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Nasu highland

alternative words: Nasu kogen, Nasu kougen, Nasu-kogen, Nasu-kougen, Nasukogen, Nasukougen, Nasu
keywords: hot spring, mountain, tourist resort
related topics: Tochigi prefecture , Fukushima prefecture , Nikko
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in the north of Tochigi prefecture near the frontier with Fukushima prefecture, Nasu highland spreads on a south-east slope of Nasu volacano (1918 m). Hot spring of Nasu has been well known since old times, but it began to develop as a tourist resort when an imperial villa was opened there. Recently this place is attracting media attention because the central government has chosen it as one of the candidates for a new Japanese capital. Its higher part belongs to Nikko national park.

Nayoro city

alternative words: Nayoroshi city, Nayoroshi, Nayoro-shi, Nayoro shi, Nayoro
keywords: hokkaido, ski resort, town
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Yamagata prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the north of Hokkaido, the town is very young, because it was created by the colons coming from Yamagata prefecture in 1900. Its main activity is based on agriculture: diary farming, potatoes, sugar beets etc. Nayoro is well known as one of the coldest towns in Japan and Mecca of winter sports with its 90m K ski jump (normal hill) stadium. The population is 34,000.

Nemuro city

alternative words: Nemuroshi city, Nemuroshi, Nemuro-shi, Nemuro shi, Nemuro
keywords: harbor, hokkaido, town
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Kuril Island
related web sites: ,
explanation: Town located in the east of Hokkaido, on Nemuro peninsula, facing Kunashiri island. It population is about 40,000. A tiny trading post with Ainu living in Kuril islands during Edo period, it has developed considerably as the fishing base of Kuril area since Meiji era. It owns many canning and freezing factories for fishes captured not only by Japanese but also Russians.


alternative words: Nihonbashi district, Nihon-bashi, Nihon bashi, Nihombashi
keywords: bridge, district, tokyo
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Sumida river
related web sites:
explanation: District situated in northern part of Chuo ward in Tokyo between Imperial palace and Sumida river. It is a symbolic point of Tokyo, because every main roads such as Tokaido depart from Nihonbashi bridge located there. During Edo period, the district flourished as a commercial center and a fish market. Today it continues to be prosperous as a high class shopping area with Mitsukoshi department store. Bank of Japan and Tokyo stock exchange are settled there, too.

Niigata city

新潟市 新潟
alternative words: Niigatashi city, Niigatashi, Niigata shi, Niigata
keywords: town, world cup
related topics: Niigata prefecture , Sado island , Shinano river
related web sites:
explanation: Located at the delta of 2 big rivers, Shinano and Abukuma, Niigata has developed during Edo period as a harbor to collect the rice. Opened in 1858 to foreigners, it has become the biggest harbor of Hokuriku region with links to Sado island and Vladivostok. A reserve of natural gas and oil gave the birth of petroleum and chemical industry, but the exploration has stopped due to a subsidence. Some matches of soccer world cup 2002 will be organized there. The population is a half million.

Niigata Prefecture

新潟県 新潟
alternative words: Niigata, Niigataken, Niigata-ken, Niigata ken, Nigata Prefecture, Nigata, Nigataken, Nigata-ken, Nigata ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Sado Island , Shinano river , Niigata city
related web sites:
explanation: Niigata prefecture occupies the north-eastern part of Chubu region facing Japanese Sea. Its surface is 12,578 km2 and the population 2.4 millions. The prefectural office is at Niigata City. The prefecture owns the largest rice fields in Japan but in winter the agricultural activity ceases because of a heavy snow fall. Gold mine in Sado Island as well as oil field are exhausted but chemical industry remains very active. There exist may popular ski resorts thanks to the vicinity to Tokyo.

Niijima island

alternative words: Nii island, Nii jima island, Niijima, Nii jima
keywords: island, tokyo, tourist resort
related topics: Tokyo prefecture , Izu islands
related web sites:
explanation: One of Izu islands located on the south of Tokyo. Niijima is a volcanic island of stretched form. Though there is a historic record of exposition, the volcano is actually inactive. Due to its white sand beach, Niijima has become recently a popular beach for surfers. Besides tourism, the main industry is pig raising and "kusaya" (dried saurel). Shikinejima island located on the west was separated from Niijima after the great earthquake of 1703. The surface is 24km and the population 2700.

Nijo Castle

alternative words: Nijojo Castle, Nijo jo Castle, Nijojo, Nijoujo, Nijo jo, Nijou jo
keywords: castle, kyoto, world heritage
related topics: Kyoto city
related web sites: ,
explanation: Castle served as a residence of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of Edo shogunate, during his stay at Kyoto. It was completed in 1603 but lost its main keep (Honmaru) in 1750 by a fire, which was rebuilt in 1827. The remaining auxiliary keep (Ninomaru) has been designated as a national treasure because of a good conservation of Azuchi Momoyama style (late 16th century).


alternative words: Nikkou
keywords: hot spring, tourist resort
related topics: Tochigi Prefecture , Lake Chuzenji , Toshogu Shrine , Mt. Nantai , Tobu railway , Jidaimura
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Famous international tourist resort. It is divided into Nikko-sannai where 2 shrines and 1 temple (i.e. Toshogu, Futaara Shrine and Rinno Temple) are located, and Oku-nikko around where Mt Nantai, Lake Chuzenji, Plain of Senjo and Nikko-yumoto Spa are located. About 2 hours of trip from the downtown of Tokyo (Ueno Station) by train.

Nishi Honganji Temple

alternative words: Nishihonganji Temple, Nishihonganji, Nishihongan-ji, Nishi honganji, Honganji Temple, Hongan-ji Temple
keywords: kyoto, temple
related topics: Kyoto City , Tsukiji Honganji Temple
related web sites:
explanation: One of the most prestigious temples in Japan, situated at Kyoto City. Though its history is older, it was moved to the actual place thanks to an aid of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1591. It belongs to the school of Jodo Shinshu initiated by the famous Buddhist priest, Shinran but is has been split into several rival sects. For example, Higashihonganji Temple, built with an aid of Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1602 also at Kyoto City belongs to another sect.

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