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17 article constitution

十七条憲法 十七条の憲法
alternative words: Seventeen article constitution, Jushichijo no kenpo, Jushichijo no kempo
keywords: law
related topics: Prince Shotoku , Asuka period
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explanation: Promulgated in 604 by Prince Shotoku, it is considered the first Japanese written law. Based on Buddhism and Confucianism, it recommends state officials to work in harmony for a good of the nation. Though called "constitution", the naming is fortuitous and it has no relationship with the constitution of a modern nation.

3 imperial treasures

三種の神器 三種神器
alternative words: Sanshu no jingi, 3 imperial regalia, Sanshunojingi
keywords: mythology, religion, thing
related topics: Yamato dynasty , Tumulus , Amaterasu , Susano , Yamata no Orochi , Heian period , Battle of Dannoura
explanation: As a great number of sabers and mirrors found from tumulus testify, Japanese had given them a mythical power. "Kusanagi no tsurugi", saber found by Susano from a tail of "Yamata no orochi" and "Yata no Kagami", religious item used by goddess Amaterasu, were considered 2 imperial regalia. Since Heian period, Yasakani no magatama (necklace of jade) has been added. Those 3 treasures sank at the battle of "Dan no ura" in 1185 but some claim that they should be replica.

5 Japanese kings

alternative words: Five Japanese kings, Wa no goou, Wa no goo, Wanogoou, Wanogoo
keywords: china, emperor, famous person
related topics: Himiko , Yamato dynasty , Kofun period , Wa , Emperor Yuryaku
related web sites: ,
explanation: After Himiko and her successor Toyo sent mission to China in 3th century, Japan entered a civil war period so the diplomatic relation stopped. After an establishment of Yamato dynasty in 5th, 5 Japanese emperors, so called "5 Japanese kings", sent mission to China in order to get a recognition of their dynasty. The difference of genealogy between existing Chinese and Japanese documents has provoked a controversy: only Emperor Yuryaku (Bu in Chinese) is unanimously recognized.

7 fortune gods

alternative words: Seven fortune gods, 7 gods of good fortune, 7 gods of happiness, 7 fukujin, Shichi fukujin, Shichifukujin
keywords: god
related topics: Muromachi period , New year , Takarabune , Daikoku , Hotei , Bishamonten , Benzaiten
related web sites: ,
explanation: Group of 7 gods who have been worshipped since Muromachi period for divers fortunes that they may bring, i.e. Ebisu (god of fishers or merchants), Daikokuten (god of wealth), Bishamonten (god of warriors, Vai污vana in Sanskrit), Benzaiten (goddess of music, Sarasvati in Sanskrit), Fukurokuju (god of longevity), Hotei (god of abundance), and Kichijoten (goddess of happiness, Srimahadevi in Sanskrit). They are frequently represented together on a ship ("takarabune" or "fortune ship").

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Last update: 27/07/20 17:27