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Hankyu railway

阪急電鉄 阪急
alternative words: Hankyu dentetsu, Hankyu tetsudo
keywords: company, osaka, railroad
related topics: Osaka city , Kobe city , Kyoto city , Takarazuka city
related web sites:
explanation: Railway company serving 3 major cities of Kinki region, i.e. Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. Founded in 1907, it has developed quickly thanks to an innovative idea of Kobayashi Ichizo, i.e. to build real estate properties along railroads and department stores at terminus. The company owns many bus lines and distribution business too.

Hanno city

alternative words: Hannoshi city, Hannoshi, Hanno-shi, Hanno shi, Hanno, Hannou, Hannou city
keywords: tourist resort, town
related topics: Saitama prefecture , Ikebukuro , Seibu railway
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the south of Saitama prefecture and less than 1 hour of train trip from Ikebukuro station, Hanno owns many popular hiking spots such as Mt Tenran, Shomaru pass, Naguri valley etc. The total population is 86,000 and the main industries are sawing and textile. Hanno owns also old culture vestiges. In 716, the central government created there "Koma" county by let settling 1799 Koreans from Koguryo kingdom: Koma is the Japanese name of Koguryu.

Hanshin electric railway

阪神電気鉄道 阪神電鉄 阪神
alternative words: Hanshin denki tetsudo, Hanshin dentetsu
keywords: company, osaka, railroad
related topics: Osaka city , Kobe city
related web sites:
explanation: Railway company serving the highly urbanized zone between Osaka and Kobe cities. Founded in 1899, it owns bus lines and department stores too. Hanshin is also highly implicated in baseball business as the owner of Koshien stadium and a professional baseball team.

Happo ridge

八方尾根 白馬 白馬
alternative words: Hoppoone ridge, Happoone, Happo-one, Happo, Shirouma, Hakuba, Hakuba mura, Hakuba village
keywords: mountain, nagano, olympic games, ski resort
related topics: Nagano prefecture , Azumino
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Happo is the mountain ridge which goes toward the east from Mt. Karamatsu (2696m) of Ushiro-tateyama mountain chain and belongs to the village of Hakuba, in Nagano Prefecture. It is well known as a big ski resort and you can climb there by using rope way and ski lift from the foot up to Kurobish-daira (1680m) through Usagi-daira. During Nagano Olympic games of 1998, the racing of downhill and super giant slalom as well as ski jumping were organized there.


原宿 表参道
alternative words: Harajuku district, Omotesando, Omote sando
keywords: district, tokyo
related topics: Meiji shrine , Shibuya , Aoyama
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in the eastern Shibuya ward, between Meiji shrine and Aoyama district, there were many villas of rich families and aristocrats before world war II. Recently many luxurious mansions and fashionable shops being built, Harajuku has became an attracting point of Tokyo's young people. You get out from Harajuku station of Yamanote line then go to the east along Omotesando street.

Hato Bus

alternative words: Pigeon Bus, Dove Bus
keywords: company, tokyo, travel agent
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , JTB
related web sites:
explanation: Company founded in August 1948 in order to organize bus tours of Tokyo for tourists. There exist night tours as well as English spoken ones. It belongs now to JTB group and employs about 660 persons.

Heanjingu Shrine

alternative words: Hean jingu shrine, Heanjingu, Hean-jingu, Hean jingu, Heianjingu shrine, Heian jingu shrine, Heianjingu, Heian jingu
keywords: kyoto, shrine
related topics: Kyoto city
related web sites:
explanation: Shrine built in 1895 at Kyoto City in order to commemorate a transfer of Japanese capital to Kyoto 1100 years ago (i.e. 795). It enshrines Emperor Kanmu who decided this transfer and its architecture imitates the Imperial Palace of that period.

Hikone Castle

alternative words: Hikonejo castle, Hikone jo castle, Hikonejo, Hikone-jo, Hikone jo, Hikone
keywords: castle
related topics: Shiga Prefecture , Lake Biwa
related web sites:
explanation: Located on the eastern shore of Lake Biwa at Hikone city in Shiga prefecture, the construction of the castle began in 1603 and was completed in 1622 by Seignior Ii Naomasa. Though the main dungeon being only 3-stored, its complex but harmonious building plan shows a matured castle architecture of that period.

Himeji Castle

姫路城 白鷺城
alternative words: Himejijo castle, Himejijo, Himeji-jo, Himeji jo, Shirasagi castle, Shirasagijo castle, Himeji
keywords: castle, world heritage
related topics: Hyogo Prefecture
related web sites: , ,
explanation: The town of Himeji has been since long times an important place for the maritime and terrestrial traffic and has developed as a castle and post town. The history of the castle began by the construction of a fort by Governor Akamatsu Norimura of Harima county (Himeji region) in the first year of Genko era (1331). Then, his son, Sadanori transformed it as a castle of his habitation in the 3rd year of Shohe era (1348).

Hiratsuka city

alternative words: Hiratsukashi city, Hiratsukashi, Hiratsuka shi, Hiratsuka
keywords: kanagawa, town
related topics: Kanagawa prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the south-center of Kanagawa prefecture, facing Sagami bay, Hiratsuka had developed as a post town of Tokaido road during Edo period. Around an ancient navy's gunpowder mill there are many factories such as cars, tires and food processing. Tanabata festival in summer is well known. The population is 252,000.

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