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Mt Gatsu

alternative words: Mt. Gatsu, Mount Gatsu, Mt Gatsusan, Gatsusan, Gatsu-san, Gatsu san, Gatsu
keywords: mountain, ski resort, tohoku, volcano
related topics: Yamagata Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Situated at the center of Yamagata prefecture with the summit of 1980m high, it forms the biggest shield volcano in Japan. During the middle ages, it had been Mecca of the mountain faith with Mts Haguro and Yudono located nearby. It is now well known as the summer skiing spot because of its gentle sloop. It forms a part of "Bandai Asahi national park".

Mt Haruna

alternative words: Mount Haruna, Harunasan, Haruna san, Haruna
keywords: mountain, tourist resort, volcano
related topics: Gunma prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: A composite volcano of 1448m high, Mount Haruna is one of the 3 famous mountains of Gunma prefecture. The last explosion is dated the 6th century. Lake Haruna located on the caldera attracts many amateur fishers while Ikaho spa located on the eastern skirt is well known for its ferric source. You can get the central peak, called Haruna Fuji, through a rope way. Mt Haruna forms "Harura prefectural park".

Mt. Hotaka

alternative words: Mount Hotaka, Mt. Hotakadake, Hotakadake, Mt. Hodaka, Mount Hodaka, Hodaka Mountains, Hodakadake, Mt. Hodakadake
keywords: mountain, nagano
related topics: Nagano Prefecture , Gifu Prefecture , Kamikochi
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Hodaka is a group of mountains located in the southern part of the Hida Mountains which form a frontier between Nagano and Gifu prefectures. Its main peaks are Kitahodaka, Okuhodaka, Maehodaka and Nishihodaka. Sawteeth mountain ridges and uncovered rocks make it one of the most famous sites for rock-climbing. You climb there from Kamikochi.

Mt Ibuki

alternative words: Mt Ibukiyama, Ibuki mountain, Ibukiyama, Ibuki yama, Ibukisan, Ibuki san, Ibuki
keywords: mountain, ski resort, tourist resort
related topics: Shiga prefecture , Gifu prefecture , Lake Biwa
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located on the frontier between Gifu and Shiga prefectures near Lake Biwa, Mt Ibuki has been reputed for its medicinal plants since old times. The mountain body is composed essentially with limestone and cement plants exploit it. Its height is 1377m and a drive way climbs up to the summit. Belonging to Lake Biwa national selection park, it owns a ski slope on the south-western hillside.

Mt Jonen

alternative words: Mount Jonen, Mt. Jonen, Jonendake, Jonen dake, Jonen, Jounen
keywords: mountain, nagano
related topics: Nagano prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Jonen is the main peak of Jonen Mountain Chain which precedes Yari-Hotaka Chain. Formed from granite, its height is 2867m. It joins Mt Chou toward the south and Mt Ootenjo toward the north. It is very popular as an observatory of Yari-Hotaka Mountain Chain. Usually it is climbed from Ichinosawa Valley from Hotaka Town via Jonen Pass in the north where located Jonen Hut.

Mt. Kirishima

alternative words: Mount Kirishima, Mt Kirishima, Mt Kirishimasan, Kirishimayama, Kirishimasan, Kirishima yama, Kirishima san, Kirishima
keywords: kyushu, mountain, tourist resort, volcano
related topics: Kagoshima Prefecture , Miyazaki Prefecture
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Mt. Kirishima is a group of vlocanos located between Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures and more than 60 explosions have been recorded since 742. Mt. Karakuni (1700 m), the highest, as well as Mt. Takachiho, Mt. Shinmoe etc. are towering and the craters of explosion and volcanic lakes such as Miike and Onamiike are scattered everywhere.

Mt. Kita

alternative words: Mount Kita, Mt. Kitadake, Kitadake
keywords: mountain
related topics: Yamanashi Prefecture , South Alps
related web sites: ,
explanation: Mt. Kita, towering in the west of Yamanshi Prefecture and located in the north of Akaishi Mountain Chain, is one of the mountains forming Sirane-Sanzan group. It is the second highest peak in Japan, culminating to 3192 m high. Its summit is pyramidal and split into 2 peaks, the northern peak and the principal southern one, and its east side forms a steep wall. It belongs to South Alps National Park and is climbed from the river bed of Noro, called Hirokawara (wide river bed).

Mt. Kuju

alternative words: Mt Kuju, Mount Kuju, Mt. Kujusan, Kujusan, Kuju-san, Kuju san, Kuju, Kuju highland, Kujuusan, Kujuu san
keywords: kyushu, mountain, tourist resort, volcano
related topics: Oita Prefecture
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Mt. Kuju is a group of volcanoes of more than 1500m high located at the center of Oita prefecture. The principal peaks are Mt. Kuju (1791m), the highest peak in Kyushu Island, Mt. Daisen, Mt. Mimata etc. It is a well known tourist resort with bunches of alpine plants, camping and hot springs, and belongs to Aso Kuju National Park. Yamanami Highway passes through there.

Mt. Nantai

男体山 二荒山 日光山
alternative words: Mt Nantai, Mount Nantai, Mt. Nantaisan, Nantaisan, Nantai san, Futarasan, Futara san, Nikkosan, Nikko san
keywords: mountain, volcano
related topics: Tochigi Prefecture , Nikko , Lake Chuzenji
related web sites: , ,
explanation: 2484m high, Mt. Nantai is a sanctuary of the mountain belief, inaugurated by Saint Katsudo in the 2nd year of Tenou era (782), and the inner shrine of Futarasan is installed at its peak. Each year from the 1st to 8th August, a climbing ceremony takes place. Nantai means "male body", opposing to Nyotaisan, "female body" located nearby because the erected aspect of the former mountain.

Mt Ontake

御岳山 木曽御岳山
alternative words: Ontakesan, Mt Ontakesan, Ontake, Kisoontake, Kiso ontake, Kiso no ontake
keywords: mountain, nagano, volcano
related topics: Nagano prefecture , Gifu prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on the border between Nagano and Gifu prefectures, Mt Ontake has been a center of mountain faith (Shugendo) since old times. It is a composite strato-volcano and the highest peak is Kengamine (3067m). In 1979, people was astonished by a sudden eruption because there had existed no historic record. There exists on its outer skirt a beautiful primeval forest, protected by seigniors and emperors. The famous folklore song, Kisobushi, has immortalized Mt Ontake.

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Last update: 28/07/20 18:01