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Kyushu Tandai

九州探題 鎮西探題
alternative words: Chinzei Tandai, Chinsei Tandai, Kyushutandai, Chinzeitandai
keywords: office, title
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Muromachi shogunate , Dazaifu , Invasion of Mongols , Nanbokucho period , Hojoshi
explanation: Office settled in 1293 at Dazaifu in Kyushu by Kamakura shogunate in order to facing Mongol invasion. The first responsible was Hojo Kanetoki. Since then the post was occupied traditionally by Hojo clans and charged with the regional military and judicial matters. The following Muromachi shogunate also created the same post in 1371in order to fight against the partisans of southern court in Kyushu during Nanbokucho schism period and Imagawa Sadayo was the first responsible.

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Last update: 27/07/20 17:27