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逸category: common usageradical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: evade, elude, dodge, side-step, parry, divert, deviate, stray, escape, lose (ext.), miss ichi, itsu 逸する: issuru: miss [lose] (a chance), let escape, stray [deviate] from 逸う: ushinau: miss [lose] (a chance), let escape <<< 失 逸す: sorasu: evade, elude, dodge, side-step, parry, turn (a thing) aside [away], divert, make (a thing) deviate from 逸る: hashiru: escape <<< 走 , 奔 逸る: hayaru: be hasty, be impatient, be impetuous <<< 早 逸れる: sugureru: be superior, surpass, excel <<< 優 , 勝 逸: toshi, yasu, haya: pers. Kanji words: 逸脱 , 逸話 , 逸材 Expressions: 話を逸らす , 注意を逸らす , 時機を逸する , 血気に逸る , 軌道を逸する , 機会を逸する , 好機を逸する , 目線を逸す , 潮時を逸する , 視線を逸す , 脇道へ逸れる 軛category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: yoke yaku 軛: kubiki 軛に繋ぐ: kubikinitsunagu: yoke sth. <<< 繋 舫category: JIS2radical: keyword: ship nb of strokes: 11 translation: arrange (ships) hou 舫う: moyau: moor <<< 係留 厩category: JIS1radical: keyword: horse nb of strokes: 11 translation: stable, barn kyuu 厩: umaya synonyms: 馬屋
掴category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: seize, grasp, grip, hold, clutch, understand kaku 掴む: tsukamu: seize, grasp, grip, hold, take [catch] hold of, clutch, lay hands on, understand 掴み出す: tsukamidasu: (seize and) turn (a person) out, take (a thing) out <<< 出 掴み殺す: tsukamikorosu: crush [squeeze] (a person) to death <<< 殺 掴み取る: tsukamitoru: snatch (a thing) away, grasp, catch <<< 取 Expressions: 襟首を掴む , 尻尾を掴む , 正体を掴む , 高値掴み , 手掛りを掴む , 要点を掴む , チャンスを掴む 商category: to learn in schoolradical: keyword: business , china nb of strokes: 11 translation: commerce, deal, trade, merchant, measure (ext.), Shang (a Chinese dynasty, 1700 BC - 1046 BC) shou 商い: akinai: trade, business, trading 商う: akinau: deal (v.), trade 商: akindo: merchant <<< 商人 商る: hakaru: measure (v.) <<< 計 , 量 Kanji words: 行商 , 商売 , 商談 , 商業 , 商品 , 商法 , 商標 , 商科 , 商家 , 商会 , 商工 , 商人 , 商社 , 商店 Expressions: 美術商 , 貿易商 , 武器商 , 楽器商 , 玩具商 , 宝石商 , 毛皮商 , 骨董商 , 商行為 , 屑鉄商 , 長靴商 , 織物商 , 露店商 , 両替商 , 商船隊 , 指定商 , 書籍商 , 陶器商 , 薬草商 , 羊毛商 , 輸入商 , 輸出商 , 材木商 , 雑貨商 , メリヤス商 衒category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: affectation, pretension gen, ken 衒い: terai: affectation, pretension 衒う: terau: boast of, make a display [show] of, show off, feign, affect, pretend Expressions: 奇を衒う 貪category: JIS2radical: keyword: food nb of strokes: 11 translation: greedy, covetous don, tan, ton 貪る: musaboru: covet, be greedy (of, for), be covetous 貪り食う: musaborikuu: eat greedily [voraciously], devour, eat like a wolf <<< 食 Kanji words: 貪欲 Expressions: 暴利を貪る synonyms: 婪 婪category: JIS2radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: greedy, covetous ran, rin 婪る: musaboru: covet, be greedy (of, for), be covetous synonyms: 貪 捷category: JIS1radical: nb of strokes: 11 translation: win (a war), fast, rapid, quick, nimble shou, sou 捷つ: katsu: win (a war) <<< 勝 捷い: hayai: fast, rapid <<< 速 , 早 , 疾 捷やい: subayai: quick, nimble, agile <<< 素早い
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