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機密pronunciation: kimitsukanji characters: 機 , 密 keyword: war translation: secrecy, secret (n.), confidentiality 機密の: kimitsuno: secret (a.), confidential 機密を漏らす: kimitsuomorasu: left out [leak] a secret <<< 漏 機密を暴く: kimitsuoabaku: disclose [expose] a secret <<< 暴 機密を守る: kimitsuomamoru: keep a secret <<< 守 機密を保持する: kimitsuohojisuru 機密費: kimitsuhi: secret service fund <<< 費 機密文書: kimitsubunsho: secret document <<< 文書 機密書類: kimitsushorui <<< 書類 機密事項: kimitsujikou: confidential matter, classified information <<< 事項 機密漏洩: kimitsurouei: leakage of secrets <<< 漏洩 軍の機密: gunnnokimitsu: military secret <<< 軍 軍事機密: gunjikimitsu: military secret <<< 軍事 国家機密: kokkakimitsu: state secrecy <<< 国家 check also: 秘密 気持pronunciation: kimochikanji characters: 気 , 持 keyword: health translation: feeling, sensation, mood 気持の良い: kimochinoii, kimochinoyoi: pleasant, agreeable, comfortable, enjoyable, refreshing, snug <<< 良 気持が良い: kimochigaii: feel comfortable [well, pleasant, agreeable] 気持の悪い: kimochinowarui: unpleasant, disagreeable, uncomfortable, sick <<< 悪 気持が悪い: kimochigawarui: feel uncomfortable [sick, unpleasant, disagreeable] 気持を悪くする: kimochiowarukusuru: hurt a person's feelings, offend a person 気持良く: kimochiyoku: pleasantly, agreeably, cheerfully, willingly, with a good grace <<< 良 純粋な気持ちで: junsuinakimochide: uninterestedly, indifferentely <<< 純粋 check also: 心地 , 気分 , 心持 肝煎pronunciation: kimoirikanji characters: 肝 , 煎 other spells: 肝入 keyword: society translation: good offices, sponsorship, agent, go-between 鬼門pronunciation: kimonkanji characters: 鬼 , 門 translation: ominous direction, tabooed quarter, weak point, weakness
着物pronunciation: kimonokanji characters: 着 , 物 keyword: clothes translation: clothes, clothing, dress, kimono 着物を着る: kimonookiru: put one one's clothes, dress oneself <<< 着 着物を脱ぐ: kimonoonugu: take off one's clothes, undress oneself <<< 脱 着物を着た: kimonookita: in a kimono, kimonoed <<< 着 着物を畳む: kimonootatamu: fold clothes <<< 畳 check also: 和服 生娘pronunciation: kimusumekanji characters: 生 , 娘 translation: virgin, maiden check also: 処女 奇妙pronunciation: kimyoukanji characters: 奇 , 妙 keyword: fantasy translation: strangeness, peculiarity, oddness, bizarreness 奇妙な: kimyouna: strange, unusual, peculiar, fanny, odd, bizarre, batty 奇妙に: kimyouni: strangely, curiously, oddly, bizarrely 奇妙にも: kimyounimo: strange to say, curiously enough 奇妙な事に: kimyounakotoni <<< 事 奇妙奇天烈: kimyoukiteretsu: extremely strange [odd] synonyms: 奇抜 , 不思議 機内pronunciation: kinaikanji characters: 機 , 内 keyword: airplane translation: inside airplane, in-flight 機内食: kinaishoku: in-flight meal [menu] <<< 食 機内映画: kinaieiga: in-flight movie [cinema] <<< 映画 機内手荷物: kinaitenimotsu: hand-carry [carry-on] baggage 機内サービス: kinaisaabisu: in-flight service <<< サービス 黄粉pronunciation: kinakokanji characters: 黄 , 粉 other spells: 黄な粉, きな粉 keyword: japanese food translation: soybean flour 黄粉餅: kinakomochi: rice cake powdered with soybean flour <<< 餅 勤勉pronunciation: kinbenkanji characters: 勤 , 勉 keyword: job translation: industry, diligence, assiduity 勤勉な: kinbennna: industrious, assiduous, hardworking, serious 勤勉に: kinbennni: industriously, assiduously, seriously 勤勉家: kinbeka: hard [diligent] worker, wonk <<< 家 synonyms: 真面目
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