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御節pronunciation: osechikanji characters: 御 , 節 keyword: japanese food translation: Japanese New Year dishes 御節料理: osechiryouri <<< 料理 check also: 正月 御世辞pronunciation: osejikanji characters: 御 , 世 , 辞 other spells: お世辞 keyword: greeting translation: compliment, flattery 御世辞に: osejini: in [as a, by way of] compliment 御世辞で: osejide 御世辞が良い: osejigaii: be affable [friendly] <<< 良 御世辞が巧い: osejigaumai: be very complimentary <<< 巧 御世辞を言う: osejioiu: pay (a person) compliments, flatter, say pretty things <<< 言 御世辞抜きで: osejinukide: frankly speaking <<< 抜 御世辞笑い: osejiwarai: compliment smile <<< 笑 御世辞屋: osejiya: flatterer, smooth-tongue person <<< 屋 synonyms: 愛想 御節介pronunciation: osekkaikanji characters: 御 , 節 , 介 translation: meddling, busy-body, meddler 御節介な: osekkaina: meddlesome, officious, interfering 御節介する: osekkaisuru: intervene, meddle (with a person's affairs), put [poke] one's nose (into), kibitz 御節介を焼く: osekkaioyaku <<< 焼 御節介者: osekkaimono: meddler, irksome individual, intruder, kibitzer <<< 者 御節介屋: osekkaiya <<< 屋 御節介な人: osekkainahito <<< 人 synonyms: 干渉 汚染pronunciation: osenkanji characters: 汚 , 染 keyword: environment translation: contamination, pollution 汚染する: osensuru: contaminate, pollute 汚染した: osenshita: contaminated, polluted 汚染を除く: osennonozoku: decontaminate <<< 除 汚染除去: osenjokyo: decontamination <<< 除去 汚染源: osengen: pollutant <<< 源 汚染物質: onsenbusshitsu <<< 物質 大気汚染: taikiosen: air pollution <<< 大気 産業汚染: sangyouosen: industrial pollution <<< 産業 複合汚染: hukugouosen: combined [compound, multiplied] pollution <<< 複合 土壌汚染: dojouosen: soil contamination <<< 土壌 環境汚染: kankyouosen: environment pollution [contamination] <<< 環境
御喋りpronunciation: oshaberikanji characters: 御 , 喋 translation: chattering, idle prattle, idle talk, chat, prattler, chatterbox 御喋りな: oshaberina: talkative, gabby, gossiping 御喋りする: oshaberisuru: talk much, chat, prattle, chatter, visit with (a person) 御喋り女: oshaberionnna: babbler (f.), chatterbox, chatterer <<< 女 check also: 話 御絞りpronunciation: oshiborikanji characters: 御 , 絞 keyword: hygiene translation: wet hand towel check also: タオル 鴛鴦pronunciation: oshidorikanji characters: 鴛 keyword: bird translation: mandarin duck 鴛鴦夫婦: oshidorihuuhu: happily married couple <<< 夫婦 押入pronunciation: oshiirekanji characters: 押 , 入 other spells: 押し入 keyword: furniture translation: closet, wardrobe 押入る: oshiiru: break into, force one's way into synonyms: クローゼット 牡鹿pronunciation: oshika , ojikakanji characters: 牡 , 鹿 other spells: 男鹿 keyword: animal translation: stag, buck 牡鹿半島: oshikahantou, ojikahantou: Oshika [Ojika] Peninsula <<< 半島 check also: 宮城 御湿pronunciation: oshimekanji characters: 御 , 湿 keyword: hygiene translation: diaper (n.), nappy, napkin 御湿を当てる: oshimeateru: diaper (v.) <<< 当 御湿をさせる: omutsuosaseru 御湿を替える: oshimeokaeru: change the diaper <<< 替
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