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Yomiuri Land

alternative words: Yomiuriland, Tomiuriland park
keywords: kanagawa, park
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Shinjuku
related web sites:
explanation: Leisure center located at Kawasaki City in Kanagawa Prefecture near Tokyo. Before the opening of Disney Land, it was the biggest in Tokyo Region. You can access it from Shinjuku Station via Keio Line in less that 1 hour.

Yonago city

米子市 米子
alternative words: Yonagoshi city, Yonagoshi, Yonago shi, Yonago
keywords: town
related topics: Tottori prefecture , Mt. Daisen
related web sites:
explanation: Town located in the west of Tottori prefecture. Initially a tiny fishers' village on the shore of Nakanoumi sea, it has developed during Edo period as a castle town. Yonago has become since 1967 "shinsangyo toshi" i.e. "new industry city" promoted by the central government and there exist some steel, textile and pulp industries. Yonago is also a tourism base for Mt Daisen. The population is about 132,000 and owns a small regional airport. Yonago was hit by a strong earthquake on October 6, 2000.

Youth hostel

alternative words: Youth hostels, Japanese youth hostel, Youth hostel in Japan
keywords: accommodation, general
related topics: Japanese inn
related web sites: ,
explanation: Starting to operate in 1951, Japan owns now about 400 youth hostels scattered on the whole archipelagos, from Rebun island in the northern Hokkaido near Sakhalin to Iriomote island in the southern Okinawa near Taiwan.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01