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Kamakura period

alternative words: Kamakurajidai, Kamakura reign, Kamakura jidai, Kamakura era
keywords: epoch
related topics: Minamoto no Yoritomo , Ink painting , Kamakura shogunate , Hojoshi , Jodo sect , Nichiren sect , Zen , Invasion of Mongols
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explanation: Period beginning with the nomination of Minamoto no Yoritomo to "shogun" in 1192 and ended with the suppression of a regency (Shikken) perpetuated by Hojo family in 1333. It is the first regime dominated by samurai clans and the Japanese political center left also firstly Kinki region. This period is characterized by a development of money based economy and Japanese own cultures such as new Buddhist sects and art. Mongols tried to invade two times Japan (1274 and 1281).

Kamakura shogunate

alternative words: Kamakura bakufu
keywords: office, shogun
related topics: Kamakura period , Minamoto no Yoritomo , Emperor Gotoba , Emperor Godaigo , Hojoshi , Shikken , Shugo , Jito , Rokuhara tandai
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explanation: Shogunate opened by Minamoto no Yoritomo in 1192 with its office settled at Kamakura. It is the first era when samurais took powers and the provinces had been administered by his own officials, Shugo and Jito. After the death of Yoritomo, there were no valid successors, so Hojo clan established a regency (Shikken), shogun becoming a symbolic title. Though survived with Shokyu disturbance of 1221 and Mongol invasions of 1274 and 1281, it collapsed by the attack of Nitta Yoshisada in 1333.


alternative words: Kami-dana, Kami dana, Shrine in miniature, Shinto altar
keywords: craft, thing
related topics: Amaterasu , Shintoism , Edo period , Shimenawa
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explanation: During Edo period, Japanese have been accustomed to visit Ise shrine which worships Sun Goddess, Amaterasu. There, it was distributing "ofuda", a kind of paper strip which is considered having the same holly power as shrine itself. So people built an altar in home to install it. Later this practice has been generalized for other shinto shrines. Kamidana looks like a shrine in miniature and is installed on a shelf. It should face to south or east direction and avoid a noisy place like near door.


alternative words: Kami kaze, Kamikadze, Kami kadze, Kamukaze, Kamu kaze, Divine wind, Kamikaze wind
keywords: event, war, weapon, world war 2
related topics: Kamakura period , Invasion of Mongols , Amaterasu , Waka , Kaiten
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Literally "divine wind", this word has been used in different contexts. Its first meaning is "makura kotoba" (debuting word in Waka poem) for Ise province which owns the main shrine of "Goddess Amaterasu". The second meaning is the gale which sank Mongol's ships during the invasion of 1274 and 1281. The third meaning is "special suicidal fighter pilots" used at the last phase of WWII. Finally you can use this word in any context, when you are saved from a hopeless situation.

Kanagawa treaty

日米和親条約 神奈川条約
alternative words: Treaty of Kanagawa, Yokohama treaty, Treaty of Yokohama, Nichibei washin joyaku
keywords: treaty
related topics: Commodore Perry , Edo shogunate , Sakoku , Tokugawa Yoshinobu
related web sites: ,
explanation: Treaty signed between US Commodore Perry and Roju Abe Masahiro of Edo shogunate in March 1854 at Kanagawa near Tokyo. It forced Japan to give up 200 year old national seclusion policy (Sakoku). The main provisions are the opening of 2 harbors, Hakodate and Shimoda, for American ships and an establishment of US consulate in the latter town. Kanagawa being now completely absorbed by Yokoham City, you can call it "Treaty of Yokohama".


観音 観世音菩薩
alternative words: Kanzeon Bosatsu
keywords: buddhism, god
related topics: Bosatsu , Jizo , Nyorai , Buddhism
explanation: Attendant (Bosatsu) of Buddha Nyorai, he is supposed to be able to hear everybody who are suffering in order to save them. With Jizo, he is one of the most popular deities in Japan. Frequently he is represented by a statue with many hands (Senju Kannon i.e. Kannon with 1000 hands) or many faces. His Sanskrit name is Avalokite浡ra and means "those who observe freely what's occurring in the world".

Kano school

alternative words: Kanoha school, Kanoha, Kanouha, Kano ha, Kanou ha
keywords: art, school
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Edo shogunate , Oda Nobunaga , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Ink painting , Hashimoto Gaho
explanation: Japanese painting school founded by Kano Masanobu, an official painter (goyoeshi) of Muromachi shogunate. His son, Motonobu created "Kano style" by synthesizing Chinese and Japanese painting (yamatoe) techniques. Motonobu's grandson, Eitoku, patronized by Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, developed screen and wall painting (shobyoga). Eitoku's grandson, Tanyu, recruited by Tokugawa Ieyasu as goyoeshi, realized many painting for Edo shogunate and his disciples perpetuated Kano school.


alternative words: Kampaku
keywords: title
related topics: Heian period , Fujiwara family , Toyotomi Hideyoshi
explanation: Contrary to "sessho" which acts as regent when an emperor is too young, kanpaku is appointed in order to assist an adult emperor and considered the highest bureaucrat in the imperial court. The first "kanpaku" was Fujiwara no Mototsune in 887 who had replaced Emperor Yosei by Koko. The position was traditionally occupied by Fujiwara family excepting for Toyotomi Hideyoshi and his son in law Hidetsugu in 16th century.

Kanto kanrei

alternative words: Kantou kanrei, Kanto kanre
keywords: office, title
related topics: Muromachi shogunate , Kamakura shogunate , Ashikaga Takauji
explanation: After the suppression of Kamakura shogunate, Muromach shogunate established a special office "Kantofu" in Kanto region because of its strategic importance. The post came to Ashikaga Motouji, the 3rd son of Takauji, and his siblings were called "Kanto kubo" or "Kamakura kubo" while the assistant post, "Kanto Kanrei", came to Uesugi Noriaki and his siblings. The post of Kanto kubo was suppressed after Eikyo rebellion in 1438 while "Kanto kanrei" subsisted until Sengoku period.


keywords: mystery
related topics: Yanagita Kunio
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Amphibious monsters supposed to live in Japanese rivers and ponds. Green colored, they are of the size of a human child and able to walk with 2 legs on the land but die when their dish on the head's top is dried up. They were feared to be responsible of water accidents by drowning victims. They may be imagined from a confusion with the otters.

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Last update: 27/07/20 17:27