Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 槌,韮,嫌,暈,傲,嗜,酣,嫉,躱,滑

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category: JIS1
keyword: tool
nb of strokes: 13
translation: hammer, mallet, maul
槌: tsuchi: hammer (n.), mallet, maul
槌で打つ: tsuchideutsu: hammer (v.), beat with a hammer <<<
Kanji words: 相槌 , 鉄槌
check also: ハンマー

category: JIS1
keyword: vegetable
nb of strokes: 13
translation: leek, chive
韮: nira

category: common usage
nb of strokes: 13
translation: hate, detest, dislike, doubt
ken, gen
嫌う: kirau: hate, detest, dislike
嫌い: kirai: dislike (of, for), distaste (for), abhorrence, aversion (to, for), antipathy (to), hatred, touch, tinge
嫌いな: kiraina: disagreeable, disgusting, hateful
嫌: iya: refusal
嫌な: iyana, yana: disagreeable, hateful, unwilling, reluctant
嫌な臭: iyananioi, yananioi: nasty [offensive] smell <<< , 悪臭
嫌な奴: iyanayatsu, yanayatsu: odious [disgusting] fellow <<<
嫌な顔をする: iyanakaoosuru, yanakaoosuru: make a (wry) face, look displeased <<<
嫌に: iyani, yani: strangely, awfully, terribly, provokingly
嫌に成る: iyaninaru, yaninaru: get tired [sick] of, grow weary of, become disgusted (with) <<<
嫌がる: iyagaru, yagaru: dislike, hate, be unwilling [reluctant] (to do)
嫌がらせ: iyagarase: offense, disagreeable [spiteful] thing
嫌がらせを言う: iyagaraseoiu: say a disagreeable [spiteful] thing (to) <<<
嫌う: utagau: doubt, have doubts (on, about), be doubtful (of) <<<
Kanji words: 嫌気 , 嫌味 , 機嫌
Expressions: 所嫌わず , 負けず嫌い , 貴方嫌い , 外人嫌い , 人間嫌い , 信心嫌い

category: JIS2
keyword: color
nb of strokes: 13
translation: halo, dizziness, vertigo, shade, gradation
暈: kasa: halo
暈: memai: dizziness, vertigo <<<
暈: kuma: shade, gradation <<<
暈し: bokashi: gradation
暈す: bokasu: gradate, mute
暈る: bokeru: grow faint, fade, shade off
暈ける: boyakeru: grow dim, become blurred, fade
Expressions: 色を暈す

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 13
translation: extravagant, haughty, arrogant, despise, contempt
傲る: ogoru: live luxuriously, be extravagant, be haughty [arrogant], become [get] conceited
傲どる: anadoru: despise, look down upon, hold (a person) in contempt, make little of
Kanji words: 傲慢
synonyms: ,

category: JIS2
keyword: amusement
nb of strokes: 13
translation: taste, relish
嗜む: tashinamu: be fond of, have a taste for, live, love, relish
嗜み: tashinami: taste (n.), relish, accomplishments, modesty (jp.), etiquette <<< エチケット
嗜みの良い: tashinaminoii, tashinaminoyoi: descent, reputable, ethical <<<
Kanji words: 嗜好

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 13
translation: enjoy, prosperous
酣: takenawa: full swing
酣である: takenawadearu: be in full swing

category: JIS1
nb of strokes: 13
translation: jealous, envious
嫉む: nikumu: hate, detest <<<
嫉む: netamu: be jealous [envious] (of), envy <<<
Kanji words: 嫉妬

category: JIS2
nb of strokes: 13
translation: body, dodge
躱す: kawasu: dodge

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
nb of strokes: 13
translation: smooth, glassy, slide, skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
katsu, kotsu
滑り: suberi: sliding, slide (n.), skating, skid
滑りが良い: suberigaii, suberigayoi: slide well <<<
滑りが悪い: suberigawarui: do not slide well <<<
滑る: suberu: slide (v.), skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
滑り落ちる: suberiochiru: slide down <<<
滑り易すい: suberiyasui: slippery <<<
滑らかな: namerakana: smooth (a.), glassy
滑らかに: namerakani: fluently, smoothly
滑らかにする: namerakanisuru: smooth (v.), make smooth
滑れる: midareru: be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion] <<<
Kanji words: 潤滑 , 滑降 , 滑車 , 滑走 , 滑稽 , 滑子 , 滑り台
Expressions: 舌を滑らす , 滑車輪 , スロープを滑る
synonyms: スリップ
check also: スライド

The displayed words on this page are 1911 - 1920 among 2857.
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Last update: 09/03/24 07:17