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alternative words: Taihei-ki, Taihei ki
keywords: book
related topics: Kamakura shogunate , Muromachi shogunate , Emperor Godaigo , Ashikaga Yoshimitsu , Nanbokucho period
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explanation: Contrary to its name may suggest (Taiheiki means "chronicle of the peace"), it is a war tale. Composed of 40 volumes, it covers the fall of Kamakura shogunate by Emperor Godaigo in 1333 to the stabilization of Muromachi shogunate by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, by passing the period of "Southern and northern courts" when there existed simultaneously 2 emperors. With the participation of several authors (Kojima hoshi is one of them), it was completed in 1371.

Taika reform

alternative words: Taika no kaishin, Taikano Kaishin, Taika
keywords: event
related topics: Asuka period , Emperor Tenchi , Nakatomi no Kamatari , Soga no Iruka
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explanation: A palace coup d'賡t which took place in 645 with the participation of Prince Nakano ooe and Nakatomi no Kamatari in order to throw out Soga family who had become too powerful. After this putsch, they strove for the creation of a centralized state by suppressing large private land owners and introducing a state ledger to control the tax collection. Nakatomi no Kamatari received the name of "Fujiwara" and gradually his family arrived to control the imperial court.

Taira no Kiyomori

平清盛 清盛
alternative words: Taira-no-Kiyomori, Tairano Kiyomori, Kiyomori
keywords: famous person, war lord
related topics: Heishi , Genji , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Heian period , Heike monogatari
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explanation: Born in 1118 in Heishi family as the eldest son of Tadamori. Being a brave warrior, he eliminated successfully the most of Fujiwara family and Genji during Hougen war (Hougen no ran) of 1156 and Heiji war (Heiji no ran) of 1159. Then he become the prime minister (Dajo daijin) and sent his daughter as the wife of an Emperor. His family monopolizing the most of important posts and fortune, many people became angry with Heishi. He died in 1181 because of a fever illness.

Taira no Masakado

平将門 将門
alternative words: Tairano Masakado, Masakado Taira, Masakado
keywords: famous person, war lord
related topics: Heishi , Heian period
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explanation: Warlord of the middle Heian period. He is a grand son of Taira no Takamochi who founded prestigious Heike family. Initially the quarrel over a woman, it had been degenerate to a large scale rebellion over the whole Kanto region. Masakado wanted to create an independent country in the east of Japan by nominating own regional governors. He was killed by Fujiwara no Hidesato in 940. Now, he has been enshrined at Kanda shrine as a protector of Tokyo.

Taisho democracy

alternative words: Taisho democracy movement, Democracy of Taisho
keywords: event, law
related topics: Taisho period , Genro
explanation: Popular movement of Taisho period, demanding to suppress the privilege of privy council (sumitsuin), genro, house of peers, army etc and to establish an universal suffrage. The main ideologues were Yoshino Sakuzo and Minobe Tatsukichi. The movement was strongly influenced by European democracy movement of post world war I and shifted gradually to a socialist movement. After the promulgation of universal suffrage and peace preservation law (Chian ijiho) in 1925, it ran out of stream.

Taisho period

alternative words: Taishojidai, Taisho jidai, Taisho reign, Taisho era, Taisho
keywords: epoch
related topics: Emperor Taisho , Siberian intervention , Taisho democracy
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Period stretching between 1912 and 1928 and corresponds to the reign of Taisho emperor. The period was relatively calm and characterized by a democratization of political structure (Taisho democracy) with the general election law of 1925 which gave right to vote to every male from 25. As other major events, we can quote World War I in 1914-1918, Siberia intervention in 1918-1922, Washington conference in 1921-1922, and great earthquake of Kanto in 1923.

Takadaya Kahee

alternative words: Kahee Takadaya, Takadaya Kahei, Kahei Takadaya
keywords: famous person, northern territory
related topics: Ezochi , Edo period , Matsumae domain , Basho , Golovnin
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in Awaji island in 1769 in a poor family. He became the richest merchant of Ainu's land (Ezochi) by opening a route to Etorofu island and was accepted in samuirai clan. Russians captured him as a retaliation of the capture of captain Golovnin, off the coast of Kunashiri island. During his imprisonment on Kamchatka peninsula, he learned Russian language and strove with Golovnin for a reconciliation of the 2 countries after his liberation. He died in 1827.


高天原 高天原
alternative words: Takamaga hara, Takama ga hara, Takamanohara, Takamano hara, Takama no hara
keywords: mythology
related topics: Amaterasu , Susano , Yayoi period , Kojiki
explanation: Legendary country where Goddess Amaterasu would be reigning with his brother, Susano. It owns a typical landscape of Yayoi period with rice fields and weaving women. It may situate in northern Kyushu because the river where all the gods gather to discuss on its dry bed is called "Amano-yasu-kawa" while there exists a river called "Yasu" in that region.


alternative words: Takara bune, Takara no fune, Fortune ship, Treasure ship
keywords: thing
related topics: Muromachi period , 7 fortune gods
related web sites:
explanation: 7 fortune gods, invented in Muromachi period, have been popularized during Edo period with the collective presentation on a sailing ship: according to a popular belief, when man got a good dream by putting a ship image under the pillow on the 1st January, the whole year should be fortunate. The ship image is still used during a new year celebration and a shop's opening ceremony. The concept of "fortune ship" may have originated from China but the number of gods is 8, there.

Takasugi Shinsaku

alternative words: Shinsaku Takasugi
keywords: famous person, meiji revolution
related topics: Yoshida Shoin , Kido Takayoshi , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in 1839 in a samurai family of Choshu domain. After having studied at Shoka Sonjuku school of Yoshida Shoin, he traveled to Shanghai, where he witnessed the western colonialism in China. He organized Kiheitai, a militia composed with farmers and merchants to fight against westerners during Shimonoseki bombardment (1863-64). In 1865, Shinsaku took control of Choshu domain with Kido Takayoshi and repelled the 2e attack of Edo shogunate in 1866. He died of tuberculosis in 1867.

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