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ラックスマン ラクスマン
alternative words: Adam Erikovich Laxman, Laksman
keywords: famous person, foreigner, military man, northern territory, russia
related topics: Daikokuya Kodayu , Ezochi , Sakoku , Matsumae domain , Edo shogunate
explanation: Russian army lieutenant, born in 1766. He was dispatched by Empress Catherine II to establish a diplomatic relation and to return back a Japanese seaman, Daikokuya Kodayu. They arrived in 1792 at Nemuro and passed a winter. Next year, they sailed to Matsumae and met Bugyo Ishikawa Shogen and Murakami Daigaku from Edo shogunate. Due to the national seclusion policy, his mission failed but they gave him a credence letter for a further discussion in Nagasaki.

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Last update: 27/07/20 17:27