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太刀pronunciation: tachikanji characters: 太 , 刀 keyword: weapon , history translation: long sword 太刀持ち: tachimochi: sword-bearer <<< 持 太刀を穿く: tachiohaku: bear a sword <<< 穿 太刀を抜く: tachionuku: pull the sword <<< 抜 太刀魚: tachiuo: scabbard fish <<< 魚 太刀打: tachiuchi: sword combat <<< 打 , 剣道 太刀打出来る: tachiuchidekiru: be a good match, can rival sb. <<< 出来 check also: 剣 立葵pronunciation: tachiaoikanji characters: 立 , 葵 other spells: タチアオイ keyword: flower translation: hollyhock, Alcea rosea 立場pronunciation: tachibakanji characters: 立 , 場 translation: situation, position 立場を失う: tachibaoushinau: lose one's footing (ground) <<< 失 立場を明らかにする: tachibaoakirakanisuru: make one's position clear, make out one's case <<< 明 立場が難しい: tachibagamuzukashii: be in a delicate situation (position), be in a tight place <<< 難 check also: 観点 立入pronunciation: tachiirikanji characters: 立 , 入 other spells: 立ち入り translation: entrance, entry 立入る: tachiiru: enter, come [go, get] into, meddle in, interfere with, pry [poke one's nose] into, trespass (on, upon) 立入った話ですが: tachiittahanashidesuga: Excuse me for being too personal [inquisitive] but <<< 話 立入った事を伺いますが: tachiittakotooukagaimasuga 立入禁止: tachiirikinshi: Keep off [out], No admittance, No trespassing <<< 禁止 立入検査: tachiirikensa: inspection <<< 検査 立入検査する: tachiirikensasuru: inspect synonyms: 侵入
立木pronunciation: tachikikanji characters: 立 , 木 other spells: 立ち木 keyword: tree translation: standing [growing] tree 只今pronunciation: tadaimakanji characters: 只 , 今 other spells: 唯今 keyword: time translation: now, at present, just now, directly, soon in a minute 只今の所: tadaimanotokoro: for the present <<< 所 只今迄に: tadaimamadeni: up to now [the present], so far, to date <<< 迄 只今参ります: tadaimamairimasu: I am coming <<< 参 多額pronunciation: tagakukanji characters: 多 , 額 keyword: finance translation: large sum [amount] 多額の: tagakuno: a large sum [amount] of (money), large, considerable, heavy 多額の金: tagakunokane: a large sum [amount] of money <<< 金 多額の負債: tagakunohusai: a large sum [amount] of debts <<< 負債 多額納税者: tagakunouzeisha: high [upperbracket] taxpayer check also: 高額 田計里pronunciation: tagerikanji characters: 田 , 計 , 里 other spells: 田鳧, タゲリ keyword: bird translation: northern lapwing, peewit, green plover, kibitzer check also: 千鳥 田畑pronunciation: tahatakanji characters: 田 , 畑 keyword: farming translation: cultivated land, fields, farm 胎盤pronunciation: taibankanji characters: 胎 , 盤 keyword: organs translation: placenta check also: 子宮
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