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alternative words: Ooyashima, Oh yashima, 8 major islands, 8 main islands
keywords: mythology
related topics: Nihonshoki , Izumo dynasty , Izanagi Izanami
explanation: 8 major islands to which the gods Izanagi Izanam gave first birth, i.e. Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Owaji, Oki, Tsushima, Iki, Sado. All the major islands in "Japan sea" being present while none of islands in "Pacific ocean", it corroborates that Izanami Izanagi legend should have been created by Izumo dynasty. Nihonshoki cites different versions on the appearance order (some sources added even Korean lands), but it is always Awaji island which appears first.


お雑煮 御雑煮 雑煮
alternative words: Ozouni, Zoni, Zouni, Ozoni soup, Ozouni soup
keywords: food
related topics: Edo period , Mochi , New year , Osechi ryori , Miso , Kamaboko
explanation: As its name indicates, initially god's offering is cooked together after a ceremony: "zoni" means " mixed cooking". Since Edo period, it has become a popular dish along with "osechi ryori" during a new year celebration. It consists to boil "mochi" and other ingredients such as "kamaboko" (steamed fish paste) and vegetables with a soup. In eastern Japan (Kanto area), the soup is transparent (sumajijiru) while in western Japan (Kansai are), it contains white "miso" paste.

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Last update: 27/07/20 17:27