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alternative words: Von Siebold, Philipp Franz von Siebold
keywords: famous person, foreigner, scholar
related topics: Sakoku , Dejima , Mamiya Rinzo
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explanation: Born in 1796 at Wurzburg in Germany. After medical studies, he came to Japan in 1823 as attached doctor at Dutch Dejima trading post of Nagasaki. During his stay in Japan, he taught the western medicine to Japanese and carried out the botanical and zoological studies. Denounced by Mamiya Rinzo after having received a detailed Japanese map from a disciple, he was expelled in 1829. He prepared the publication of Japanese materials in Leiden as pioneer work.

Siege of Osaka castle

大阪の陣 大阪冬の陣 大阪夏の陣
alternative words: Siege of Osakajo, Osaka no jin, Osaka fuyo no jin, Osaka fuyonojin, Osaka natsu no jin, Osaka natsunojin, Battle of Osaka
keywords: war
related topics: Battle of Sekigahara , Toyotomi Hideyoshi , Sanada Yukimura , Tokugawa Ieyasu , Ronin
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explanation: After the battle of Sekigahara, the unique dangerous lord for Tokugawa Ieyasu was Toyotomi Hideyori, a son of Hideyoshi. Under the pretext that he would wish the end of Tokugawa, Ieyasu sent 200,000 men in 1614, while Hideyori shut himself in Osaka castle with a great number of ronin. Understood the castle impregnable, Ieyasu proposed an armistice in exchange of reclaiming the outer moat. But the inner moat being also reclaimed, the castle fell easily in June 1615 and Hideyori killed himself.


新羅 新羅国
alternative words: Silla kingdom, Shiragi, Shinra
keywords: korea, state
related topics: Paekche , Battle of Hakusukinoe , Mimana , Koguryo , Empress Jingu
explanation: One of 3 Korean kingdoms which occupied the south east of Korean peninsula between 4 and 7th centuries According to a legend, , the people might originate from Ko-choson, another Korean kingdom which preexisted in North Korea. Initially, a weak country which survived under the shadow of Koguryo, it extended gradually the territory by absorbing Kaya (Mimana) in 562, then unified Korea with an aid of Tang dynasty: falls of Paekche in 660 and Koguryo in 668.

Sino-Japanese war

alternative words: Sino Japanese war, China Japan war, Nisshin senso, Nisshinsenso, Nisshin sensou, Nisshinsensou
keywords: china, war
related topics: Meiji period , Shimonoseki treaty , Yamagata Aritomo
related web sites: ,
explanation: War between China and Japan provoked by a dispute on Korean interests. It began in August 1894 in southern Korea. Before well trained Japanese troops, China showed virtually no resistance and her army had already retreated to southern Manchuria in the October 1894. At the same time the navy lost the battle of Yellow Sea in September 1894. Before this general debacle, China signed the humiliating treaty of Simonoseki in March 1895 and accepted the cession of Taiwan to Japan.


蕎麦 そば
keywords: food
related topics: Soy sauce , Tempura
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explanation: Thin noodle principally made from buckwheat with an addition of wheat flour, yams and eggs to increase the viscosity. After having boiled in waters, it is usually served in a hot or cold soup made from soy sauce, sweet sake (mirin) and stock (dashi). As ingredients, you can add Welsh onion, eggs or tempura. The primary region of its fabrication is Nagano prefecture. Though it is consumed in everyday life, it is specially appreciated at the year end to wish a long life (toshikoshi soba).

Soga family

蘇我氏 蘇我
alternative words: Soga clan, Soga shi, Sogashi, Soga
keywords: buddhism, family
related topics: Emperor Ojin , Emperor Nintoku , Yamato dynasty , Mononobe family , Buddhism , Taika reform , Soga no Iruka
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explanation: Soga claimed to stem from Takeuchi no Sukune, prime minister of Emperor Ojin and Nintoku. Since the appointment of Soga no Iname to Oomi, i.e. minister, Soga gradually raised their influence by controlling diplomatic and finance matters of Yamato court, and adhered firmly to Buddhism. With an elimination of their political rival, Mononobe by Umako in 587, Soga became more powerful than Emperor but his son, Iruka was killed during a putsch in 645 and Soga declined.

Soga no Iruka

alternative words: Sogano Iruka, Soga Iruka
keywords: famous person, statesman
related topics: Soga family , Taika reform , Asuka period , Prince Shotoku , Emperor Tenchi , Nakatomi no Kamatari
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explanation: Born in Asuka period as a son of Soga no Emishi and grand son of Soga no Umako (birthday unknown). After having inherited a ministerial post from Emishi, he governed the imperial court with more arrogance than his father. In order to put Prince Furuhito to the throne, he assassinated Prince Yamashiro Oe, a son of Prince Shotoku. During the reception of a Korean ambassador at Palace of Asuka Itabuki in 645, he was assassinated by Prince Nakano Oe and Nakatomi no Kamatari.

Sogetsu school

草月流 草月会
alternative words: Sogetsuryu school, Sogestu-ryu, Sogesturyu, Sogetsu-kai, Sogetsukai
keywords: ikebana, school
related topics: Ikebana
related web sites:
explanation: School of flower arrangement (ikebana) initiated by Teshigawara Sofu (1900-1979) in 1927. It is characterized by an influence of modern art and daring choice of materials (school of avant-garde). They have strongly committed to an internationalization of ikebana.

Soto sect

alternative words: Sotoshu sect, Sotoshu, Soto-shu, Soto shu, Soutou sect, Soutoushu sect, Soutoushu, Soutou-shu, Soutou shu
keywords: buddhism, sect
related topics: Eihe Dogen , Rinzai sect , Zen
related web sites: , ,
explanation: One of the 5 major Zen sects in China. It was implemented in Japan by Dogen in 1227. It developed first under a shadow of Rinzai sect. It became independent when Dogen moved to Eheji temple of Fukui prefecture. After the death of Dogen, the sect suffered a scission and it is Daijoji temple of Ishikawa prefecture who became the center of sect with Keizan as leader. Contrary to Rinzai sect, it prefers a gradual enlightening thanks to long and austere meditations.

Soy sauce

alternative words: Shoyu, Shouyu, Shoyu sauce
keywords: food
related topics: Muromachi period
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Basic flavoring agent used in Japanese meal, coming from a fermentation of soybean, wheat, water and salt put together. It takes one year to be pressed to extract the liquid part. In old times, man having preferred rather fish sauce, the usage of soy sauce has become more popular since Muromachi period. The main center of the fabrication is in Chiba prefecture for Kanto style (thick shoyu) while Hyogo prefecture makes Kansai style (thin shoyu).

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