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Fukushima Prefecture

alternative words: Fukushimaken prefecture, Fukushima, Fukushimaken, Fukushima-ken, Fukushima ken
keywords: prefecture, tohoku
related topics: Oze plain , Aizu castle , Mt. Bandai , Lake Inawashiro , Koriyama city , Fukushima city
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explanation: Fukushima prefecture occupies the southern part of Tohoku region on the Pacific coast. Its surface is 13,783 km2 and the population 2 millions. The prefectural office is at Fukushima City. Because the land is relatively high excepting for the Pacific coast, the region is suitable for vegetable and dairy farming. Owing many hydraulic dams in the western mountainous region and nuclear plants on the eastern Pacific coast, the prefecture is the biggest electricity supplier of Japan.

Furano city

alternative words: Furanoshi city, Furanoshi, Furano-shi, Furano shi, Furano, Hurano
keywords: hokkaido, ski resort, town
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture
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explanation: City located in central Hokkaido in Furano basin. The people are living mostly with agriculture activity: dairy farming, rice, onion, asparagus, grape and watermelon. The city owns also a win factory. Its ski resort is well known. The population is about 27,000.

Fushimi inari shrine

伏見稲荷大社 伏見大社
alternative words: Fushimi inari taisha, Fushimi inari taisha shrine, Fushimi taisha, Fushimiinari, Fushimi inari
keywords: kyoto, shrine
related topics: Kyoto city
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explanation: Located on Fushimi ward in Kyoto city, it is the center of Inari cult in Japan. The origin of the shrine remains mysterious but has been traditionally administered by Hata family and considered one of the 3 most important shrines of Kyoto with Kamo and Matsuo. Initially Inari had been the god of rice but gradually transformed to the god of commerce during the middle ages and became very popular among merchants so Fushimi owns more than 30,000 child shrines all over Japan.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01