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Habomai Island

alternative words: Habomai Islands, Habomaishoto, Habomai-shoto, Habomai shoto, Habomai
keywords: hokkaido, island, territorial dispute
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Kuril Island
explanation: Group of small islands located in the offing of Nemuro peninsula. The main islands are Shihatsu and Suisho with total surface of about 100 km2. Strictly speaking, it is not a part of Kuril chain which is of a volcanic origin while Habomai has been formed by a rising of sea terrace. With Etorofu, Shikotan and Kunashiri islands, it forms so called "northern territory", of which return back is always claimed by Japan. Currently nobody is living there excepting Russian coast guards.

Hachijo island

alternative words: Hachijojima island, Hachijojima, Hachijo-jima, Hachijo jima
keywords: island, tokyo, volcano
related topics: Izu islands , Izuoshima island
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located about 300 km south from Tokyo on Pacific Ocean, Hachijojima is the second largest island after Oshima island and the most southern island among 7 Izu islands. Composed by 2 volcanoes, Mt Hachijo fuji (854m) and Mt Mihara yama (701m), race fields and an airport are spreading between them. Its surface is 69 km2 and the population 9,000. During Edo period, Hachijojima was a famous exile place for convicted. Hachijojima belongs to Fuji Hakone Izu national park.

Hachimangu Shrine

alternative words: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Tsurugaokahachimangu Shrine, Hachimangu, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu, Hachimanguu shrine, Hachimangu temple
keywords: kanagawa, shrine
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Kamakura City , Usa Shrine
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shrine built by Minamoto no Yoritomo in order to protect Kamakura against a bad fate. It is a "child shrine" of Usa Shrine located in Kyushyu. Hachiman is a nick name of the Japanese 15th Emperor, Ojin. Yoritomo being the first Shogun, the cult of Hachiman became very popular among Samurai clans in the Middle Ages.


alternative words: Mt. Hachimantai, Mount Hachimantai, Hachimantai Mountain
keywords: mountain, ski resort, tohoku
related topics: Iwate Prefecture , Akita Prefecture , Lake Towada
explanation: Located on the border between Akita and Iwate prefectures, it is a vast plateau of volcanic origin of about 1500m high. The highest peak is 1614m. During the winter and spring, it offers excellent slopes for mountain skiers. With Lake Towada on the north, it forms Towada Hachimantai National Park.

Hachinohe city

八戸市 八戸
alternative words: Hachinoheshi city, Hachinoheshi, Hachinohe-shi, Hachinohe shi, Hachinohe
keywords: harbor, tohoku, town
related topics: Aomori Prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the east of Aomori prefecture on the Pacific cost, it had developed as a castle town of Nanbu family before they moved to Morioka. In order to overcome an underdevelopment of the region, Hachinohe was chosen in 1962 as "shinsangyo toshi" i.e. "new industry city" promoted by the central government and since then steel, chemical and cement industries have developed. Its population is 240,000. "He" means a barrier to stop Ainu's invasion so Hachinohe means "8th barrier".

Hachioji city

alternative words: Hachiojishi city, Hachiojishi, Hachioji-shi, Hachioji shi, Hachioji, Hachiouji, Hachiooji
keywords: tokyo, town
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Keio electric railway
related web sites:
explanation: Situated in the western suburb of Tokyo and the entry point to Kanto plain, Hochioji had developed as a castle and post town during the middle ages. The textile industry which developed during Edo period remains still active but the electrical appliance industry and food processing are now growing in importance. Recently many houses have been built for the people who go to work to Tokyo from there. There exist many tourist sites such as Mt Takao. The population is 520,000.

Hakodate City

alternative words: Hakodate, Hakodateshi, Hakodate-shi
keywords: harbor, hokkaido, town
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Tsugaru strait
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Hakodate is a merchant harbor located in the southwest of Hokkaido. It faces Tsugaru Strait and has developed as a front door where Seikan ferry ships come and out. According to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and USA, it became an international harbor at the end of Edo period together with Yokohama and Nagasaki. There are factories of shipbuilding, tinning, steel industry, refrigeration and chemical manure. Its population is 350,000.


alternative words: Mt. Hakone, Mount Hakone, Mt Hakone, Hakonenoyama, Hakoneyama, Hakone volcano
keywords: hot spring, kanagawa, mountain, tourist resort, volcano
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Lake Ashinoko , Odakyu electric railway , Odawara city , Numazu city , Atami city
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Hakone is a composite volcano located in the southwest of Kanagawa prefecture and the diameter of its caldera is about 11 km. In the center, there are 7 volcanic peaks such as Mts Kamiyama and Komagadake while Ashinoko lake lies between them and the west outer rim. Being one of the most important tourist resort, almost all the areas are included in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. About 2 hours of trip from the downtown of Tokyo (Shinjuku Station) by train or bus.

Hamamatsu City

浜松市 浜松
alternative words: Hamamatsushi city, Hamamatsushi, Hamamatsu shi, Hamamatsu
keywords: town
related topics: Shizuoka Prefecture , Tenryu river
related web sites:
explanation: Town located near delta of Tenryu river in Shizuoka prefecture, it has developed as a castle and post town in Edo period. Taking advantage of its modern transport networks (bullet train and express way) and a vicinity to 2 heavily populated areas (Nagoya and Tokyo), its industry is prosperous, especially textile and music instruments: the headquarters of Yamaha and Kawai are located there. Its total population is about 550,000. Eel rising on Lake Hamana is notorious.

Haneda Airport

羽田空港 羽田飛行場 東京国際空港 羽田
alternative words: Haneda, Haneda international airport, Tokyo airport, Tokyo international airport
keywords: airport, tokyo
related topics: Narita Airport , Tokyo Prefecture , Keihin electric express railway , Tokyo tower
related web sites:
explanation: Old airport of Tokyo. Situated in the south-eastern part of Tokyo on a reclaimed land, it has 3 runways and the 4th has been just opened. After the opening of a new airport at Narira in 1978, most of the international traffics has been moved there and it is now reserved for internal flights and charters. Being located near Tokyo's downtown, its access is very easy. You can take a monorail from Hamamatsu station near Tokyo Tower. Since 1998, Keihin railway arrives directly at Haneda airport, too.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01