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日本航空 JAL 日航
alternative words: Japan Airlines, Japan airline, Nihon koku, Nihon kouku, Japan air lines, Japan air line
keywords: airline, company
related web sites:
explanation: The largest aviation company in Japan, founded in August 1951. It serves 24 airports inside Japan and 82 outside. Initially semi-public and semi-private and having owned a monopoly on international lines, it has become completely private since 1987 with the liberalization of Japanese air traffic.


日本 日本国
alternative words: Nihon, Nippon
keywords: state
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Honshu island , Kyushu island , Shikoku island , Mt. Fuji , Tokyo prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Insular country situated in north-east Asia on the rim of Pacific ocean and formed 4 major islands, i.e. Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku, and 3000 smaller islands. The total surface is 378,000 km2. The landscape is very mountainous with the highest peak, Mount Fuji (3772m) and many active volcanoes. The country is highly urbanized, especially on Pacific coast. The total population is 125 millions. Her capital is at Tokyo. The political system is a constitutional monarchy with a diet parliament.

Japanese inn

alternative words: Ryokan
keywords: accommodation, general
related topics: Hot spring , Youth hostel , Minshuku
related web sites: ,
explanation: In Japanese Inn, each room is partitioned by sliding doors as in traditional Japanese houses and covered by "tatami". In the evening, after dinner, a maid comes to lay down "futon" and you sleep there. There are no chairs but in the room but only a low table.

Japanese pension

alternative words: Pension
keywords: accommodation
related topics: Minshuku , Karuizawa , Mt. Yatsu
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Japanese pension has no relationship with English counterpart. It is a small hotel built in popular resorts for young people such as Karuizawa or the hillside of Mt Yatsu. The building is in a western style and the owner makes a full time job with it, contrary to Minshuku.


日本エアシステム JAS
alternative words: Japan Air System
keywords: airline, company
related web sites:
explanation: Middle size aviation company in Japan, founded in April 1964. After merge of several tiny companies, it has taken actual name. Though mostly serving Japanese cities, it operates some liaisons with Asian cities.


alternative words: Jidai-mura, Jidai mura, Jidaimura park
keywords: park
related topics: Shima peninsula , Ise shrine , Nikko
related web sites:
explanation: Jidaimura is a company organizing theme parks on ancient Japanese history. There exist 4 parks. Nikko Jidaimura located in Nikko shows attractions on Edo period (1603-1868) such as Chushingura, while Ise Sengoku Jidaimura located on Shima peninsula near Ise shrine shows attractions on Sengoku period (1467-1603) such as Ninja and civil wars. 2 other parks situated in Hokkaido and Ishikawa prefectures are small and are specialized essentially on Ninja attractions.

JR East Japan

alternative words: JR Higashinihon, JR Higashi Nihon, East Japan Railway
keywords: company, railroad
related topics: Shinkansen
related web sites:
explanation: One of 7 railway companies created in April 1987, after the privatization of monolithic "Japanese National Railways". It has inherited railroads in north-eastern part of Honshu Island and around Tokyo, i.e. 7,538km with 1,706 stations. It employs about 79,100 persons and operates Tohoku and Joetsu as well as Nagano shinkansen lines among Japanese high speed trains.

JR Hokkaido

alternative words: Hokkaido Railway, Hokkaido Railway Company
keywords: company, railroad
related web sites:
explanation: One of 7 railway companies created in April 1987, after the privatization of monolithic "Japanese National Railways". It has inherited railroads in Hokkaido Island, i.e. 2,500 km. It employs about 10,300 persons.

JR Kyushu

alternative words: JR Kyuushuu, Kyushu Railway, Kyushu Railway Company
keywords: company, railroad
related web sites:
explanation: One of 7 railway companies created in April 1987, after the privatization of monolithic "Japanese National Railways". It has inherited railroads in Kyushu Island, i.e. 2,102km with 568 stations. It employs about 12,570 persons.

JR Shikoku

keywords: company, railroad
related web sites:
explanation: One of 7 railway companies created in April 1987, after the privatization of monolithic "Japanese National Railways". It has inherited railroads in Shikoku Island, i.e. 856km with 256 stations. It employs about 3,780 persons.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01