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晴天pronunciation: seitenkanji characters: 晴 , 天 keyword: weather translation: fine weather, clear [bright, cloudless] sky 晴天続き: seitentsuZuki: long spell of fine weather <<< 続 今日は晴天なり: konnnichihaseitennnari: The weather is fine today (phrase used for a microphone test) <<< 今日 synonyms: 青空 , 青天 生徒pronunciation: seitokanji characters: 生 , 徒 keyword: school translation: pupil, student 生徒会: seitokai: student council <<< 会 生徒監: seitokan: proctor, inspector of students <<< 監 男生徒: danseito: male pupil [student] <<< 男 女生徒: joseito: female pupil [student] <<< 女 男子生徒: danshiseito: schoolboy <<< 男子 優秀な生徒: yuushuunaseito: brilliant student <<< 優秀 check also: 学生 整頓pronunciation: seitonkanji characters: 整 , 頓 keyword: house translation: (good) order, arrangement 整頓する: seitonsuru: put in order, arrange, clear up, adjust 整頓した: seitonshita: orderly, neat check also: 整理 政党pronunciation: seitoukanji characters: 政 , 党 keyword: politics translation: (political) party 政党の: seitouno: party (a.) 政党員: seitouin: member of a political party, party man <<< 員 政党政治: seitouseiji: party politics (government) <<< 政治 政党大会: seitoutaikai: party convention <<< 大会 政党内閣: seitounaikaku: party cabinet (ministry) <<< 内閣 政党綱領: seitoukouryou: party platform [program] 既成政党: kiseiseitou: existing political party <<< 既成 革新政党: kakushinseitou: reformist party <<< 革新
正当pronunciation: seitoukanji characters: 正 , 当 keyword: law translation: justice, fairness, legality, lawfulness 正当な: seitouna: just, proper, fair, right, legal, lawful, legitimate (a.) 正当な理由: seitounariyuu: good [justifiable] reason <<< 理由 正当化する: seitoukasuru: justify, legitimate (v.) <<< 化 正当防衛: seitoubouei: legal defense, legitimate self-defense <<< 防衛 synonyms: 合法 海象pronunciation: seiuchikanji characters: 海 , 象 other spells: セイウチ keyword: animal translation: walrus 星雲pronunciation: seiunkanji characters: 星 , 雲 keyword: astronomy translation: nebula, galaxy 星雲の: seiunnno: nebular, nebulous 星雲の様な: seiunnnoyouna <<< 様 星雲説: seiunsetsu: nebular hypothesis <<< 説 マゼラン星雲: mazeranseiun: Magellanic Clouds <<< マゼラン 聖夜pronunciation: seiyakanji characters: 聖 , 夜 keyword: christianity translation: Holy Night, Christmas Eve 制約pronunciation: seiyakukanji characters: 制 , 約 translation: restriction, restraint 制約する: seiyakusuru: restrict, limit check also: 制限 製薬pronunciation: seiyakukanji characters: 製 , 薬 keyword: drug translation: medicine manufacture, pharmacy 製薬業: seiyakugyou <<< 業 製薬会社: seiyakugaisha: pharmaceutical company <<< 会社
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