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不束pronunciation: hutsutsukakanji characters: 不 , 束 translation: incompetence 不束な: hutsutsukana: incompetent, incapable 不束ながら: hutsutsukanagara: incompetent as I am 普通pronunciation: hutsuukanji characters: 普 , 通 translation: ordinariness 普通の: hutsuuno: ordinary, common, usual, general 普通に: hutsuuni: ordinarily, commonly, usually, generally 普通の人: hutsuunohito: man on the street, average man <<< 人 普通以上: hutsuuijou: above the average <<< 以上 普通以下: hutsuuika: below the average <<< 以下 普通名詞: hutsuumeishi: common noun <<< 名詞 普通選挙: hutsuusenkyo: general election <<< 選挙 普通教育: hutsuukyouiku: common [popular] education <<< 教育 普通列車: hutsuuressha: slow [accommodation] train <<< 列車 普通急行: hutsuukyuukou: ordinary express <<< 急行 普通郵便: hutsuuyuubin: ordinary mail [post] <<< 郵便 普通貯金: hutsuuchokin: current [check] account <<< 貯金 普通口座: hutsuukouza <<< 口座 check also: 平均 , 平凡 , 通常 沸騰pronunciation: huttoukanji characters: 沸 , 騰 keyword: physics translation: boiling 沸騰する: huttousuru: boil (up), come to the boil, seethe 沸騰点: huttouten: boiling point <<< 点 風防pronunciation: huuboukanji characters: 風 , 防 keyword: car translation: windbreak, windshield 風防ガラス: huubougarasu: windscreen, windshield <<< ガラス
風貌pronunciation: huuboukanji characters: 風 translation: looks, features, one's personal appearance 風潮pronunciation: huuchoukanji characters: 風 , 潮 keyword: sea translation: tendency, public trend 風潮に従う: huuchounishitagau: go [swim] with the current of times <<< 従 風潮に逆らう: huuchounisakarau: go [swim] against the current of times <<< 逆 夫婦pronunciation: huuhukanji characters: 夫 , 婦 keyword: family , love translation: couple (husband and wife), pair 夫婦の: huuhuno: conjugal, marital, matrimonial 夫婦の縁: huuhunoen: marriage-tie, marriage [wedding] knot <<< 縁 夫婦に成る: huuhuninaru: get married, live in wedlock <<< 成 夫婦連れで: huuhuZurede: with one's wife [husband] <<< 連 夫婦愛: huuhuai: conjugal affection <<< 愛 夫婦仲: huuhunaka: conjugal relations <<< 仲 夫婦喧嘩: huuhugenka: domestic scene <<< 喧嘩 新夫婦: shinhuuhu: newly married couple, newlyweds <<< 新 若夫婦: wakahuuhu: young couple, young married <<< 若 老夫婦: rouhuuhu: old couple <<< 老 鴛鴦夫婦: oshidorihuuhu: happily married couple <<< 鴛鴦 似合の夫婦: niainohuuhu: well-matched couple <<< 似合 新婚夫婦: shinkonhuuhu: newly-married couple, newlyweds <<< 新婚 熟年夫婦: jukunenhuuhu: couple of a ripe age <<< 熟年 check also: 結婚 封印pronunciation: huuinkanji characters: 封 , 印 keyword: technology translation: seal (n.) 封印する: huuinsuru: seal (v.) 封印を破る: huuinnoyaburu: break a seal, unseal <<< 破 封印を解く: huuinnotoku <<< 解 風神pronunciation: huujinkanji characters: 風 , 神 keyword: religion translation: god of winds 風人pronunciation: huujinkanji characters: 風 , 人 keyword: literature translation: poet, lover of nature synonyms: 詩人
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