokes: 13 translation: advise, encourage, stimulate, spur kan 勧める: susumeru Kanji words: 勧告 , 勧誘 Expressions: 椅子を勧める synonyms: 奨
棄category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: throw, give up, renounce, abandon, relinquish ki 棄てる: suteru: throw [cast, fling] away, dump, abandon, give up, forsake, desert, drop, leave <<< 捨 棄: misuteru: give up (a person), desert, forsake, throw (a person) over, walk out on (a person) Kanji words: 廃棄 , 破棄 , 放棄 , 棄権 , 投棄 債category: common usageradical: keyword: finance nb of strokes: 13 translation: loan, debt sai 債: kari: loan, debt, liabilities <<< 借 Kanji words: 負債 , 国債 , 債権 , 債務 , 社債 Expressions: 金融債 , 仕組債 , 割引債 , ゼロクーポン債 , ソブリン債 , ユーロ債 嘆category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: weep, complain, deplore, lament tan 嘆く: nageku: complain, deplore, lament 嘆かわしい: nagekawashii: deplorable, lamentable check also: 泣 微category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 13 translation: faint, dim, vague bi, mi 微かな: kasukana: faint, dim, vague, indistinct, hazy, scanty, slight 微かな光: kasukanahikari: glimmering [dim] light, glimmer <<< 光 微かに: kasukani: faintly, dimly, indistinctly Kanji words: 微妙 , 微熱 , 微笑 , 軽微 , 顕微鏡 , 微睡 , 微塵 , 微風 Expressions: 微生物 蒙category: JIS1radical: keyword: asia nb of strokes: 13 translation: cover (orig.), dark, suffer, Mongol (pref., suff.) mou, bou 蒙い: kurai: dark, dim, gloomy <<< 暗 蒙る: koumuru: suffer, get, receive <<< 被 蒙う: oou: cover, veil <<< 被 , 覆 Kanji words: 啓蒙 , 蒙古 Expressions: 束縛を蒙る , 損害を蒙る check also: モンゴル 搬category: common usageradical: keyword: transport nb of strokes: 13 translation: carry, convey, remove, move, transfer han 搬ぶ: mochihakobu: carry, convey 搬す: utsusu: remove [move] (to, into), transfer <<< 移 Kanji words: 搬入 , 運搬
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