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Gifu Prefecture

alternative words: Gifuken prefecture, Gifu, Gifuken, Gifu-ken, Gifu ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Mt. Yari , Mt. Hotaka , Mt. Yake , Mt Ontake
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explanation: Gifu prefecture occupies the western part of Chubu region. Its surface is 10,595 km2 and the population 2 millions. The prefectural office is at Gifu City. The northern half region is mountainous and cold where people is living with tourism and forestry, while the southern half is a plain with rather mild climate, where the farmers are cultivating rice fields, vegetables and fruits. As an extension of Nagoya industry area, there exist many textile and automobile factories, too.

Ginkakuji Temple

銀閣寺 慈照寺
alternative words: Ginkaku-ji Temple, Ginkaku Temple, Ginkakuji, Ginkaku-ji, Jishoji Temple, Jisho Temple, Jishoji, Jisho-ji, Silver Pavilion
keywords: garden, kyoto, temple, world heritage
related topics: Kyoto City , Kinkakuji Temple
related web sites: ,
explanation: Ginkakuji Temple, located in the eastern hill of Kyoto city, has been built by the 9th Shogun of Muromachi, Ashikaga Yoshimasa at the end of 15th century. He was incompetent as politician, but loving the arts of tee ceremony and gardens, he is considered as one of the best protectors of the art of that period. Contrary to Kinkakuji Temple which deserves the name of "Golden Pavilion", Ginkakuji is not covered by silver leaves because of an influence of "Zen".


alternative words: Ginza district
keywords: district, tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: A district in Chuo ward in the southeast of Tokyo railroad station. During Edo period, Edo shogunate had established a mint for casting silver coins (Ginza means "silver mint"). It has then been transformed to the oldest shopping area of Tokyo. Japanese Kabuki theater (Kabuki-za) has been settled there too.


alternative words: Gion district
keywords: district, kyoto
related topics: Kyoto City , Yasaka Shrine
related web sites:
explanation: A district in the Higashiyama Ward in the east of Kyoto City. It had initially appeared as a market before Yasaka Shrine, then developed as a brothel quarter during Edo period. It has now become a popular entertainment area with bars and geisha establishments.

Great Buddha of Kamakura

alternative words: Kamakura Daibutsu, Buddha of Kamakura, Buddha statue of Kamakura, Daibutsu
keywords: kanagawa, temple
related topics: Kamakura City , Great Buddha of Nara
related web sites: ,
explanation: The Great Buddha of Kamakura which is cited with that of Nara is located at Koutoku-in in Hase District of Kamakura City. Its official name is Kondo-Amida-Nyorai-Zo, and it is a copper statue of 11.5m high and 124 tons weight. Well known as a symbol of Kamakura, it is always crowded by pilgrims. Basically Unkei style with a flavor of Chinese Song style, it is a typical art of Kamakura Region at that period.

Great Buddha of Nara

alternative words: Great Buddha, Nara buddha, Daibutsu, Nara daibutsu
keywords: nara, temple
related topics: Nara City , Todaiji Temple , Great Buddha of Kamakura
related web sites: ,
explanation: Being a huge foundry statue with 15m high, the official name of the great Buddha of Todaiji Temple is Rushanabutsu (national treasure). It was built by Kuninaka Kimimaro and others as a national enterprise and its opening ceremony took place in the 4th year of Tenpyoshoho era (752).

Gunma Prefecture

群馬県 群馬
alternative words: Gunma, Gunmaken, Gunma-ken, Gunma ken, Gumma prefecture, Gumma, Gummaken, Gumma ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Mt. Asama , Oze plain , Tone river , Maebashi city , Takasaki city , Shimonita city , Numata city , Kusatsu spa , Mt Haruna
related web sites:
explanation: Gunma prefecture occupies the north-western part of Kanto region. Its surface is 6,355 km2 and the population 1.9 million. The prefectural office is at Maebashi City. Gunma is well known for its textile related industry since the Middle Ages. Though it is now declining, thanks to an abundant electric supply from Tone River, the chemical and electric industry is developing. The region is also well known for its tourist spots like Mts. Haruna and Tanigawa, and many hot springs.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01