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禿鷹pronunciation: hagetakakanji characters: 禿 , 鷹 keyword: bird translation: vulture, griffon check also: コンドル 歯軋りpronunciation: hagishirikanji characters: 歯 translation: gnash, gnashing 歯軋りをする: hagishiriosuru: grind [gnash] one's teenth 羽子板pronunciation: hagoitakanji characters: 羽 , 子 , 板 keyword: amusement translation: battledore check also: 羽根 , Hagoita 羽衣pronunciation: hagoromokanji characters: 羽 , 衣 keyword: clothes translation: robe of feathers
歯車pronunciation: hagurumakanji characters: 歯 , 車 keyword: technology translation: gear, cog wheel 歯車装置: hagurumasouchi: gear box (unit) <<< 装置 check also: ギア 母親pronunciation: hahaoyakanji characters: 母 , 親 keyword: family translation: mother, mama 義理の母親: girinohahaoya: mother-in-law, stepmother <<< 義理 check also: 父親 , ママ 破片pronunciation: hahenkanji characters: 破 , 片 translation: fragment, splinter, shard 爆弾の破片: bakudannnohahen: bomb fragment [splinter] <<< 爆弾 配備pronunciation: haibikanji characters: 配 , 備 keyword: war translation: arrangement, disposition, stationing 配備する: haibisuru: arrange, station, post check also: 配置 敗北pronunciation: haibokukanji characters: 敗 , 北 keyword: sport translation: defeat (n.) 敗北する: haibokusuru: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose 敗北を喫する: haibokuokissuru <<< 喫 敗北者: haibokusha: loser <<< 者 敗北主義: haibokushugi: defeatism <<< 主義 敗北主義者: haibokushugisha: defeatist <<< 者 全面敗北: zenmenhaiboku: total defeat, rout <<< 全面 check also: 負 配置pronunciation: haichikanji characters: 配 , 置 keyword: job translation: disposition, arrangement, allocation, deployment 配置する: haichisuru: dispose, arrange, allocate, deploy 配置転換: haichitenkan: reshuffle [redistribution] of the personnel <<< 転換 気圧配置: kiatsuhaichi: distribution of atmospheric pressure <<< 気圧 check also: 配備
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