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Iriomote island

alternative words: Iriomotejima island, Iriomotejima, Iriomote jima
keywords: island, okinawa, tourist resort
related topics: Okinawa prefecture , Ishigaki island
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in the west of Ishigakijima, Iriomotejima is the last big island in Okinawa island chain. Few people is living there and most of the island is covered with mountains and subtropical forests inhabited by rare wildcats, Iriomote yamaneko, while mangrove trees flourish at mouths of rivers. The surface is 287km2 and the island belongs to Iriomote national park. You can reach there from Isigakijima island by hovercraft.

Ise bay

alternative words: Ise inlet, Isewan bay, Isewan, Ise-wan, Ise wan
keywords: sea
related topics: Nagoya city , Shima peninsula
explanation: Delimited by Atsumi peninsula on the east and Shima peninsula on the west, it opens to the Pacific ocean to the south where the current is fast while Nagoya city is at the bottom of bay on the north. Its south-north length is 60 km while the east-west width is 30 km. The cost is shoaly and the maximum depth of the bay is about 35m. On September 26, 1959, the bay area was hit by a huge typhoon at the highest tide and it caused the death of more than 5000 persons by breaking dikes (Isewan typhoon).

Ise Shrine

伊勢神宮 伊勢
alternative words: Isejingu Shrine, Isejingu, Inse-jingu, Isejinguu Shrine, Isejinguu, Inse-jinguu, Ise
keywords: shrine
related topics: Mie Prefecture , Shima peninsula
related web sites:
explanation: Shrine located in Mie Prefecture at Ise City. It worships Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu who should be the ancestor of the imperial family. During Edo period, it had been a great center of the popular faith and received each year more than 1 million visitors. It owns also an architectural interest because since Nara period, each 20 years, it has been replicated by following the old plan. With Shima peninsula located nearby, it forms "Ise Shima National Park".

Isesaki city

alternative words: Isesakishi city, Isesakishi, Isesaki shi, Isesaki, Isezaki
keywords: town
related topics: Gunma prefecture , Saitama prefecture , Tone river , Tobu railway
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the south-east of Gunma prefecture on the northern shore of Tone river near Saitama prefecture, Isesaki developed as castle town of Sakai clan during Edo period. It was also well known for its silk industry. Now the main activities are woolen textile, electrical and communication equipment, and kitchen utensils. Isesaki is also the terminus of Isesaki line of Tobu railway. The population is 126,000.

Ishigaki island

alternative words: Ishigakijima island, Ishigakijima, Ishigaki jima
keywords: island, okinawa, tourist resort
related topics: Okinawa prefecture , Senkaku islands
related web sites: ,
explanation: Ishigakijima is the main island of Sakijima gunto (Yaeyama retto), a group of islands located between Okinawa and Taiwan. Ishigakijima is formed mainly with a plateau of coral origin and people is living with the culture of tropical plants and tourism. It owns a small airport but its extension is blocked due to an opposition of environmentalists. Being located on the passage of typhoons, each house is surrounded with stone walls (Ishigaki). The surface is 221 km2.

Ishikawa Prefecture

石川県 石川
alternative words: Ishikawaken prefecture, Ishikawa, Ishikawaken, Ishikawa-ken, Ishikawa ken
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Kanazawa city , Noto peninsula
related web sites: ,
explanation: Ishikawa prefecture occupies the northern part of Chubu region facing Japanese Sea, between Toyama and Fukui prefectures. Its surface is 4,197 km2 and the population 1.1 million. The prefectural office is at Kanazawa City. Ishikawa's traditional crafts have a good reputation, like silk cloths, pottery and lacquer. Fishing is active in the northern region which forms a peninsula, while in the southern region, the farmers are cultivating fruits, tobacco and rice fields.

Itami airport

伊丹空港 伊丹飛行場 大阪国際空港 伊丹
alternative words: Osaka airport, Itami international airport, Osaka international airport, Itami
keywords: airport, osaka
related topics: Osaka prefecture , Hyogo prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Located between Hyogo and Osaka prefectures in a highly urbanized zone and highly frequented, this airport was a center of many court struggles to stop nightly landing until 80s. Since the opening of Kansai airport in 1994, the airport is reserved for internal flights. You can reach there by using a monorail coming from Kadoma city.

Ito city

alternative words: Itoh city, Itoshi city, Itoshi, Ito-shi, Ito shi, Ito, Itoh, Ito spa, Ito onsen
keywords: hot spring, tourist resort, town
related topics: Shizuoka prefecture , Izu peninsula , Shimoda city
related web sites:
explanation: Located in the north east of Izu peninsula, Ito is a famous hot spring resort. Appearing in the history as castle town of Ito clan in the late Heian period, its abundant thermal source had been already well known in Edo period. After the opening of Ito railroad in 1938, it has become suddenly a great tourist resort. Owing many tourist facilities such as high ways and golf courses, the opening of a railroad up to Shimoda in 1961 have made Ito a great tourist base of Izu region. Its population is 70,000.

Itsukushima Shrine

厳島神社 厳島 宮島
alternative words: Itsukushima, Miyajima shrine, Miyajima jingu, Miyajima
keywords: shrine, tourist resort, world heritage
related topics: Hiroshima Prefecture , Inland sea , Matsushima , Amanohashidate , Taira_no_kiyomori
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on a tiny island in Inland sea, Ikutsushima shrine was built in 593 during the reign of Empress Suiko and enlarged by Taira no Kiyomori in 12th century. It worships Princesses Ichikishima, Tagori and Tagitsu, and is considered as a protector of sailors. It belongs to "3 Japanese famous views" with Amanohashidate and Matsushima. Itsukushima mean "holy island" while Miyajima means "shrine island". The shrine has been enlisted in UNESCO's world heritage since 1996 for its exceptional architecture.

Iwakuni City

alternative words: Iwakunishi, Iwakunishi city, Iwakuni-shi, Iwakuni shi, Iwakuni
keywords: military base, town
related topics: Yamaguchi Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Tiny town located in the east of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It had developed as a castle town of Kikkawa family during Edo period. Before 1945, there was a Japanese military air base. Now it is used by Americans. The town is well known also by a bridge of arch form (Kintaibashi) and a reserve of white snakes. Its population is about 44,000.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01