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Arita ware

有田焼 伊万里焼
alternative words: Arita, Aritayaki, Arita yaki, Arita ceramic, Imari ware, Imari, Imari yaki, Imariyaki, Imari ceramic
keywords: art, craft, korea, thing
related topics: Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Invasion of Korea , Satsuma ware
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explanation: Ceramic made at Arita city in Saga prefecture. It is also called Imari ware after the name of its export harbor. The ceramic was invented in 1616 by a naturalized Korean potter, Ri Sanpei who Toyotomi Hideyoshi had brought to Japan during the Korean campaign. Initially it had only blue color but thanks to an invention of Sakaida Kakiemon, a red color has been added around 1640 and got a fame even in Europe. The name of Kakiemon comes from the color of this pottery, kaki (persimmon).

Ashikaga Takauji

alternative words: Takauji Ashikaga
keywords: famous person, shogun
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Kamakura shogunate , Shogun , Emperor Godaigo , Kusunoki Masashige , Nanbokucho period
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explanation: 1st shogun of Muromachi shogunate. Born in an important family of samurai in 1305. Called by Kamakura shogunate to subdue a rebellion, he had betrayed it and supported Emperor Godaigo. After another treason, he overthrew the imperial regime of Godaigo (Nan-cho) and set up another regime (Hoku-cho) by nominating Emperor Kome. He himself became shogun by opening Muromachi shogunate at Kyoto. Dead by illness in 1358 before unifying 2 imperial regimes.

Ashikaga Yoshimasa

alternative words: Yoshimasa Ashikaga
keywords: famous person, shogun
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Muromachi period , Onin war , Shogun
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explanation: Born in 1463 as a son of Ashikaga Yoshinori, the 6th Muromachi shogun. After a premature death of his brother, Yoshikatsu, he became the 8th shogun. Unable to get a child, he had chosen his young brother, Yoshimi, as his hair. One year later, his wife gave a son, Yoshihisa, and this provoked the most bloodiest power struggle in Muromachi period, "Onin War". Uninterested in politics, he gave up his title to Yoshihisa and retired in Ginkakuji Temple, built for his taste. He died in 1490.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

足利義満 義満
alternative words: Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, Yoshimitsu
keywords: famous person, shogun
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Muromachi period , Shogun , Nanbokucho period
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explanation: 3rd shogun of Muromachi shogunate. Born in 1358 as the eldest son of Ashikaga Yoshiakira, the 2nd shogun. Yoshimitsu unified successfully 2 imperial families (Nancho and Hokucho) which had divided the country, began the official trade with China, and built "Hanano gosho" as the office of Muromachi shogunate and Kinkakuji temple as his villa. During his reign, Muromachi shogunate reached its apogee. He died in 1358.

Asuka period

alternative words: Asukajidai, Asuka-jidai, Asuka jidai, Asuka era
keywords: epoch
related topics: Hakuho period , Prince Shotoku , Empress Suiko , Buddhism , Battle of Hakusukinoe , Taika reform , Jinshin war
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explanation: Period beginning with an introduction of Buddhism into Japan in the 7th century and ended with a transfer of her capital to Nara in 710. Initially a loose tribal country, Japan had gradually transformed herself to a centralized state around Imperial family and her political center was in the region of Asuka, located south of Nara basin. During this period, Japan has lost its influence and interests on Korean peninsula after a defeat of Hakusukinoe battle in 663. War of Jinshin (672) is another great event.

Azuchi Momoyama period

alternative words: Azuchi-Momoyama period, Azuchi momoyama jidai, Azuchi-momoyama jidai
keywords: epoch
related topics: Oda Nobunaga , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Sengoku period , Battle of Sekigahara , Noh , Tea ceremony
explanation: Some historians particularize the end of Sengoku period and call it Azuchi Momoyama. It spanned between the entry of Oda Nobunaga into Kyoto in 1568 and the battle of Sekigahara in 1600. The name comes from Azuchi castle of Oda Nobunaga in Shiga and Momoyama castle of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Kyoto. The period is characterized by grandiose castles and wall pictures promoted by rich seigniors and merchants. Noh and tea ceremony were also in vogue.


alternative words: Azuma uta, Azumauta poem, Azumauta song
keywords: poesy
related topics: Nara period , Manyoshu , Kokinwakashu
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explanation: Poems created by inhabitants of eastern Japan during Nara period and before. The volume 14 of Manyoshu includes 230 Azumauta poems created unknown authors. Kokinshu includes also a dozen of Azumauta. They express the life of farmers in eastern Japan with a simplicity and dialects. Azumauta means "Songs of east".

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